9:47 pm

thats it...tonight is the last night im going to spend alone, tmr my mother and brother will be back in singapore. of cos there's both good and bad side of it, the good thing is finally there's someone to clean up the house and spare me of all the housework =D the bad thing is i will not as free as i am now, even though i think i can still do whatever i wanna do la =P

didnt expect the last day of my freedom ended like this, on a super low note -_- never been so sian this whole week except today... the stupid famine camp dry-run, and i emphasize STUPID, spoiled my schedule for the whole of today. It was suspose to occupy me from 1pm to 9.30pm, so i didnt plan anything else for today. this morning i went all the way to woodlands and spend 30min on the bus 911 to reach RP, to be told that the dry-run was cancelled x_x whats better is that i was the only person to be punctual, all the rest arrived 30min or later. Well at least i got to see how nice RP's campus is and ate a bowl of fish ball noodles as my breakfast cum lunch. After some complaining and grumbling with my other 3 teammates ( very little? YES!! only 4 of us came down, others were slothing at home) we headed back home. and that ends the event for me x_x got home and slacked around, played the guitar and read some physic notes..had dinner all alone...and somehow everyone didnt replied my sms =( sianz until exploded now o_o

havent received any photos from shanghai yet, cos the size is so big, everyone dun wanna send me thru msn, so must wait for them to pass me the CD, then i can start to write about the 'amazing' shanghai trip.

next week also seem to be sianz, very hard to jio ppl out, but if nth goes wrong, 13th should be my long awaited 405 class outing at...sentosa? lol yea its that place again, they ask me to swim o_o u know how long i havent swim already? and i dun have swimming apparels too! haha i'll feel so awkward jumping into the water la...

david tao is having world tour again =D first stop is shanghai, hopefully he doesnt come singapore so soon, best he come after my promos and Alvls, meaning november period, then i can watch the show without thinking about studies =) but the sad thing is it's going to be his final concert b4 he venture into the movie world, which means he will not perform in public for the next 2 years or so x_x and that implied an even sadder possibility...that his next album will only debut after 2 years!!! how am i going to tahan this wait? i cannot survive without good taoist music sia x_x looks like i just have to depend on what i have right now liao...i dun like to wait

nth much to write today...basically had a very fruitful week alone, did alot of things i wanted to do and had a fun time inviting friends over to happy and study =) hope the future days will also be filled with happiness and joy =D

missing you
