i''m back!
4:50 pm

back from my short trip, and it was most fulfilling, one bcos i got to experience a new lifestyle alone, and another hand i got to learn new things and see new things as i move along.
my trip started in macau, after which i headed to hongkong via the sea, then i traveled to shenzhen and took a flight to shanghai and met up with my uncle. the route was abit awkward cos it wasnt perfectly planned beforehand, but it turned out great!


the bus started at 7pm on 14th dec, it tooked me almost 12 hours before i reach ZhuHai, the city right next to macau, i could even see the ppl over at macau jogging in the park...its that near.

one funny thing i saw at the customs, is the departure and arrival card, the back of the card reads:

didnt do many things in macau though, frankly i dun really like the place...cos ppl are smoking everywhere, even indoors, and my nose got 24/7 supply of polluted air, talk about second-hand smoking. i went to find my god-mother as soon as i arrive, and turn out she was with her performing crew and touring china, macau was one of their stop, so first day didnt do anything but sit at her clan huiguan and listen to traditional music and take in polluted air.

i actually wanted to leave macau the very next day, but my mother's classmate persuaded me to stay cos my godmother's crew will be performing at The Venetian the next day, its one of the best casino and entertainment arena in macau and i had to take a look. so the next morning i went shopping around the city,

that night i visited the Venetian, and was awed, not only by the shops and casinos there, but the ballroom they performed at. and bcos i was with my godmother, i got to be part of the banquet hehe...there was also a lucky draw, every table will have 7 winners, prizes include mp4s and handphones, and my number for no.7, and it won be a....IRON!! lol...ppl who know me well, will know i iron my shirt every day, so its the perfect christmas gift to me from macau..haha my god mother won a handphone though...grrr lol

some of the shops in the "fake venis" inside the Venetian...the sky looked beautiful, but its already 7pm! cos its fake la..lol

the casino...im not supose to be gng in, but i managed to sneak in after getting caught once! haha

my lucky number and my lucky iron! lol

i left macau early next morning and headed for hongkong. macau didnt really leave a deep impression in me, in fact the dinner and the lucky draw was more significant..haha basically i dun visit macau unless u are there to gamble, thats my conclusion.

gonna go for training now, will blog abt my hongkong trip soon when im free again, see you guys soon!
