1:12 am

my plane will take off in about 6.5 hours time, gonna catch a shuteye soon if not i would risk oversleeping later.

really pek chek about the stupid budget airlines, just bcos i wanna save that hundred bucks, dun have this dun have that, now im even told that i have to physically walk up the plane...omg just hope i will land at xiamen asap. 4hour15minutes

im gng back, going back to where i started, and i'll find myself there, the original self, the yuchuan i wanna be, just wait.

i want this trip to be different from the past 10 trips, just like SL Intensive 2007, i wanna make this trip the most rewarding. i love to travel alone and go on a so-called adventure and explore the world myself, and this time im gng to do just that.

i'll be carrying my backpack and visiting cities i've nvr been, and explore places i have nvr ventured too, its gng to be exciting and highly anticipated! i'll be on the move and stop by anywhere i came along when i need a rest. of cos i'll be taking photos and staying connected thru the internet.

and i'll continue to blog about trip, whenever i have access to the net and there's things to blog about, so do check it out yay!

objective for this year-end retreat: explore, train, study and retrieve.

so goodbye singapore, and goodbye all my beloved friends, even though its only gng to be a short seperation, let's say this final goodbye before we meet again...
