29/6/2007...regrets, resolutions, difference
10:20 pm

had one of the worst hair cut ever today, and it costed me $21.80 at JeanYip! the DM will love my short frig, should i even call it a frig anymore? kao, actually wanted to go REDS, but its $36.60 so we took the cheaper option: Jeanyip, another lesson learnt: 便宜没好货!i rmb very clearly telling the hair stylist to cut short only the back, and keep the length for the rest parts, trim abit can liao, when i put on my specs to take a look at the end product...i almost fainted, had the urge to stuff the hair dryer into the hair stylist's mouth, but what is done cannot be undone, how i wished the salon had less mirrors, so i can look at my @##$@$ haircut less...

actually planned haircut outing with royston, turned out 7 of his classmates came along to bugis to play pool, got to know the 7 of them, felt great cos they were really fun-loving ppl and easy to get along with. Royston really got some good company...haha after the haircut went to bugis street and bought a backpack, my shoulder is finally getting better treatment. royston's classmates were really pro at pool, ganna trashed upside down.

JJ new album Westside is out today! and i got it first thing i return home, as im writing now, im still listening to all the songs, up till now all the songs are nice, but dun have songs whcih touched me yet...haha

common test was like a dream, i walked into the classroom, and walked out 2hours later, leaving nth but regrets behind. its evitable for me to get UUU, i can only blame myself for slacking so much, that ii feel so helpless during the exams, as i stare and stone at the qns paper, my brain was totally blank, as i flipped through the pages of the paper, trying desperately to find a qns i can manage but to no avail, i threw my pen down on the table and looked out of the window in despair, if there's something i could do at that pt of time, it was to accept defeat, if there's someone who can save me now, its myself. but i still wanna thanks everyone who has helped me during this period, esp when im in need of exam necssacities and when my fav exam partner failed me.

i'm feeling very tired, very very...so i'll let david tao's lyrics do the rest of the talking, its exactly what i wanna say:
从小在历史课就发现人与人不一样 不同的国家不同的文化不同的宗教
造成地球几千年不停的战争 越变越陌生使得仇恨延伸 虽然我们有了高科技的发达
却还是每天人与人在吵吵打打 这真的让我感到心里有点怕怕 我真的不懂为什么人类那么阿达
如果这世界没有这么多的变化 可想见人生会无聊到不像话 就像那孙悟空的七十二变
他如果不会变就对那西游记说再见 不管你是chinese,korean,japanese,malay,乌拉圭西班牙
还是缺了一颗牙 只要你有那火热的心 什么都摆的平 去创造新的生命
不一样就是不一样(想)怎么样?我就是不一样!就是不一样我就是不一样!不一样就是不一样so what!so what!我就是不一样!就是不一样
come on我常常在街上听人家在八卦什么hot什么not 最近什么最当家最近哪个牌子红
哪个音乐ㄙㄨㄥ 哪个牌子风 谁的发型普通 我一点都不在乎谁是现在的流行先锋
因为我知道流行只是一种盲从 吃肥油吃肥油 他只会让你心灵的健康统统没有
不管你是什么样的人 什么样的文你绝对千万不能忘记这世界还有很多其他不同的人
你需要打开胸怀 绝不要立刻歧视 你可能吃的是一碗白饭一个汉堡意大利面条一个寿司
一条satay chotto matte 只要你有那火热的心 什么都摆的平 去创造新的生命
甘地迪士尼老子孔夫子蓝侬卓别林brando(白兰度)跟毕卡索爱因斯坦 freud(浮来得)达赖喇嘛
都是与众不同的伟人 就是人类的heroes 从这些一个的一个的特殊创始人的身上
我们可以看到 不一样的思路 才能真的让这尘世有个美丽前途 相应成趣就请那规律出去(get out) 所以当你在下次看到有人刺tatoo 或你有朋友觉得重金属的音乐真的才cool
不管他台湾人诸葛四郎或者他肥胖 他还是跟你一样一样 同样的爱心 彼此彼此
你要释放礼让忍让绝不希望 我只会盼望你有火热的心 什么都摆的平 去创造新的生命

11.10pm : thinking of you...
