hongkong trip recount...belated!
9:04 pm

ok i know this is abit late...but i havent been getting the blogging mood since the new year started, i shall recount my hongkong trip last year as a start.

The ferry ticket from macau to hongkong!

i see hongkong!! (typical crowded buildings)

my mother's classmate's house, she was kind enough to accomodate me for 2 nights, if not hongkong's accomodation will cost a bomb =/
so i set out on my trip on the mrt, to TongLuoWan for shopping!

i also took the bus, looks just like singapore...
8P, the bus i took from TongLuoWan to meet my mother's classmate, she invited me to join her in a function that night.

the hongkong convention and exhibition centre...the place the function was held

guess what...rmb that i attended a function in macau where i won an iron? this was the exact same function, just that it was in hongkong and there was less prize to be won..lol the person talking on stage was the mayor of Taizhong of Taiwan.

the night view of hongkong from the convention centre, one word: beautiful

one final photo at the function

the next day i woke up late as usual...so after lunch took a bus to OCEAN PARK!!

had a fun-filled afternoon exploring the giant place and thrilling myself, this is me sitting the SPACE WHEEL, i believe many of you sat it before...i love the thing that brings u high up and drops u down, i sat that twice, and i sat the roller coaster 4 times!! hehe

cos it was near christmas, there were artificial snow near the ice palace, and i went in for a walk, nth much but a small walkway below -10 degree. i lost track of time on top the mountain, that i forgotten about the other part of ocean park, below the mountain, so im only 50% in exploring it, the rest shall be left for my next visit!
before night falls, i made it to the Avenue of Star

theres nth much there except some statues, but i had some fun looking for the place itself and exploring parts of JianShaZui

handprint of Jacky Chueung!

time flies..and before i had enough of hongkong, i had to leave, this is my final photo in hongkong at WanZhai, with the bus that will take me to ShenZhen

my ticket to ShenZhen Airport

ShenZhen airport...

before i know it...im at shanghai, from 20 degrees to 5 degrees..

hongkong had really left a deep and good impression in me, the place and esp the people, i must say the hongkong people are very friendly and cute, its hilarious experience to ask for direction around hongkong and you go communicating with both ur mouth and hands. it was a pity that i hand to embark on this hongkong alone, becos its not nice being alone at OCEAN PARK, and its neither enjoyable to shop alone. i'll definitely to back at hongkong this year end, and since i know so many friends from hongkong, i can call them up and let them be my tour partner..hehe hope they will agree.

this trip to macau, hongkong and finally arriving back in shanghai with my uncle has been most fullfilling, it was a good time that i set aside to relax and forget about all the troubles that bothered me this whole last year. As the place i stayed in hongkong could view the sea and JianShaZui, i spend most of my nights sitting next to the window and looking at the lights of hongkong, and it hit me how insignificant my troubles and worries were as compared to the world. as i looked at the tiny lights shining out of the flats of hongkong, as if all the stars in the universe had united infront of me, i see hard people has tried to advance and succeed, and how many different memories are alive in people's mind. since theres so many ppl sharing this world with us, i shouldnt be complaining abt the past, or my past mistakes, bcos no matter how bad things has turned out, how i punish myself by drowning in grieve, the world still spins, those people continues to fight for their goals, the night lights of hongkong will not stop shining no matter how many ppl lose themselves in grieve of their mistakes and failures. so all i can do now is to place my hopes on the new year ahead and give it my best, and not allow failures to ever occur in my life again.

thank you hongkong, for giving such a wonderful experience, i'll be back
thank you my parents, for giving me full support when i told you about my plans for the trip
thank you godmother, for providing me transport and accomodation at macau
thank you auntie yumin, for allowing me to stay at ur house
thank you hongkies, for giving me a good impression of hongkong
thank you, for sticking with me for so long and reading my blog posts...haha happy new yr!
