12:33 am

thanks to the lovely maths test(all chapters), i had study from scratch thru the night and still had time to take a satisfying 1hour nap b4 heading to school. amazing, just like what happened to me last week, i survived the whole day of school and after-school activities without falling aslp during anyone of them. and LUCKY for me, i might already be sick, but i didnt get SICKER! hooray for JC life!

today's a HAPPY day! no comments about how will i do for maths test or how the last day of proper lessons went. academics aside, today's great! firstly its my cassandra mei's bday! secondly i was late without being caught for a THIRD time! thirdly i had SPRINGROLLS and GREENBEAN for breakfast! forthly i said sayonara to EOM once and for all! fifthly CULINARY CLUB is finally set up proper and recruited our first batch of members! and lastly and most importantly...I WENT BACK TO XINMIN!

fate brought me back to xinmin today. after my culinary club founding members' outing at TP today, GJ and i went home together, and we took 159, which i seldom take cos it will take me at least half and hour to reach home from TP, but i forgot this fact today. so i stole the time on the bus to catch a quick shuteye, i think sometimes...simple pleasures in life is all that we need to be happy, just like how i LOVE long bus rides when im sleepy, i feel so shiok to sit at the back of the bus, where i could get a perfect posture for sleeping, and the bus nvr seem to reach my house. but today there was something extra, i saw 2 xinmin students, one of them my SLB junior rehearsing MC scripts on the bus. and omg they were NERVOUS man, can tell straight from the way they're speaking, but thats not the point. i asked and got informed about xinmin's mid-autumn festival celebration that night! and i was totally clueless about it until that point of time. so i did not hesitate to dash home, bathed and chionged back to my second home, XMS!

the foyer of xinmin was unusually brightly lited when i entered the ever-so-homely school compound, saw many of my junior SLs helping out with the booth selling mooncakes and stuff, many other juniors were stationed at their respective duty location, so i leaped into the hall at the 2nd floor, the first teacher i saw was exactly the teacher i desired to see most, ms tee, and beside her ms phan, as soon as they saw me, ms tee said,"o my the little white face is here! hahah quickly go sit at the vip seats!" and pointed towards the seats at the front of the hall. but i took a detour and walked from the back of the hall, at the last sit behind the hall i saw cai lao shi sitting alone, so i greeted her and sat down. the hall seemed brighter than when i was in xinmin, maybe its bcos i didnt return too long liao, and man i feel old...first bcos that night's activity was a combined performance with xinmin sec and xinmin primary, so i could see little kids jumping up and down, and secondly when i looked at the crew and cast, i could barely recognise 5 names, in the past i could easily match 99% of the names to faces...haha time really flies, now the people incharge are all the sec 3 and 2, which in my memories...are still kids feeling lost during their sec1 orientation. anyways the performances and games were very innovation, definitely an EE, but the execution part was abit messy. the urshers and AVA crew were also not very efficient, to the extent poor old cai lao shi had to move chairs and stand near the cables, so i had no choice but to go personally to the urshers and ask them to mobilise their manpower. then cai lao shi and i discussed about chinese and poems until the end of the performances. after that there was this "lantern walk" thingy so all of us when down, i was feeling out of place with all the strangers around when charmaine came to talk to me, and im so grateful to have someone to chitchat with, if not i was look and feel so out of place with all the primary school kids around. after we went to the balcony garden for buffet and there i met many juniors and continue chitchatting with them regarding jc life and so on. after helping them clear up the place and talking to some teachers, i went back with a sense of contentment in my heart. even though i had only one hour of sleep, returning back to xinmin provided me with more relaxation and rest then sleeping at home.

