10:41 pm

got a terrible terrible headache yesterday night, so slept as soon as i reached home, shall blogg abt my eventful weekend. Highlight this weekend is the change of the hp! finally got out from the stone age and into modern times...

saturday slept until 3pm liddat..haha i was suspose to plan class outing at night but i was so blur and couldnt decide anything, until 4.30 then decided to go marina square at 6pm. then i sat my mum down and told her 5 big reasons why i should change phone that day, and haha off we went to hougang pt to grab the phone b4 the gst raise from 5% to 7%. Phone settled at 6pm, when im suspose to meet my class at 6pm! so i was 45 min late and the rest were quite pissed...lol...sorry guys! that night was a farewell dinner for cherwaye, at Newyork Newyork! first time there, man the food was nice...but cindy and i was like having a hard time eating the spring chicken without being too un-glam...haha
Guojun + Me
Penne Cream with BBQ Spring Chicken! Yum...
After they nice and EXPENSIVE dinner went to play late night pool, which costed a bomb too, after that went to 7-11 to buy alcohol...haha all of us were like so nervous about buying alcohol cos we arent legal yet, but i always see benedict buy it like nobody's business, so i told them to just act normal, as expected...we got hold of 3 bottles and went outside St Andrew's Catheral to thou and drink...maybe the alcohol caused my headache, not very sure, but we parted at 11.30pm...
This morning went to bugis to meet my guitar teacher kianpang, for guitar browsing! at bras basah and penisula. an eye-opener to me cos i saw so many weird guitars. Walked around all the shops, around 10 of them, touch here and there, play this and that...but bought none! haha buy i really tempted to buy one, cos i were deciding between 2 models, one is damn cool, other is damn good, and both are damn cheap, so i couldnt make up a decision, i pulled myself out of the shopping centre b4 i cant control my feelings and buy on impulse, after some research and considerations just now, i've decided which guitar to get, and im gng to get it tmr. I didnt waste my afternoon though, cos i bought something! 4 guitar picks for $2!! haha, damn cute sia...

Turtle Picks!

weekend has been a tiring and money-consuming time for me, suddenly got so many things i wanna buy and so little money...my ban accc is gng to dry up soon, how i wish money rain down from the sky...haha ok im being retarded, cant wait to get my new guitar tmr, its gng to be the first guitar i buy for myself! hope i didnt make the wrong decision....

11.20pm: where are you? i want to see your words, hear your voice, see your face...
