SATT Shanghai Trip!!!
2:48 pm

i know this is abit late, its not my fault! i only got the photos 3rd day after exams and its ALOT of pictures, 1GB i had to select the pictures and upload them one by one...very painstaking, and this post is gng to be SUPER LONG!! cos of all the pictures, dun get discouraged plz, cos i really spent a long time uploading! haha so scroll till the sleepy now, i need a power nap!!! but i shall blog about my enjoyable shanghai trip first!shanghai trip was boring in the content, haha cos we visited nth but TEMPLESSSS and MUSEUMSSSSSS, but the fun came from the team bonding and in the
looks similar huh? haha this is our first group photo after arrival! at 外滩, behind the 东方明珠. spirits were high! and it was VERY windy, the lady in white was our tour guide in shanghai and hangzhou
my roommate, kelvin, who was also the camera man...haha thanks him for the 1GB photos
2nd stop in shanghai, Nanjing Street Shopping!! haha my team all wanted to shop shop and shop, everyone just rushed off into the shopping malls as soon as we arrived, this cute train is like the LRT within the street, cos the whole place is damn big, if u are tired u can pay 2rmb to sit on it and it will bring you all around nanjing street! i didnt take it cos i was busying shopping too! haha with kelvin yuyang and karen, yuyang is from shanghai, so thanks to her we got alot of discounts in bargaining! if u wonder why i look so cos i took this picture! haha kelvin was saying he wanna take 4 of us and the nice background behind, but we had no 5th person, so i created this "special" self-taking method, which was quite "impressive" huh?
We got bored while waiting to leave nanjing street, so tried being retarded by irritating the kid and his mother...first restaurant we had our dinner, the toilet sign is damn interesting, the lights will blink it actually shows things shooting out...yucks! i had my dinner with this sign blinking just beside me...
2nd Day

early in the morning, visited shanghai museum, we did browsed thru some artefacts and art pieces, but in the end 4 of us PS the whole group and went somewhere nearby to shop! even ms ong followed us, yuyang led the way. of cos later ganna scolded by jiwen...but manged to purchase many interesting things.

saw a big gap between this two fella, so i added myself into the retarded i know

2nd stop of the day, Shanghai City Planning Museum
i took this picture too, with my newly acquired taking method! haha behinf us is the landscape of shanghai. cant find my house cos its located too far away from city central...
then we board our coach and headed to suzhou, all of us fell aslp but was waken halfway, cos we passed by the singapore industrial estate in suzhou, so of cos had to come down from photo taking! look at my lost
Hanshan TEMPLE!!! our first destination in suzhou, aftet that i think we went to shop again...
3rd day

this is one of the gardens in suzhou, u cant see from here, but behind us is a lake, and im squatting on a small rock just beside the lake, high risk of falling back and...

kelvin was showing me his camera functions, and this one is cool, u select a colour and it will only take picture with that colour! for this picture, he selected the brownish gold from my shirt

o yea, this is how our dinner and lunch 24/7 looked like, almost the exact same food, just quality worse and worse...2 extreme yihan was helping us put ice cubes into our cups, after he helped 4 of us, we realized there's a dead cockroach inside the ice jar....then theres the vege, i ate and ate, until i saw a 20cm long hair inside the plate....grossss.....i've been in china for 17 years, and i've nvr encountered such lousy food

this is how our hotel room in sushou looked like, and YES its the toilet behind the blurry window...this room is already much better than the shanghai hotel, which i forgot to take a picture, shanghai's one is totally no door, no walls, no lock, only TRANSPARENT CLEAR glass....

this is how clear u can see one bathing....

4th day

westlake in hangzhou! we were planning to visit one of the schools for TT match that afternoon

after the crowded westlake, we went to this tea farm...quite famous for its longjing teasome incident happened that day, between yingjie and lucas, details...i shall help them keep it a secret...but u can see how black lucas' face after lunch went SHOPPing AGAIN!!!
this is the school, hangzhou tourism school, beautiful campus right? how we wished SAJC was like this...and they had this big street at the entrance, digital one, which said "Welcome students from SAJC" haha guess we felt quite honoured?
TT match was crap, the students there cant even play the game properly, but its not their fault, the teachers and tour agency didnt plan our trip properly anyway. i look weird in the phot? haha cos lucas smacked the ball onto my arm by accident and i jumped in
students from the school whom join us in our game, however most of us got sianz and went to play soccer with them instead, which they proved to be much better play like 10 over matches with those enthusiast...for recreation purpose...and plus i hate soccer!

5th Day

still at hangzhou, visited the holy place for buddhism, Daxiong Palace? i hope i named it correctly...quite sian actually, just walked around and sightsee abit...

the legendary one line sky...erm dunno how to say in english...but it basically a dark cave, ppl say if u go inside the cave and can see a tiny bit of sky from the ceiling...u have "chemistry" with buddhism...haha and guess what? i saw it!!! lol but it was bcos many ppl was around that "spot" and some ppl were guiding us to see the small crack in the cave...

TEMPLES again!! this time is YueFei sianz as ever...

statue of the 2 person whom framed yuefei, alot of ppl were spitting on them so theres a sign nearby which says "no spitting" lol after that we went shopping again..this is getting boring i know...

6th Day...Last Day!

we proposed to wake up late that morning, bcos we were all totally beat. then we got fed up with the lousy food, so we told the tour guide to combine our lunch and dinner money and go somewhere good. so we went Changhuang Temple...which is a shopping eat the famous xiao long food we had in 6 days man...then some of us fork out our own money and order more baos, including this soup bao...damn cute sia!

let the picture do the talking...

just b4 departure, we visit the top of the 东方明珠...260 plus storeys was a great view from above..and we had lots of fun taking photos
last group photo, it was raining but we were all super high! this ended off my 6 day team trip in shanghai, a city which i am much familar with, but this trip packed loads of different feelings, all of us sure feel more like a team now, we were all backed refreshed, bonded and loaded with good memories...i will definitely visit shanghai again, but the feeling will nvr be the same...thanks SATT!!
