2:30 am

argh...and i am far from ready. wonder why am i still online blogging, as if my o levels is next year liddat...

its the time to wake up, after sleeping for my entire life, its a choice of life or death, why am i still fooling around with it? all the day-dreaming and night-dreaming about success, does it come naturally? until when will i understand that i must stop playing and get to work. i am not a genius, i dunno everything in the textbooks, not to say the world around me. i am not stupid, i can deliver more than what i've achieved, and i push the limits ten fold, twenty fold. slacking is fun, bcos it doesnt need to exercise the brain, but what's the brain for? i have the best environment to succeed, good school, good teachers, good classmates, but am i fit to have all these if i always slack around? i have my whole family looking upon me in china, on the day of my departure, my future is the hope of my family, am i going to dissappoint them? i have a family full of warmth, my mum trust me in everything i do, she nvr put pressure on my studies, am i going to use that as an excuse if i dun do well? my brother look upon me as a mentor, am i going to impart my slack-ness to him? i am looking at myself, i want to succeed, i expect nothing less then perfect from myself, even though there's no such thing as perfection n this world, i still seeks for it. i know exactly where i want to go, what i am going to do, am i going to let myself down?
its the moment, its the place, its the opportunity, its the exam
to do what i've nvr done, to strive for what i really want, to deliver what is expected, to achieve my target.
its no joke, there's no replay, regardless of the jeers around me, i am to announce my goal. if i dun achieve what i aimed for, it means i did one of those sins stated above. there's no turning back now.

~destination NJ~
