2:52 am

hard to believe...omg do u believe it? i am now listening to Maroon 5's Wouldnt Go Home Without You, and the moment i start typing "hard to believe" the lyrics sang "hard to believe..." amazing!! haha ok i know i sound retarded, but isnt it surprising to realize how many coincidence are there around you! ok back to what i was gng to say, hard to believe its friday liao,i was reading physics just now i suddenly looked up and said "today is friday? time to blog!" haha yea it has become a habit for me to blog at the end of the week, cos life is tough nowadays, we really need to find someway to let out our frustration and write out our thoughts.

as i said, its surprising to know how many coincidence are there around us. thursday i just realized that chu chu is borned in shaowu! same as my father! and i myself actually grew up there, it is a very small village, so very high chance that we have met each other b4 when we were very young! amazing right? the world is so small! just one regret, haha we realized it so late, we shouldve found out during orientation period...that shows that communication is very very impt! haha i have one more laoxiang yay!

today had a mini outing for og27, partly for some ppl to see jingnan for the last time b4 she returns to singapore, maybe in 2 or 3 years time. omg u will not believe this, but theres tears in my eyes right now, i suddenly feel this "sourness" in my eyes when i type "in 2 or 3 years time", i always thought i was very insensitive to emotions, but for some reason this time im super sensitive...lol its hard to imagine friends leaving u for so long, i told jingnan she can come back and see all of us guys shaven bota and praying in the shaolin temple! haha anyway today's outing is the first i planned since JAE started, almost given up b4hand, cos its like so few ppl replying me and everyone's asking redundant qns, and all my unfinished revision adds to the frustration, just wanted to cancel everything...but luckily i didnt, cos today's "mini" outing turned out quite great, haha finally managed to see many long-lost faces and have some great catching up. everyone seem to be their same own self, as happy and enthusiatic as orientation period, except me who have gone thru rounds of emtional changes since end of PAE, i tried to find who i was back then, but i failed, i couldnt go back to the yuchuan before JAE, somehow. everytime i think of some things, it will dampen me, and today while sitting around my PAE friends, i was having a hard time getting into mood, its really a difficult situation to be in, hope no one realized i was not very good today...everything is adding up to my frustration...studies, exams, the things ppl do, the face ppl show me and the things ppl say...i really cant stand it sometimes, esp now...thats why i decided to take a walk outside tonight just now...

after dinner 8pm went to waisum to collect ur gift for jingnan, b4 i left home i thought i wanna stay out longer, so i brought along 2 tins of tea and rA's Uweekly. After seeing waisum strolled for about 500m across the road to mdm lee's house, its been 3 months since i last visited her, she was chionging material for saturday's tuition at that time, but was kind enough to put down her work and entertain me for half hour or so, gave her the tea and chit chatted with her about xinmin students this year and Olvl maths vs Alvl maths...haha i felt so good after talking to her again, somehow everytime i chit chat with ppl like that i find it somehow relaxing and stress releasing. how i wish i can talk to the person on my mind, my friends, my teachers like this more often, just find a place peaceful and chit chat, its the best time to know each other better, to get closer and to clear your doubts, but its impossible to do so if only i wanna talk haha, must get the other person to be willing to talk as well. Pace of life, too fast! no one can afford to sit and chat...except me of cos lol and hopefully more ppl will join me! at 9 took bus 24 to rA's house. promised to bring her the Uweekly this afternoon, but i forgot! *bang my head on the wall* so i felt i should at least correct my mistake and try to make up for not keeping a promise. After handing her magazine, felt so light and free! as if a heavy stone is lifted off me, maybe cos my chilling did work, next time u see me wandering out for nth...u know whats gng on in my mind...haha!

i concluded i dun like roller coaster rides, its just driving me crazy! one moment it seem to be moving steadily uphill, then alll of a sudden i'm being thrown down from 50ft...its not like im some rubber ball, throw down still can bounce up, i will just "biak" on the floor and die. really dunno why i am made to sit this type of roller coaster rides all the time, or maybe i'm just imagining the ride, i really dunno whats going on, ok la not really dunoo, but not sure whats gng on, then also no chance to ask, then also cannot anyhow guess...wakao my head dunno wanna spin left or right now, its all tangled up! haha too much elastic potential energy...but nvm i'll wait and see.

i feel like slapping myself, haha from 12 to 2 study physics, then spend another 1.5 hour using comp again! what a slacker i am...now physics currently 2 chapters left to study, and i really have no idea whats the two chapter abt! lucky i bought a good book a few days back, helped me shorten my revision time by leaps and bounds, SA notes practically sucks, like i said "even i can make it better to suit myself" looks like Alvl must really kao zi ji, SAJC academic-wise is kao bu zhu one. maths havent started yet, really GG, after physics will be maths qns spotting time! spot all the common qns and know them well, hopefully i can improvise and pass...but i expect myself to fail...judging my the amt of effort i put in. econs i total screwed up, but like physics, i think i also managed to buy a good book about essay writing, but its of little help when i no nth abt econs and exams is just a few days more to go, go sayonara common test! SAJC fire me with all ur Us ba! haha i'll be the free frag for common test, it seems inevitable that im gng to triple U this time, and i cant change it fast enough liao, so just go with the flow...stay happy! im not gng to let academics affect my life and emotion, its too insignificant to me right now. but still good luck everyone for CT, its gng to be over in 8 days, hooray!

again its so early right now, i'll turn in now and chiong finish the finaly chapters of physics and embark on maths...wish me luck! grant me strength! and give me the perseverence! haha yea and may everything end well and unravel the same way as one hopes!
