2:01 pm

yes...the word is "acceptance"...i have come to deeply understand the meaning of this word. It has been more than one week since i received my posting results...everything happened like a dream and ended like one too, from the start of year 2006 to now, i feel like having taken a roller coaster ride and the ride ended on low grounds for me. However i am beginning to walk out of the displeasure in my heart, at the end of the day i understood that everyone has to accept fate and move on. Thats why sometimes i say that im a free thinker but i believe in something controlling how this world runs, there's definitely something up there deciding your future and sometimes...its hard to battle fate with ur bare hands, so when we cant fight it, why dont we just follow the stream and see where it leads us too? i believe everyone has a eden of their own and until we find it, we will still be struggling in this crazy world where obstacles are always much more than smooth paths, but this is life man...this is life...we are born to face obstacles and trying to overcome it...learning how to walk...learning how to communicate...learning how to think....and of cos learning how to become a person suitable for this society. thats why many ppl are tired of living...but again we fear death...bcos there's too many things we wanna achieve and enjoy in life so much so we fear death bcos death is the unknown...isnt it ironical? So back to the topic of acceptance...i am beginning to accept where i am now and i have to...bcos i dun wanna be stuck at the same juncture all my life...i have to move on. its like i wanted a gun...but everyone else was faster than me and coped all the guns, and i could only arm myself with a sword, but i still have to find the battle alongside ppl holding guns, a sword can also kill enemies but it requires more effort and more risk...but if i learn how to manuevre it well..its could be more deadly than a i might survived and win and battle while others with gun grow tired and weary due to the weight of the gun and the limited ammunition they have...they might also be victims of friendly fires...this battle is callled the A levels...and i am going to win this battle with a sword...
my friends now are the only motivation i have...i have so many friends with the same results as me and staying...i have my seniors with 10 A1s staying...i know of ppl with 10 A1s staying....and i have teachers who scored 6 pts staying in what more do i want? do i have any rights to be discontent with what i have now? NO!! if they can score straight As armed with a sword...i see no reason why i couldnt...and with all the friends i made in sa...i think my 2 years here will be a comfortable and meaningful period of my life. we must set a high target...i know sa's results totally sucks and i heard alot abt the school admin and teachers...but really...its about how motivated we are to succeed. back in corhort can do so well bcos at the start of the yr, we were inspired by our seniors to do bettter than them...and thru out the yr we were motivatiing ourselves to excel...chiong tys and 5ys...staying back after school for mass study groups and pia-ing at the right timing...the 2007 batch of saints are the batch with the lowest agg in history, so we should re-write the history of sa and bring back our good results, we will make sure we value-add ourselves and not downgrade our value. so...the target is set...4 As for alevels 2008!! i must not disappoint time and time again like this...its no fun
to my ex-classmates of 405...i know all of us are gng seperate ways, but most of u will still see each other very often...we seem to love the letter "N" very much...half of us is in NYJC...and then another half is at of cos there's some exceptios like SA, some in in MJ...CJ...TJ...NJ...SRJC...watever la....but i could still rmb very clearly our sec 4 days...they were the best so far...i really miss the times when everyone was in one class doing all the stupid craps...i really miss our sofas at the back of the classrooms where i often laid and slept on...i really miss the purple and orange walls and the always not working aircon...and of cos i loved the classrooom at the 4th level where the aircon always works...i miss the days b4 and after prelims when everyone stays back until 6 or 7 plus...until the uncle have to chase us out every evening....i know we had hard times back then....but it was all worthwhile today....i hope we will not let our lubricated engines rot and die out...keep the xinmin spirit burning and we will all succeed in our whole fields!
a big thank you to all who supported me for the campus matter whether you were personally there that doesnt long as i know that u truly gives me ur support...i will be deeply grateful. i know that the time is very early and the place is very dun worry if u cant make it down personally... now that i've got thru the 1st round...the competition is even more intense...bcos all those that got thru are really good singers and out of 1500 ppl, only 10 will be selected....i dunno how many got thru the 1st round...but i will treat every round as the final round and do my best...i will strive to do xinmin and sa proud...and all my energy comes from u if u all dun give up on me...i will be ever-ready to face any obstacles...the world is full of them im gng to start practicing and present my best on 31st that even if i dun get thru...i will have no regrets...opps sounds like walliam hung lei....LOLx
