11:50 pm

its weekend again x_x omg...time just passed us by like that, before a blink of an eye, all the time i thought i had was lost, all of a sudden, all the things i planned to accomplish were still left undone...time management!! whats wrong with me?? this week and last week i went home earlier then i usually did in the past, bcos of taking 147 =P but then i still feel like there's not much diff even though i have 1 hour more each day, i feel that im struggling even more to race against time then i used to, maybe its due to mental impressions ba.

royston sent me a demo track sang by TANK, called 忽然之间, and IT ROCKed totally!! the original singer is karen mok, but i think it was composed by TANK ba...thats why he sang it in this low quality demo track, but i prefered male voice, and this song really touched me alot, the lyrics...it became very relevant to my life this tuesday, but not really at the present=) thankfully. the lyrics is like sad and happy mixed...我明白太放不开你的爱, ...我想到了你,才想起自己, ...而现在就算时针都停摆,就算生命像尘埃,分不开,我们反而更相信爱, all these sentences almost brought my tears down at the start of the week, as i sang it repeatedly one night。 忽然之间,天昏地暗...was exactly how i felt x_X

ok la shouldnt wander around the happenings in the past, cos i've sorted out my thoughts already, so the rest of the week was feeling more comfortable, but somehow unnatural. this week did alot of talking with friends, esp during common breaks, sometimes abt deeper stuff, but most of the time is random crapping at the canteen XD so thats how i spent all the break, i planned to do some revision, but ended up talking =P cos its more fun chatting, much more fun.

now my mind is more settled, thinking about less stuff ( actually i think im not thinking less, just ignoring more ) everything is getting back to how it used to be, and it seem to be going on smoothly, i just hope everything is heading at the right direction. Many things i'm curious, many things im worried about too, but i'll just leave it as it is and no dig it out, i'll just wait till the answer come to me naturally ba, ignorance is a bliss sometimes =)

2 test next week, the the first one (physics) will be on monday, so this weekend is delicated to physics, even though econs and GP homework is as demanding, but yea there's a time for everything, i cannot multi-task so many things at once. studying mood is back to the "march april mood" last yr, my brain keep telling myself to study, but my heart just doesnt want to follow.

im so depressed to see some of my friends becoming so emo these days, keep developing negative thoughts, just like me at the start of term 2, but after i got thru my emo period, my friends are getting on my old paths and turning emo. maybe its bcos the stress from schoolwork is getting too heavy, and its getting harder to breath, or maybe there's too many things to bother about. being a person that got thru the emo period, i just wanna tell all the emo souls out there, do what u really want to do and not let external pressure and hesitation stop u from living a life u want! get out of all those negative thoughts, find happiness in the people around u, be delighted that no matter how bad u feel inside, there's always someone around to give u concern and care =) dun be blinded by all the sadness and worries, take one step back and look at the big picture, where is the broken piece of ur life puzzle? it is lying somewhere near u! for me, that missing piece lies in the hands of my loved one.

so many ppl are leaving my side, many ppl already left, and soon i' ll be left with only a handful of the closest ppl to me in sajc. sometimes i wished to return to the time when og27 just got to know each other, those honeymoon period was the best, everything on my mind was to enjoy myself, the joy of end of olvls, the joy of knowing so many friends, and i didnt have to think about olvl results, didnt have to be in despair becos of not getting into njc...but those good times are not to be anymore. wt eeyen kaling pat arun ajit etc....all these ppl made my PAE days so memorable, but they all went elsewhere to fight for a brighter future, sometimes i will think or dream about those times, and i'll always be smiling. now jingnan is leaving us, yuyang also, they are all embarking on a totally different route to success, and i wish them luck along the way, and since we are all travelling towards the same destination, i really hope we meet each other again at junctions or along the way. but to all my friends, u can use many methods to gain success, like u can use many method to achieve good grades, so dun get tied to one tree, if u have a dream, dun worry just go for it, but since u've made a choice, stick to it and dun feel regretful, its all part and parcel that makes up ur life story =)
