First Discovery in China
6:01 pm

LOL...u must be wondering if my brain is working properly, bcos if i cant access my blog, why am i blogging right now??
the fact is, i cannot access my blog, but i can access which means i can write blogs, but i cant view them...haha so kindly pardon me.
my china trip started over here:

i arrived at around noon, and my first stop is to settle down at my father's office first and have lunch. these few days actually quite sianz, nth much to do except settle down. had my first training with my coach on saturday, next training is tmr! really excited and im really disappointed to see how much my skills deproved from last yr...proved that SAJC TT training is totally USELESS...haha sorry teammates, but its true right?

probably the best thing that happened past 3 days was the late night ktv-ing on saturday, it was peak hour but it was the only day most of my relative are free, so we drove and arrived at KangKangLiuDing, one of the best ktv operator in xiamen...
this is their main entrance, and the thing that awed me was...theres about 3 other ktvs operating across the road, all looked equally zai, but my father said this one was recently renovated, so we entered. and o yea, KTVs in xiamen is out-of-bounds to kids belows the age of 18!! that means i actually entered illegally..haha

not difficult to imagine why are KTVs only for 18 and above, this place is so diff from singapore! i think its totally diff level from singapore. in singapore, ktv is considered a recreation ba...but over here i suspose its a luxury...just look at the main hall, looks like some hotel. the KTV is actually 3 storyes tall, my room happened to be at the 3rd floor, and this is wat i saw as i walked out of the lift:

looks like some hotel more than a ktv right?? below is the stairway to the 2nd floor...and finally i entered my room. and its totally different from what we see in singapore. i've went to ktv in china before, so im not really awed, but its still luxurious entertainment for me. the room consist of 3 parts. the stage. the sofas. and the bar. this is what i saw as i entered the room:

its the TV, the mini stage and the seats. below is the view while standing on the stage:
its really the best place to sing, a mini tv in front of u, and ur listeners get to sit in the sofa or chill at the bar. below is the view from the sofa seats:
really had an enjoyable time that night, the songs were very new and i got the chance to test out my voice for the first time since i learnt a new singing technique.
but whats my point of posting up the pictures?
one is for u to be able to see my journey
another reason is so that my friends who hasnt been to china can have a feel of life in china. so many ppl in singapore think we are living a better lifestyle than the ppl in china, and i want to prove those ppl wrong! look at how advance the entertainment business in xiamen, one of the smallest city in china, has advanced beyond singapore! many uncles and aunties think china only has villages with farms and are super uber wrong! u might think yea these places are only for the rich...but wait a sec! students very often visit KTVs too, illegally of cos...bocs they below 18 ma... haha
this is what im trying to say, i really like the lifestyle my relatives are living in china, china has already won singapore in many places, we as singaporeans should remain ignorant about it. hopefully i can post pictures about other aspects of life in china later, so do check it out.
i've come to the end of this post, i really cannot access my blog, other ppl's blog sorry peeps, but i'll try to blog whenever im free yea? and i can read my tagboard so u guys can continue tagging on it. im getting really to go on my solo trip, so many things highly anticipated, hope u guys are having fun in singapore and enjoying ur holidays too.
till i blog again!
