12:32 am

think roystons and i really always have same frequency....
yes it MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT, actually maybe it'll be midnights past midnight when i finish writing, leaving for shanghai in a few hour time, actually should just go and sleep, but so many things happened today that i feel i need something to relieve myself of all the stress and troubles circulating in the air around me. and i'll be away for 7 days, so all the more i should write something! so entertain the visitors during my absence XD

today is last day of school but i dun feel any excitment, in the previous post i said this afternoon is delicated exclusively to royston, because tmr is his bday! but as i said sometimes things dun go as planned...due to the lack of participation from the rest of peeps, we decided to call the celebration off and postpone it to a date where more people can make it. For there goes my great afternoon x_x, went to BnJ at Vivocity with some of my classmates, saw Kelvin scooping ice-cream XD so i asked him to give extra BIG scoops of BnJs =D i think he gave me 3oz scoop when i'm suspose to get only 2oz...haha shall ask him give me 4oz next time =) but yea after that half of them went for sports club, then the other half of us left home. Napped till 7.30pm played on the guitar all the way till this moment...imagine me hugging the guitar infront of the comp XD

planned out the og27 outing on 1st of june, partyworld early bird package at orchard XD cant wait to get back from shanghai and see my dear og mate! hope everyone will enjoy themselve on that day =)

made yet another grave mistake today...dunno what gotten into me again, just suddenly felt very irritated and stop thinking about other people's feeling, start to say things abruptly and thoughtlessly...but its not what i meant...hope this type of thing will not happen again, never again man yuchuan! if not i will bang your head on the wall!!! 7 days of cool down period...hope things will get back on track when i come back, it really didnt meant things to turn out the way it did....but again who else can i blame except myself? its time to undo the wrongdoings i did, hopefully there's enough time...

no high hopes for shanghai trip now...just hope nothing bad will happen and i get become more bonded with my team, gotta try to visit my uncle and his new office, hadnt been back in shanghai for 1 and half years liao. i just take this trip as a breather for me, a time for me to leave this place and think about the happenings in my life so far, all the breakthroughs and experiences i gained, all those things i've said, things i have heard, and think about how things should go on in the future. hopefully by the time i come back, i will be refreshed, motivated and feeling anew, with new-found energy to pursue on my passion, and more perserverence to hold on to my decision, and ultimately, become a better person all-round, like the beijing last time, but i hope to do that in the easy way, not the hard way.

ok i shall end here *yawns* im leaving my comp, leaving my room, leaving my hse, leaving singapore...for 6 days...hope everyone will have a great holiday! use this time to take a break and enjoy ur life! and hope alls well ends well =)

waiting for u at the end of the road
wake me up when november ends
