9:44 pm

this friday i forgot to blog again! very very sorry, cos i have chinese lit remedial every saturday and i am susposed to memorise one chapter each session, i think i memorize until i forgot everything else:P

i started to use ernest way to sleep, its very simple, every night when u sleep, say this to urself,"body, when i wake up at x am tmr morning, i will have exactly 8 hours of sleep." and miraculous, i didnt dozed off in class for the whole day! it may sound stupid but believe or what, it really worked for me, and i strongly encourage u to try. during assembly i took my english common test, quite hard i think, but i dun think will fail, hopefully? after that during amaths self-study we sorted out our e and a maths file, and i have WSs missing out of the blue, and i turned my room upside down that night still cannot find...looks like the p is going to see me very soon:(

early in the morning ms kuck came and ask me to find her 8 ppl to do ushering duty on wednesday...so last minute! but despite of the late timing, i managed to grab 7 ppl by the end of the day...hehez played table tennis outside my classroom after class, first time i played for so long outside class since sec 2 time(haiz...the good old days...)after that i went for volleyball servicing, to make up for wednesday cos i going for the ushering duty.

went to ngee ann poly at around 12.45pm, saw her walked out of the school with her friends. the group of us told jokes to each other on the bus and b4 we knew it we were at NP, her lecture theatre block was very cool, especially the transparent lift, and the ppl kept selling NP to us lol:D the ushering part was very sian cos very few ppl came and they came in bits and pieces, jasper and i spent the time talking the life after we guaduate and playing stupid games. it was a very tiring day for me thanks for the long hour of standing at the lobby of NP....

the group of SL went to malacca and they all wore home clothes to school that day, and zuyao had branded items from head to toe! (**admiring**) that day was very busy cos i had to rush my EL file, after that roy and i went to cut hair at j and jas, the auntie cut roy's hair and jeffrey did mine, finally cut back the similar hairstyle i had in china, feeling very delighted, i accompanied roy to ang mo to purchase hair wax, saw her at the prata shop. when i got home, my mum kept telling me that my hair looked like hers when she was younger lolxD

its the last day of term 1! HAPPY! but actually the march holidays are not a rest time for me, cos got hmk, programmes and arts festival to juggle. After school roy and i went to hougang mall to buy benedict's b'day present, which lies on tuesday of next week. after looking through every possible thing to buy, we decided to buy a basketball pants for benedict cos he told me b4 that he wants a basketball pants. now we just hav wait to see his reaction on tuesday:)

to whoever up there...its the start of the march holiday, may u bless me with lots of energy to do my work, diligence for me to study and catch up wif my work and luck for every i do and want to be done...amen...
