a new office which is old...
12:27 am

i'm not the only person who's gng into a new phase of life, back in china my uncle is also busy changing his business direction. my uncle and i share the same goal, to earn first million at 30 years old and retire at 35. He has done the formal, and at 34 years now, he's planning to migrate to canada at the end of the year and enjoy his retirement. the company was called Dixin Interior Design, but not any more, today its called IDC, or interior design connoisseur. an era of the his career my uncle described as "playing time", lol meaning? i think you can interpret yourself haha! i sneaked out from the hotel during my shanghai and visited his new office, its situation at shanghai EXPO, somewhere near city central, with lots of angmos walking around. At night, this place is surrounded by western bars and pubs, even more angmos! sianzzz...the whole expo is revamped from a very old steel factory, but its damn big! and ran-down too...got a very retro feeling. all the companies here mainly deals with art and design, by situating the office here we get to enjoy External Economies of Scale.
the whole office consist of 3 blocks of flat, housing the "showroom"block , admin block and designers block. this is the entrance to the designers' block, note the logo, its designed by me! hehe
view from above...the designers' at work
guest meeting room above the admin block, the stairs behind the curtains leads to the balcony
garden behind the curtain of the guest meeting room

exterior of admin block and showroom block, the building is really damn old, feel like its gng to collapse real soon!
admin's office, wonder who's that person in red?? haha
i find this office quite cool, cos its very different from the previous offices my uncle or father had, firstly its damn big, secondly its damn old, and thirdly its damn ex! sometimes i think my uncle abit crazy when expanding business nowadays lol hopefully new place will bring new opportunities, haha next time i go back shanghai can visit the pubs at night! whee! of cos when i am 18 years old la...
