1:06 am

omg! good news to me, i've just found the David Tao of the West! he's the singer of the song One Last Cry, one of david tao's fav singer too, Brian McKnight. both Mcknight and DT sing with similar RnB style, pleasure to my ears, thanks to DT for introducing him to me! haha....since DT is not having any new album for 2 years, i shall survive of these DT-like always, there will always be something special in the singers i like, i totally found myself in this song as i read the lyrics, 5/5 stars!!

Brian McKnight - Still

Funny when you stop and think,
Time goes faster than you blink,
Nothing's ever like it was,
Girl we've got a special thing,
You're the happiness it brings,
Is more than enough,
I know it's hard to believe,
Your still the biggest part of me,
All I'm living for,

I still think about you,
I still dream about you,
I still want you and need you by my side,
I'm still mad about you,
All I ever wanted was you,
Your still the one, Your still the one,

It's hard to breathe when we're apart,
You're that sunshine in my heart,
I keep you here inside,
You've been everything to me,
You've been and always will be,
The apple of my eye,
And I know It's hard to believe,
Your still the biggest part of me,
All I'm living for,

If you love me, look into my eyes and say you do,
I've been waiting all my life for someone just like you,
Baby after all we've been through,
Girl I'm still in love with you,
And I want you to know, I do, I do

today is the last day of school for saints! hooray? i dun feel any sense of rejoice, haiz cos still got PW and esp Alvl GSC. but celebrations today was not bad, cos its also mrs lim's last day as an educator, so this morning after chapel, we had a series of performances for mrs lim, band's performance was short but sweet, saw the many new faces of band and i must say they played well! the problem with today is that the stage was almost owned by the SFC! lolz esp the johnny depp and timothy guy...i think they appeared 3 or 4 times, see until sianz. other than that everything's great. too bad table tennis didnt prepare anything, we werent even notified to do anything. sometimes i feel table tennis is too insignificant a CCA in sajc, even though we're amongst the top 4 teams in singapore, we're hardly recognised in school, if u ask me, i believe its due to poor leadership.

feeling kind of confused since yesterday, you know, like when u hear a news which u cannot believe, but yet was told it was true, then u were trying desperately trying to find an explanation for everything thats happening around you, and what u were taught since young totally goes against what happened. i really dunno whats gng on in this world. wheres the justice, wheres the fairness, wheres the sensitivity, wheres the compassion, where are we?

this world we're living has little difference from the situation in Battle Royale, just that there's no visible violence and blood shed. but in fact, the greatest menace are blood shed behind our sight. this is a world which we are not allowed to fail, not allowed to make mistakes, because whatever u do will follow you forever. like myself, i've failed myself so many times even though my life is just beginning to unfold, and needless to say i believe all these failures will follow me forever, there's no way to deny that at some time of ur life, u fail, u were defeat, but whats impt is that u stood up strong again. life is like a paper on the typewriter, you are the typist, one wrong letter typed cannot be erased, but u gonna continue typing to finish the story. hopefully after people read finish ur story, they will understand the mistakes made in some parts of the story, and it doesnt affect the overall reading pleasure, thats life.

of cos these things are easier said than done, but standing up from where u fall, and coming back strong is the most impt skill we must learn as we struggle in this world. no one can help us stand up, no matter how much ppl try to pull you up, u will not be able to stand up again if u have too much regrets and anger, they will forever weigh u down. so whenever we fall, its impt to get rid of all the negative thoughts, so that u'll be free to fly up high again. we WILL make our mark definitely, as long as we believe it will happen!

so now i believe i will get an A for GSC! i chose to take one yr, and its my fav subj in jc, so i'll not let myself down again, i know i fail myself by getting only an A for chinese PSLE, and A2 for HCL olvls, i WILL not let history repeat itself, its time to show the world where my chinese standard really is.

holidays has actually started for us liaoz, but theres still much work to be done, we cannot rest yet, thats the life of JC students, sad?? i dunno
