11:12 pm

first week of term two was so packed with things! bcos it's xinmin's first arts festival:kaleidoscope. all of us was so busy preparing for it, the teachers were also put to their limit. but i am just glad the 3-day concert turned out well.

first day of school, saw our classroom with a new colour, purple and orange. frankly speaking i dun really like the colour combination but doesnt hate it too, hope the others will like it cos the class really put in lots of effort to paint.we had to move to the temporary classroom bcos our class is not completely finished. amaths lesson i was chased out of the class by mrs song for not doing her hmk:( afternoon went to see mrs ho and ms sun to rehearse our mc script, did terribly bad and was told to go back and memorise my script:(

its the first day of kaleidoscope, we had lessons until 3pm and mrs song gave us lotsa hmk, after that we planned to meet in J8 at 5pm. so roy and i set off for home while ben was still in class. dunno if its i too excited abt kaleidoscope, i reached J8 at 4.30! and i thought i spent a long time at home. so no choice hav to wander around J8 and finally sat down for a drink at mac. everyone was late! roy's bus broke down on the way to MRT(suei arh) so he was late for abt 15min? after that i accompanied him to purchase something special=P at the shop i suddenly realized something disasterous--i forgot to bring my ticket! LOL fancy going for a concert without ticket...so i had to call my mum and she had to make her way down all the way to J8 to deliver the ticket, great thanks to her, i could watch the performance without much problem. pin hui and ma long did very well as MCs for that night, great start for the 3-day. the performance was well done but i didnt watch much cos my eyes was focused on that person on stage. after the perfomance ben and i went to amk coffee shop to eat his favourite minced meat noodles. and that marks the end of this exciting day=)

i could go and watch the performance for free in preparation for my turn as MC the next day. we dismissed quite early that day and i stayed back till 3 plus to finish off all the amaths work. after that i realized that ben was sleeping at the back all the time while i was doing my work, and he had dunno how many times more hmk left than me, so i took out his hmk, lay out the foolscape and took out his pen, woke him up and persuaded him to start work, he was still at the back of the class when i left, hope he did his work. met with roy and yck mrt and when to vch together, the performance was as good as the first day, pity that the choir musical was so short, and i loved the school alumni band's performance.saw her during intermission, walking out with her friends, actually wanted to say hi, but i dunno why the moment i look at her all my guts were gone, haiz. then after the whole thing, saw her leaving with a guy walking behind her, i sense danger but what can i do? lol stay positive always...that night went brandell mac with roy to eat and when home after this tiring day.

its the day for me, and i havent memorize my script at all, die liao die liao...left the school at 12 and started to rehearse as soon as we reached vch, very tiring process bcos both sherina and me could not memorize our script and the teachers were very pissed, i spent the whole afternoon memorising like a mad man, at 6pm i was dead already, lost all my energy and felt so tired, and i regretted not resting, cos later i did a terrible job as a MC...last minute i couldnt anything into my head sherina also had a hard time with her script. almost everytime i went out i made mistakes=(, in contrast i think sherina did much better than me, what a shame i brought onto myself. what touched me most was after the whole thing many ppl still told me that i did well, thanks for making me feel better but i still couldnt forgive myself for the lousy performance. took the bus with one of the asthetic groups, saw her on the bus in front doing funny faces at me(?)after helping the asthetic to move their stuff back to school, i went to have dinner with my mum and went back home to sleep.

came to school at 8.15, had a terrible sore throat. mrs peh was damn pissed off with us today, dunno why also bcos i missed almost the entire class. after that during amaths i was very proud to present a set of completed hmk to mrs song=Dfirst time since a long time ago. during chem mrs raj introduced us to organic chemistry first, after that we had our open book test, spent a messy 30min looking through my unread notes.during chinese ms tee told us abt students leaving the school during chinese lesson bcos the teachers is at vch, this is really an atrocious behavior, the teacher has to be responsible to whatever happened to u during that 1 hour and there's ppl doing these disgraceful things to teachers...during ss we had a structured essay test and i didnt know anything abt that topic, so i happily spent one hour writing crap.chinese lit was slacking time, i spent the whole one hour finding a good position to sleep, and when i finally found one, the bell rang LOL physic practical mrs peh was still angry at us, we did the experiment to find angle of refraction and we plotted a graph of sin i against sin r to find the gradient, which is also the refractive index. after that i went home and sang, which is something i didnt do for a while.

i must still say that i shamed myself on the third day and things like that will not happen anymore, whoever up there, please give me the luck to get my gold in xiangsheng competition and dun let histories during the third night repeat itself...amen...
