a few fortunate events...
11:29 pm

ok...firstly i wanna intro all of u to a fab site i've discovered today! visit http://www.wretch.cc/blog/freshmusic
for the lastest updates and reviews about the music industry! i actually got to know this site from MyPaper, which i read every morning. i nvr need to worry about missing out the good music out there anymore, and their critics are really of high GI and AE, definitely an EE, so do check this blog out music enthusiast!

so...its time for some brilliant good news to brighten up the day! on 31/1 afternoon, i received an unexpected sms from royston, just to get the most fab news i heard this year: DAVID TAO IS FINALLY COMING TO SINGAPORE ON 19 APRIL FOR HIS WORLD TOUR!! 100% YAYness=DDDDDDDD not forgetting...THANKS BRO FOR INFORMING ME AND HELPING ME BOOK THE TICKETS!!
one of my regrets for the past 17 years is not able to watch David Tao's concert, LIVE! i think i've listened to every song of his infinite time, i also watched the DVD of his past 3 concerts, and just that, im already fully mesmerized and enchanted by his songs and rendition, i really cannot imagine how i will react if im there personally, watching it LIVE~!! im counting to 19 april liao, where i can meet my most respected and beloved singer, the singer whose songs changed my life, whose song healed my broken heart, and whose songs gave me the power and will to go on with life. so as long as music plays an important in ur life, david tao is definitely worth listening, and dun hesitate to purchase the tickets priced at 168,148,118,98 and 78 only!! its definitely worth the money, it'll be my honour to have ur company on 19 april, THE DAY ^_^

and...next week is chinese new year celebrations, and i've been busying myself getting in shape for the performance, which i cannot afford to screw up. i've screwed up every performance i staged at sajc, so its time to redeem myself! for the benefit of you, who have been reading this post, i'll be representing sajc chinese cultural society to perform a crosstalk, and i'll have singing parts in between the crosstalk, so dun pon school on the 6th! do check me and the rest of the CCA groups out at Shu Lai Bao Restaurant(LOL....) on the 6th. but performance chances dun come easy, i'll be having rehearsal until 9.30pm on monday and tuesday...both physically and mentally draining. actually today suppose to rehearse till 9.30pm too, but i persuaded my teacher to sneak away at 6pm...haha while testing out my voice on the mic, the teacher incharge of dance said something interesting to me, she ask me whether i want to enter the entertainment industry one day, and said she's the person who pushed LJJ, stephanie sun and hongJY into the limelight, and she's looking for the fourth one. i realized that she might be someone who can intro me to li si song and open up more singing opportunities, and im really to tempted to do what she said, to find her someday to talk about it...everything is still very blur right now, so i shant think so much abt it, but i'll definitely look her up someday soon and check things out, and make things clearly, until then...being a pro singer will still remain as a fantasy which only happens in my dreams..hahaz

o...i actually forgot to mention about the highlight of these 2 weeks...MSA or Milestone Exam. lol some ppl might feel the stress, but to me, its just another of the many exams that im suppose to take before i take the final test. back in xinmin we get one test per week, so MSA is just another piece of cake for me in terms of stress level, but its a durian in terms of difficulty...frankly im quite thankful of mrs lee bee yan, for having MSA, it really made me get into the study mood much earlier then expected, and im getting a clearer picture of where i stand and how much work i need to do by this year. i admit im really feeling discouraged and demoralized these few days, on some days i really totally feel like giving up on myself, but i know im not someone who gives in to difficulties that easily, i wouldnt settle for something without a fight first, so im not gng to be beaten, not this year at least. im now running my own race, all i have to do is to compete with myself, and win myself, then i'll have reached my goal, i believe i know my own capacity and how much i can achieve academically, so i'll not let myself down. after MSA, im even more clear of what i should do and i'll shut the mouth of all my doubters, and make NJC regret their choice of rejecting me.

phew...i cant believe its finally the end of the week, these 2 weeks has been hectic for me, with not much rest everyday, im surprised im still awake and blogging now, cos i can shut my eyes and sleep anytime i want. but right now i have a visitor from china staying at my place, and he's went out to meet some frend, and i have to wait for him to return and open the door for him, so i cant sleep just yet, but thanks to him, i can use this precious sleeping time to blog some crap which is collected in my mind these few days..hahaz. and today the girls in the class brought us to Island Cremery, at bukit timah, although the NJcians over there kind of bring out my sad memories, but the icecream made up for these negative thoughts. the icecream at IC was superb! and the price is reasonable too, $8 for a 500ml tub which u can ta bao home to eat!! hahaz unfortunately it rained, but it was a good experience, it seem that the class is interacting alot better than last time, not that it was bad previously, but its better now.

haiz...sometimes i really what to say about the class, its very unique and i feel like i've hit a jackpot to end up in s17, class-wise, i dare not have any complains liao, but like the say, nothing is perfect. its impossible for ppl to 100% get along sometimes, and sometimes ppl with the problem actually dun realize them. its hard to please everyone, like always, so somethings has to be sacrificed, this might be simple to understand, but its definitely difficult to execute, esp for some troubled souls out there. i seem to be taking a laid-back and slack characteristic in the class, but i know pretty well that its not a true reflection of myself, but unfortunately i've wore this mask right from the start of last yr, and its hard to take it off right now. but sometimes i think being slack and laidback isnt that bad, it save me of alot of thinking process and unnecessary troubles, but its definitely a double-edged sword. i've yet to find my identity in school yet, its hard when ppl keep assuming abt who i am. but thats not impt la, as long as everyone is happy, it doesnt matter what role ppl assume. no matter what type of person u are, just make sure we assume our role to the fullest and dun create unnecessary problem for others.

haha...now i dunno what the hell i talking about le, seems like im really tired, so i shall end off here. thanks for being with me until this point, hope to hear u telling me that u are gng to the david tao world tour! even if u dun go, please do pick up a david tao album at the nearest CD shop and embark on ur music journey, i guarantee that it'll definitely worth the money and time. hopefully next week's performance will go on smoothly and more impt..lol..i hope CNY will solve my finiancial crisis lately...haha all the best everyone!!
