10:59 pm

i have to say time flies everytime i blog, bcos it's really v true. in 2 weeks time im going to get back my olvls results, and its really nerve-breaking. i've failed myself during the prelims and landed somewhere i didnt envisioned to be, will my olvl results be much better? better? same? or worse than i expect? i really dun dare to think and assume at this time, everything is getting so tense=[
i am afraid that i did worse than expected, thats obvious, it just shows that i didnt put in any effort, but in fact i did, and i worked the hardest i ever did in my life.
but im also afraid that i score better, esp if i score single digit, bcos then i will be trapped in a dilema of gng nj or staying at sa. nj has always been my dream college, i have nj posters and banners all around my bedroom, it is a sign of motivation for me during my studies..."proud to be" is the slogan that pushed me to study when i felt tired, and all the efforts i put in, i did it bcos i wanna go to nj. however the person up there always like to play tricks on us...after spending 3 weeks at sajc, i really begin to love the school, even though i was like the only person from xinmin in my og, we really got along v well, i begin to understand the joy of having friends and making friends. i also got to re-confirm my understanding of the Truth by relating to new ppl around me. even though we were from different schools, nvr did i felt isolated or forgotten, thats why i feel that sajc has easily won me over, bcos the friends there really make me feel at home. but one thing i dun really get use to is the practice of christian schools, bcos im not a christian and is the first time being in a christian school, i felt out of place during morning bible reading and prayers, other than that there's really no reason for me to reject sajc.
whatever the results maybe, i believe everything happened for a reason, and that there's always been an unknown force making things happen. but one has to bear responsiblity for their actions bcos no one is there to bear the consequences of our own mistakes, i know that i didnt prepare myself well enough for olvls, so im willing to accept whatever results i achieve. i just hope my og and my new-found friends will not break away from me that quickly, i agree that we are currently only reached the friends and good friends layer, so there nth much to lose even if we broke away from each other, but i sincerely hope that most of us become pals, and a handful of us become brothers and sisters, and maybe even closer=P whatever the case maybe, im glad that was able to get along with u ppl and hope that my image will always be good in ur memories...