today's performance reminded me that i was one of the founding member of xinmin's mid-autumn concerts, back at year 2005, when i was sec 3. i still could clearly rmb how we set up the teahouse in the canteen, planned all the performance ourselves and selling the tickets...haha it was really fun because we had no one to help us, so we had to think of "home-made" performances. i was the MC cum performer, together with malong we performed a cross-talk...its really memories that wouldnt be erased. and ms phan as usual came to me today and start her emotional speech about my past in xinmin, this brought back many memories of xinmin for me too, both happy and unhappy. ms phan said the teachers were worried that i couldnt survive well in xinmin friends cos of my careless tongue, but even though i am casual with my comments, im also casual regarding other ppl's comment about me, so i dun bear grudges against anyone in school, and i am know what i want in life, so i wouldnt let other ppl's comment affect me. and in the end i survived xinmin quite happily in the end. and yea what she said is very true, and it makes me think about myself now, am i the same person i used to be? well of cos i still dun bear grudges and tend to be careless with speeches, but do i know what i want in life right now? i think nowadays im too concerned with how people look at me, and how i present myself infront of people, causing actions which i do which are not from my true intentions. so here i shall remind myself not to forget my ultimate goal in life, and thats to earn my first million at age 30 and retire at 35! so to do that i must study hard now and work hard always, money will be the biproduct! shouldnt care much abt other things which doesnt contribute to this goal.

things hasnt been going on quite smoothly in class. on wednesday my CT gave my name to the DM bcos of my "long" hair, i seriously feeled very betrayed. all my life my teachers around me helps us, not only in studies but in coping with schoollife too, i nvr seen any teacher who would wish their students get into trouble, bcos both parties do not stand to gain anything. my hair is not even long compared to many other guys in school and no other teachers comments on it except my CT, and i dun understand why must he always pick on me when it comes to hair, its like he's crazy about my hair and scrutinize it so thoroughly everyday. its not like i want to purposely keep long hair, i cut my hair regularly too. he says he dun want me to create any trouble for him...but who is creating problem for who right now? who is the one who complain about me to the DM? and whats worse...putting words in my mouth, accusing me of saying things i didnt, exagerating things JUST to make sure the DM wants to see me. maybe he feels shiok that i am in trouble. maybe he just dislike me, for what reasons i dunno. i never seen a teacher, esp form teacher liddat one, who purposely make life difficult for me, its totally disgusting. if i can be on good terms with all teachers except one, where does the problem lie? in me or in that teacher? i hope i didnt offend anyone, and i dun think i made any personal attacks, this IS my blog, i just cant contain this displeasure.

my flu is getting better now, but my voice havent recover yet, at the start of the weeks i was even worse. but i still had to MC the sajc mooncake festival performance thingy, which was so messy, lucky its over. i was having a hard time talking properly and i think i throw up alot of crap, haha sorry both arts and science fac CL students, i hope you enjoyed urself though. one thing i want to comment about is the attitude towards chinese amongst jc students, esp sajc. its hurts when i see chinese students speaking chinese with difficulty or detesting chinese, and whats worse, they look down on chinese, and YET their GP is no where near good. this just goes to show what type of education they are put through, totally no sense of identity at all. singapore students should be proud about being able to use both english and chinese, and not reject chinese, come on englishman speaks english, frenchman speaks french, and we chinese speaks chinese! we should be proud of using our own language! i think the biggest failure in a person, is not being able to appreciate their own culture and language, and blindly follow what they believe to be "of a higher class". seriously im very dissapointed by the neglect of chinese among many jc students, not all la of cos.

classroom politics is the "in" right now. last time 5 of my class's girls made up the only one ruling party in my class, the MASSES, they controled the treasury of the class and their party objective is: i dunno. lol so we guys officially Culinary Club and currently we've already taken over as the ruling party, our objective is to share good food with each other and appreciate the good tasting food around. LOL so yea both MASSES and Culinary Club will be recruiting! take ur sides now! or you can also start ur own third opposition party..hahah...

i almost 24 hours nvr sleep this week is very eventful and promos is coming soon, i will definitely make sure i promote, its time to start studying intensively...then u must be wondering why am i still blogging? haha cos monday is GP!! and writing improve GP! yay all the best for the exams everyone!
