Love is ART
12:13 am

its has been a long time since i posted something decent and substantial on my blog, have been playing around with pictures all these while. even though some may say a picture speaks a thousand words, i feel that my true feelings can only be represented through words. This is somewhat like a sequel from my post long time ago, about this thing called LOVE!

Love is ART, Acceptance Respect Trust. Love without which, i believe, will nvr sustain, might not even happen. Some ppl of our age thinks that love is all about Admiration Recreation and Tolerance, which i think is totally wrong. Admiration is not a form of love, its how to appreciate beauty and charm, falling in love bcos of admiration childish and stupid. Some ppl think that love is a game, purely for recreation, to find someone u can always go out and happy with, and they keep changing partners, as if it was changing clothes, where is the love? and last there's this interesting thing called tolerance, sometimes you think if you stand some of your partner's flaws, then ur love will last. but thats not always true, bcos deep inside you still do not accept their flaws, so the thing that makes love last should be acceptance, you learn to accept and appreciate who they are, think in their shoes, and help them correct their flaws.

many ppl are into relationships at our age, but how far does all these relationship get? we see this couple today and tmr they break, for the exact reason that they didnt sort the ART b4 they commit, that what i think. During our NS talk an exstudent was saying "girls when ur bf go army, they will be very lonely, try to understand them", then one qns struck me, will teenage love from JC or secondary schools last thru NS? or is NS is ultimate terminator of love? haha just thought of something benedict told me b4, goes something like "find a gf in jc or poly, if after NS still nvr break, then can prepare for marriage liao" which is in some sense true. I believe true love, true friendships can withstand the wear and tear of time and distance. The person with love might be studying in the uni while we're praying in the shaolin temple, he or she might go overseas to study while i am stucked in a local uni...all these things could happen but its there for a purpose, to test how strong love can be.

so to all those who still havent said what u want to say to him or her, dun hesitate anymore, becos time is running out, JC or poly isnt very long a time to spare, love must also be built over time. but b4 u embark on anything, plz rmb the ART of love, bcos im sure u want ur relationships to last right? haha...

i dunno if what i crapped above was correct...just my own understanding, you might have different views...haha realize i blogged a pile of crap above, maybe bcos just had a bottle of vodka...ppl tend to talk more crap when they are drunk right? lol my mother is complaining my room smell of alcohol liao...and my face is all red...opps im such a lousy drinker...pardon me lol...

on a lighter note, i wanna talk about my academics. Now my top priority is academics already, after i receive my collection of UMBRELLAS from sajc, i realized im being pushed to the edge of the cliff, and if i dun work hard now, there goes my future. got abit of mood to study these few days, all of a sudden, instead of switching on the comp as soon as i reach home, i began to sit down on my study table and chiong work. i dunno if there's enough time to catch up on the past 6 mths cos more new topics are coming up, but even if its the impossible, i have to make it possible. Saw how sad my friends in class were after being given 4 saints UMBRELLAS to hold, i suddenly feel my class changed, and i have to change as well, i can let myself down!

of cos academics aside, my other concerns are relationship, finance and social life. still waiting...have been spending alot these few weeks, had expensive lunches, spent alot on unneeded food, bought alot og luxury goods and went out quite many times. my bank acc has dried up already...its time to save. I NEED GLUE...IM BROKE

i also havent forgotten my passions, sometimes during the days i will feel this loneliness in me, this sianness...lucky there's training to look forward to, even though table tennis is damn slack now, i realize that after resting my racket for almost 2 months, i can actually play better! maybe last time i was too stressed up...and during the quiet and emo nights...while i stare at the comp screen, my guitar is always there to accompany me, i love the feeling of playing guitar at 12 midnight, the plucking of the strings, the sound of the guitar as i sang along with the tune, its so relaxing, so destressing and just fantastic feeling. when everything else is so quiet, and u can only hear the guitar and your own voice...but of cos, these are not the voice i most desire to hear.

my head is getting bcos im getting sleepy...sleep after a drink is so easy and relaxing...i just realized this week, monday did the same thing la, drank a bottle of bacardi breezer than ZZZzzzz cos i normally can fall asleep very easily, too much thoughts gng thru my brain. but dun worry! im not a drunken, i dun drink alcohol everyday, bacardi is just like fruit punch with like 4% alcohol? lol its child's play for most, but its enough to make me all red...haha

signing off now, tmr is sajc sc commentation at st andrew catheral, wonder if theres gng to be any fun stuff to look forward to after next time!
