It wouldnt be soon before long...
10:51 pm

YOZ everyone! after one month of absence from the blogging scene, IM BACK! hehe i hope i didnt lose all the readers, cos normally if u check up a blog more than 3 times and the blogger still doesnt update, you will tend to check it out less and less often...but even though readers are impt, the blog, ultimately is for me to reflect and place my distorted thoughts, so it doesnt matter if anyone bothers to read it right? but thanks a million to you who read till here, this blog is more colourful thanks to you=D

Before i start, i want to delicate this song to my brother, royston. i really dunno its mere coincidence or we really always have the same bandwidth, in his recent emo post in his blog, he talked about this particular song, which he said "made him thought about his secondary school days", i wonder what aspects of secondary school days huh?? lol but thats not the point, the point is this very song is also very special to me, its one of my KTV favourite this year and im totally digging it. i didnt tell royston about this song before, but we noticed it simultaneously without any pre-plan, talk about 默契! yea so bro if you're reading this, i hope my voice will make ur secondary school memories even clearer?? lol but seriously this song is very tough and i still couldnt totally master it, so its entirely imperfect, but its the thoughts that count right?? haha so do check it out, 我爱的人.

so why did i absent myself from blogging for so long? frankly, i also dunno. actually one month is not really a long time, back in my sec 4 days, i also blog once every 4 weeks, where i will summaries the month's events. time past fast then, and how true it is even now. This past one month had been hectic for me, only a few days where i could really relax myself, and now im looking forward to sat and sun even more desperately, cos the pace of work is really un-tahan-able. As soon as CNY holidays ended, i did not had any break, its constantly being put under pressure of overdue assignments, tests and school activities. At the end of each day, im totally physically and mentally drained that i couldnt embark on any learning at home, this is dangerous cos the knowledge gap between me and the rest of the school is widening by the day. some times even when it comes to weekends, im so mentally tired that merely staring at the comp gives my headache, and when i got the mood to blog, im always restricted by the undone work, so thats why i baned myself from blogger during these period.

so im blogging right now, does that mean my work is done and im free? NOPE, still got countless work like maths assignments and physic tests, plus i got my SLAB stuff to settle. but im confident about finishing them by monday, and i dun feel like cracking my brain today, so tada! here i am typing on the keyboard. It wouldnt be soon before long, and before i even realize it, A levels will be round the corner, my failure during O levels tells me that i cannot afford to fail myself for Alevels, i must value-add myself and prove my worth, this has become ever so important to me. i know i cant count on my school and i cant count on the teachers, im not in xinmin, so i need to depend on my own and work my way out. MSA was a clear indication of my weakness and major area of improvement, im not sure how i will do for BT1, but my top priority now is to be systematic and make sure i peak at the correct time.

last weekend i went for a competition at NUS, and met my junior from china, Dianhua, currently studying at HCI, after my conversation with him, i came to a realization about my failure last yr. ok i know i've grumbling about being reject by NJC for donkey months liao, but until now i finally am able to clearly understand the own situation. I realize sometimes when we are too confident about ourselves, we tend to forget to pave an alternate route for us, and when we fail, we are unwilling to embark on the alternate path. in another words, i understand that i should never let success blind me, and never let failure stop me. when i got my olvl results, i was so confident about my prospects and didnt gave a second thought to alternative destinations, i was so sure about i am heading and didnt thought about," what if i dun get what i want?" i was blinded by my so-called "success", when the posting results came out, i was totally devastated, and didnt want to move on, i chose to dwell in the valley of agony, and in turn made many mistakes, and lost many impt things in my life, i've let failure stopped me from moving on. so now im not gng to let the sad fact abt being a pathetic saint stop me from achieving what i ought to, if the NJcians can do it, i can do better. and when i finally reach my target, i will learn to take a step back and make a well thought-off decision.

i know all of my juniors faced an impt juncture of their lives these past few weeks, following the release of their posting results, the same philosophy applies, those who achieve great things, do not be blinded and understand that there's many more challenges facing you, and life is not always smooth sailing. and esp to those who suffered similar fate as me, dun dwell agony, seek that alternate path and move on. everyone will face setbacks and challenges at some point of their lives, its just a matter of earlier or later, be glad that we get to experience failure at a young age, so that we have ample time to reflect and avoid making the same mistakes, it might be a blessing in disguise that benefits us in the long run. So to my beloved juniors, i think i've tried my best to provide my 2 cents worth of advice and help, to those who did not end up where they envisioned to be, dun fret, bcos success always comes after a failure. and to those who got to where they want, press on, more challenges lies ahead and always remember help is always round the corner, you just need to seek them out. XINMIN ROX! X=Q FOREVER!

xinmin's student leader alumni board, or SLAB, was officially set up last friday, with desmond as president, hongyou the VP and sean the secretary. the board consisted of past school leaders from my batch and my junior batch, and now i finally understand how the founding members envisioned the SLAB to be. we're gng to organize termly leadership workshops for present student leaders and two major holiday training camps as well. current im incharge of designing our board shirt and preparing for lectures to be given during the june camps. now im beginning to see more and more things which doesnt seem right in the board, and im talking about the SLAB, its the many problems which ppl have complained to us during our era, but we didnt see it as anything constructive, but now all those complains seem more and more true, and i thought this might be the reason why the board is getting weaker and weaker year and year. But im yet to solidify my observation in order to make any changes, so for now i'll just move on together with the rest and see how things goes. no matter what, im just happy to be part of an organization that contributes back to my alma mater, its good to know that im still keeping close connection with the place that used to be my second home.

its been a full month since i last went out for any form of outing! can u believe it? how has life become like this i hope this trend doesnt last any longer. but all the work we put in now is more the ultimate test at the end of this year. all the tests assignments we did from P1 until JC2, come downs to this exam called Alvl, after this hurdle i will be able to put down those books for 2 years and pick up the guns and i know everyone in JCs are facing this same things, and we will make it to the end, lets work hard together and enjoy the sweet fruits of success!

ok with that i will round off this post. i dunno when will i get the mood and time and blog again, but so many things are happening in my life now that my mind cant even organize them properly to put them in the blog, but nevertheless thanks for being with me till now, and do check back soon =D
