7:46 pm

my room is gone, its occupied, and i am stucked in the guest room with a lousy fan which barely creates any wind...and thanks to my brother, i cannot stay over at royston's house. No computer to use after 10pm bcos my mother's guests from china sleeps early, lucky i still have my guitar to accompany thru the night.

im not procrastinating la, cos my mum also didnt want to accept the guests, for some personal reasons, but she had no choice bcos she didnt want to affect her relationships with her old classmates. so my room was sacrificed cant wait for monday, when i will get back into my room.

today og27 didnt have any outing or BBQ, for the simple reason that too few ppl can make it, everyone is occupied by somethings like CCA, tuition and other stuff, which i can understand, so i just called it off, postponed to next weekend, ppl plz make urself available!! thanks! but im also very very annoyed by some ppl, i really had a hard time asking everyone to go and waiting for comfirmation, checking out the bbq food and eeyen also check out the pit for me, so of cos i will feel some degree of discourage-ness when so many tell me they cant go, but i know its hard to plan outing during this period so i anticipated this will happen and can accept it, but plz la, spare me a thought and dun pour cold water on me, i wanted to tell this certain someone that outing is cancelled, then what reply did i get? "Like obvious. No one can go dude. XXX got stuff. XXX got stuff. I got stuff." i threw my phone on the bed as soon as i saw this msg, what are you trying to tell me? Like obvious? so i was being stupid by informing u that outing is cancelled? or i was stupid to plan an outing in the first place? you didnt even bothered to tell me you couldnt make it, and here u are trying to act smart and make me look stupid...haiz i really duno if thats ur true intention or u are merely too insensitive to people's feelings. its not like im paid to plan outings, or im planning outing for my own pleasure, so at least reply with a nicer tone...i hope im not being too demanding, maybe i am being too narrow-minded.

i know that theres different type of ppl in our society and i used to create alot of enemies bcos of my carelessness in speech, so i always believe i can stand different type of ppl more than most ppl. so i must constantly remind myself that i must face everyone and anyone with a forgiving heart and accepting heart.

i know i made myself look ugly by complaining and grumbling so much about a small thing, but this IS my blog right? i dunno any other ways to get rid of this annoyance in me except to throw them all into my blog, i apologize if i offended anyone with my words.

i also hope anyhow who felt offended by my words b4, to forgive me too. i always get carried away and bcome careless about what i say, but you know i will nvr mean anything try to understand, ppl make mistakes, i tend to make more mistakes than others, correction and forgiveness is the only thing that can save me, so yeap so sorry peeps!

BBQ outing will be next saturday! this time must make it a successful and funfilled one, and it will only be enjoyable if everyone goes for it! i will start asking ppl again, but if u know u can make it, dun wait for me to invite you, tell me you can come and i will greatly appreciate it! sorry eeyen! i failed to plan for u a joyful bday bbq party...forgive me, i will try my best to make next saturday possible!
