no one is here by chance!
1:24 am

welcome to my blog! u are not here by chance, and u are definitely not reading it by chance. Fate brought us together! 4 hunks of 07s17 decided to camwhore on wednesday, after econs lecture. actually the plan was to get jerico a birthday present, so we decided to take a picture and purchase a photo frame. The photo turned out great, Ivan's really a superb photographer, the background and the positioning is just perfect, and its not taken by chance! from left: shawn(spiderman), guojun(GEE-JAY), jerico(COCOcrunch) and yours truly.

the past week is super slack, shold i say...the best week so far in term of slackness, monday to wed is totally sports days, monday had physics test, which i passed(like finally!), then no GP, so we ended at 2 to prepare for econs test, but the whole day we were like playing basketball totally, so till 5.30 i was like ZZZzzzzz, wonder how much i will get for econs...
tuesday also slack, after econs thought mr lim not in sch, so we played more bball, until we pon ME! haha PE whole day until PW and H1, then went home at 2
wed more slack, no physics, so i went to school for 2 lesson only, maths and econs lect, after that i went home alone at 12.30 cos the rest got chinese
thursday more eventful, but mostly lecture, mr randy didnt have lesson cos he wanted us to have a break, then my afternoon H1 lesson cancelled, so ended school at 2.30 then went to TP to buy jerico's photo frame

friday was THE DAY. sajc's teachers day celebrating was nice, ACES day dance GJ got to have close distance with n, lol but too bad it didnt last long. during the concert witness many hidden talents in sajc, so many good singers, comparing myself to them...i know why i didnt make it thru CSS. the choir's song were superb, i love accapellas, david tao's is still the best. then the dance was shiok, both the dancers and SC, jerico was having a time of his life up on stage sia....while we drool below! haha no la jkjk

XINMIN HERE I COME! was what i shouting as i left the CC with shawn and GJ. i just couldnt contain my excitement about returning to my second home. met u with elson and anthony as we walked towards the bus stop, elson is still as lame as ever, and thanks to his hairstyling in the toilet, we missd out bus and waited for almost 30 min. lucky we met some NY peeps on that later bus, my cassandra mei, karen, jamie, felicia, jasper and perry to be exact haha.crap our way to school. when we reach xinmin, many ppl was already there, mostly those who pon-ed school, and the hall entrance was congested, ben and roy was already there when i reach, they said the program was boring, so we didnt watch. can see mostly TJ and NYJC flood xinmin that day, the program in the hall was very long so we used that time to chit chat with my long lost friends, asking them about their life so far. after that we swarmed into the staff room and one by one we visited our teachers. mr pah, mrs song, ms tee, ms phan, ms low, ms sun ,mr tang, mdm gwee, mr huang, mr yeo and of cos my good friends, DM mr singh, and he's an old saint himself! first thing the chinese departure said when they saw me was to give my more task to do, haha, ms tee ask me to perform with her next yr, ms sun ask me perform next week, and i ask ms low to allow me go back xinmin teach chinese after alevels. i really love to contribute my part for xinmin, no matter what, its very small compared to what xinmin has done for me. after that roy and i went to science staff room to look for mrs raj, mrs tao and mrs peh, but only saw mrs teo, i miss mrs peh dearly! havent seen her this yr yet. then i went to xinmin primary school to find my primary school teacher, yea my primary school PARRY is closed down, but my teacher transferred to xinmin, but after going in 3 times, i was told she left liaoz...sianzz. so i went back home and slacked with roy till around 4. thats how the day ended, maybe abit sianz at the end but fulfilling.

today i watched yet another meaningful movie, called Evan Almighty. it revolved around the christian faith and bible very much, but i understood it from my old point of view, and maybe bcos im exposed to christianity so much in sajc, im able to understand the movie more. im gng to go straight to the point, i know many ppl havent watch this movie but wanna watch it, so i shant tell ya whats happening in it. this was the phrase which touched me and enlightened me most:

"If you ask for your family to be closer, do you think GOD will give you all the warmth and mussy feelings? or do you think GOD will give ur family the CHANCE to be closer?"
"If you want to change the world, do you think GOD will give you the power to change the world? or the OPPORTUNITY to change it?"
"How do you change the world? By simple Acts of Random Kindness!"
"Ask and you shall receive."
the most important phrase is the first, after i heard it, i somehow paused my mind for 3 min, to think, to decifer and to recollect. i think this is the most impt message in the movie. since young, i always pray to gods of all kinds, hoping for good results, hoping for good health, hoping for my family to prosper etc. back here in SAJC we see ppl praying to GOD everyday! and what is SAJC now? a school which DSA students reject our i always say if GOD listens to our prayers, SAJC would become RJC, or should i say RJC will become a christian school. but now i see christianity and GOD in a totally different light. GOD maybe does listens to prayers, he did give us what we asked for, but we didnt take it. i prayed for good results, but i nvr seem to score as i wanted, forever not making my mark, but did the gods i pray to give me what i wished? yes. i got into xinmin, the perfect place for anyone to achieve just about anything they want to, i had both the hardware and software to succeed and get good results, but it is due to my laziness that i ended up in SA. i wished to know what gng on in my life right now and what am i suspose to do, no one told me, but Evan Almighty told me, i was given the opportunity to watch the show which enlightened me.
so ultimately, in life you can choose to believe in whatever religion u like, but u cannot depend on it. ultimately it is your actions which decides your fate, you can ask for help and the whole world will help u, but if you do not want to help urself, even GOD also cannot help you. so in this world, all of us are almighty, if we believe in faith and ourselves, work towards what u want to achieve and u shall succeed!
i wished to understand love, i regretted wishing for it, bcos now i understood the pain of falling in love, keeping love and and finding someone u truly love. why didnt all my wishes come true except this one. maybe u were the one who was suspose to make me understand what is love, see the true colours of love and end up like this today. if i was given another chance, i hope everything was taken away from me, i dun want this chance, bcos if i did at least now we will still be smiling at each other. but what is done cannot be undone, now i can only wish that things will turn out good at the end. someone up there, anyone, now that i've understood, please give me the CHANCE and OPPORTUNITY ba!
