1:25 pm

blogging at the school's computer lab, becos i ended at 12.30pm and dun feel like gng home so early. Today got back 2 out of my 3 H2 subjects results, the results were as i expected. Actually i shouldnt be feeling any pain or sorrow, bcos i didnt put in much effort to prepare for the exams and from the moment i left the exam room, i anticipated the worst. But somehow deep in my heart i was hoping for a miracle to happen, which obviously it didnt, i dunno why i am feeling so down and tired today, demoralized maybe. i am always a high aimer, but currently all that i wanna do is to promote at the end of the year, they always say "aim for the stars, so u will fall upon the clouds" so if i aim just to be promoted, i'll most likely be retained...that what i do not want to see...dunno what has destroyed and lowered my standards for myself so much, i better buck up and get back on course, aim for As for the promo exams, which i need, cos based n CT, i will need to score As to keep me alive...

the title of my post today is 1,2,3...我们都是木头人, this is also the title for david tao's world tour. Just as david tao says, the pace of life in this world we are living today is too fast, everyone is trying their best to impress others, singers using awesome names and packaging to get attention, adults using monetary achievements to show how successful they are, students striving for the best results to impress their parents and friends...you are much blinded by the true beauty of life, which lies in the most basic and natural part of our childhood. just like the game some of us played as a child, one of us cover our eyes and count to three, when he open his eyes, all the rest must freeze in position, anyone caught moving will be punished. this game sounds retarded to us now, just like many other childish games we play in our early youths, but this retarded and childish period is also the most innocent, pure and truthful period of our lifes, where there is not fierce competitions, brutal rivalries, lies...etc...only if we could live in that type of society forever, even though we all know all impossible it is, what we can still do is to embrace it once in a while, thru having a retreat from the busy cities and crazy society, or listening to great music from david tao, thats why i'll definitely be getting the best ticket for david tao's singapore concert, whenever it is, it will be a time of enjoyment, a time for retreat and a time for recollection.

as humans, we have wants...unlimited wants, and thats the basis for all economic theories. and all our wants are the reason for the society to transform to what it is today. sometimes we might find our friends using various undesirable ways to satisfy their wants, we might also be doing wrong things just to get what we want. knowing this, we should learn to understand our friends sometimes, why certain ppl behave in certain way, and try to avoid negative impacts on yourself. we should also keep our incomes and expenses checked, so we too not get consumed by superficial wants.

yesterday afternoon finally managed to grab royston to see mdm lee, haha it was hard to find a timing which both royston and mdm lee are free. at first the talks were all more general, and royston didnt talked much thru out the afternoon, but later in the evening the topics turned to more personal and sensitive side, and we got to know somethings about mdm lee's life which was long kept unknown to her students, i believe royston also learnt some useful tips that evening. Sometimes things in life just doesnt go the way we hope to be, but what we can do is the make the best out of every situation facing us, and thats how we can survive in life andf rise to the top.

so now the situation in school and getting abit out of hand for me, my studies is in a total mess, but the past 6 months cannot be retrieved and have to move on with whatever grades i attained. there's still the promos to prepare for and its gng to be my final and only try left, if i fail again then i can only blame myself for not being disciplined enough and not living up to my standard. by now i shouldnt be hovering around post olvl period, olvl is over and done, so what if i got 9 points, so what if my dream school is njc and i am in sajc, everything is out of the context already, im am underperforming and thats a hard fact, im performing worse than many of the double digit scorers. olvls results is just a piece of paper of now...FORGET IT!! its time to get down to business...beginning with the end in mind...4 As for promos! yes i can do it....
