12:26 am

didnt anticipate that i would blog again so soon. a handful of things just happened these few days and i am still caught in the aftermath of it.

the holidays ended as if it never started. and we are pumped with mountains of work from every subject teacher. now i look at my uncompleted holiday work and the endless supply of homework, i realized how tough my life is going to be. a few changes in my subject teachers this term: english still in band 3, but teacher change to rosaline chan, then ben left for band 2 while roy joined me in band 3. ms chan's lesson is fun and entertaining, she always uses very chim words which left us in wonderment and awe-.-then she always drag a topic far far away and talk lots of inrelevant but interesting issues. the hmk is also very "interesting", one full paper(1 and 2) per week! add.maths i was banded to band 2 with lim swee khim, not really used to her teaching yet, quite miss mrs song's teaching, mrs lim teach like singing chinese opera liddat, full of emotion, body language and facial expression sia, and she damn fierce and talk like a loudspeaker on fullblast man...but i heard she is a very good maths teacher and she will motivate us to do well, so i hope it will be true.

last friday marked the end of my SL life in xinmin...when ms kuck announced that from friday onwards all sec4 and excos will step down, it was quite a blow to me, it nvr accured to me that the excos will step down as early as sec4 SLs, its not logical at all, the elections have not yet started, slb is now is a state of anarchy, who can represent the SLB at this point when there's no excos, it is unreasonably to dismiss us so soon. what makes me more angry is that i know that the teachers want to get rid of us as soon as possible, but what for they make up a stupid reason saying: your mid-year results are not good, so u need the rest of the year to study. its as if that tie on our tie will straggle and suffocate us, or as if we cant think with that tie on. whatever the reason, what is done cant be changed, i just feel that i've been fooled off my position and it was a joke played by the teachers.

i also received my new SL tee on my retirement day, what a coincidence! the new SL tee is green and black in colour with yellow SLB logo, the new logo has added the young and enegetic H.C on it, approving of her position in the organisation. the shirt has changed its material to polyester and cotton, which made the shirt lighter, cooler to wear and easiler to manage. hope that is will last long becos polyester shirts last shorter than pure cotton shirts. the SL tee will be the last present to me from the SLB, it will be a souvenir for my retirement. still cant believe that my SL life ended like a breeze...

up we shut up and move on, we cannot live in the agony of the past.
feel like humming some songs nowadays
