the future is NOW
1:01 am

there were times...when i felt that the road ahead was too long for me to last through
there were times...when i felt there was too much to do and too little time to do it
there were times...when i felt that i do not have the capacity
there were times...when i felt everyone in this world was in doubt with me
there were times...when i felt bad about where i am and who i was
there were times...when i felt like giving it up
there were times...when i felt i couldn't

those were the times, but now is not the time to feel the way i felt...

now is the time, to believe in myself once again
now is the time, to brave the obstacles and stay strong
now is the time, to truly put in effort and do myself a favor
now is the time, to ignore those who doubt me and work hard to shut their mouths
now is the time, to do somethings i haven't done for a long long time
now is the time, to see the whole picture

now, i see hope
now, i solidified my vision
now, i anticipate the future
the future starts now

its the TIME TO BE

i know i havent been doing enough, and i know the roads ahead of me will not be easy, but i need to get over these few huge humps in these few weeks, only after that, i will be able to get back on track.
i dun wanna repeat what i said back in sec 4 days, i am gng to do the same things with the same objectives, just
wish me luck

whoever that is up there
bless every single soul who is on the same boat as me
