10:59 pm

very tired now, just came back from NJC=D, so i'll write a short one.

nothing much, settled the crosstalk piece with malong. had self study until 3, mrs song gone through our kinematics work, later during self-study, some of the 307 didis and meimeis came over for their log test. haiz, i was near, but i still couldnt bring myself to talk more, still so far apart...its my fault for not taking the initiative, probably i should give up, i dun have much time left b4 my prelims and olvls...haiz

not very happening, just an average day, praticed crosstalk after school for half an hour and went straight home after that and chiong NBA Live 06=P

was told that i was down for english oral practice at 3.30pm when i am dismissed at 1.30!!!!! wth, my whole day, especially morning, was spoiled by this news. so that afternoon had to play tt to kill my time, at 2.30 i left for volleyball, those irresponsible teachers are not around again!! that means i have to pump the balls the next day, what a waste of time! when i went up again after oral, the sec1s were already done and i just went home after this "fantastic" day.
hell day for me.

went to practice our crosstalk again, until 4 plus then took the pump to pump the ball, just to realize that none of the power points in the sports hall is working! hell, so i had to bring all the balls down to the hall and pump=(

morning we performed our crosstalk piece during the morning assembly. later during in class i was surprised to be told that i topped the class for culmulative and loci tests, quite tyco but i will take that as an encouragement to do better. in the afternoon quickly chiong finish physics practical and took cab to NJC with ms sun and malong. my first visit to my dream school NJC! its fantastic, i love their pe shirt, its red=D and i found out that PM Lee was also from this school! the campus was very big and beautiful but abit old, and the main gate is at a very wulu place...then during the crosstalk competition i got to hear many fantastic pieces and i laugh until i stomach pain>D we were the 20th team out of 27 teams and when it our turn, i was already tired already. in the end only 8 teams got into the finals and we were not among them. but its the experience gained that is important, next yr xinmin is sure to win! later mrs fong drove us to hwa chong's restaurant for dinner and took her car back to school.

frankly speaking, i dun feel very bad not winning the competition, but i felt that i could have done better...but nonetheless i must say that we have not failed, we just have not succeed, and it will depend on the juniors now to fulfill our dreams. its my last competition representing xinmin, its hard to say that i am not sad.
