1:34 am

current blog song: 我让你走了 original singer: 潘玮柏
我一直坐在咖啡厅的角落 没有人发现我还在难过 其实早就已经忘了怎么说
就算再怎么舍不得你还是走了 我还不想承认这事实 怎么会变成这个样子
没有了 我真的什么都没有了 就象一个废人
回家的路上我哭了 眼泪再一次崩溃了 无能为力这样走着 再也不敢骄傲奢求了
我还能够说些什么 我还能够做些什么 我好希望你会听见 因为爱你我让你走了

well this is quite a sad song...but the lyrics is quite meaningful! I thought it was composed by wilber, but no! its by TANK!! haha he's practically everywhere! amazing! this song talks about the greatest level of love: letting go. the last line is the main point of the song, "i've let you go because i love you" amazing right? sometimes in love people get too dominant and take things for granted, love is a two-way thing, so the two people must have the frequency, in any case one of them lose their love, it will be painful to keep a relationship without two-way love. On a more general level, if u really love someone, you must learn to respect their decision, TRUST RESPECT and ACCEPTANCE is the highest level of love, in my opinion...
