12:23 pm

This week was very fulfilling, basically bcos of the SUPER-TEEN workshop, and that's why i am blogging so late this week.

Roy started to compose lyrics for JJ Lin's Hai Pa, and i gave him some advice, for far the lyrics we compose are all Jay's songs, so it's great to compose JJ's for a change. One of the best lyrics we've composed is "Biao Bai"(Jay's An Jing) you can hear it at my music web http://18733.ok.21cn.com :)
Had investiture rehearsal in the afternoon, quite messy actually, many of the things was no in place, but we still successfully finished the rehearsal, thursday one will definitely be better.

Nothing much really, very sian day, first time since i became a SL, i went back home as soon as the dismissal bell rang and slept at 10.30pm

Morning nothing much. But was very busy in the afternoons, i had volleyball training with the sec 1 girls and also rehearsal for Kaleidoscope:Xinmin Arts Festival. I had to split myself in this two place. Heard the Choir and Band's combined performance, listened to ms ho and ms sun regarding MC stuffs, then went up to train the girls until around 5, then went back home and get ready for SUPER-TEEN, which will be on thursday and friday and saturday, 36 hours+. Recorded roy's Biao Bai and uploaded it onto the net. I'll be the MC for the last day of Kaleidoscope, so do come down and support all the performing groups!

Day 1
Got to know Ernest Wong and his co-speaker Ken. One of the first things they said was, "These three days DON'T study! I want you to DREAM!" this is very true, we have to have dreams so that we can set goals for ourselves. Later they asked how many of us want to have 8A1s, how many want to become millionaires, and i realized many of my friends actually have the same dream and goal i have. After that they talk to us about self-esteem, to success we must have high self-esteem, which means we feel lovable and capable. But i had to leave the workshop for a while bcos of investiture rehearsal, which started one hour late, by the time i came back, Ernest was already half-way teaching us studying techniques, and we sat through the thing until 9+pm which i went home.

Day 2
Ernest taught us how to use our aura power and i realized how powerful is our imagination and realized our inner energy. We were taught how to use spidergrams to study and make notes, and use memory cues to memorize lots of infomation, which i found very useful, now i could memorise about 10 different things in less than 1min! The evening was the climax of the whole programme, Ernest suddenly started to scold us and told us how much our parents loved us and how we toke that for granted, he told us about how we are borned and we badly we are treating out parents and many more stuffs that touched our emotions, that evening i cried as if i nvr did, it was the first time i cried so full of sorrow since primary school.

Day 3
Morning was all memory techniques, afternoon ken proved to us that 95% of the ppl dun wanna succeed in life, and unfortunately i belong to the 95%, but soon i will belong to the 5%! In the evening i had the shock of my life, Ken demostrated to us how he changed Hongyou in a powerful steel rod, and all of a sudden hy's body became straight and still!!!!!! then ken levitated hy into the air and he stayed there!!!!!!his body still straight, then he ask one girl to stand on hy and ken himself sat on hy, but hongyou still remained straight and still!!!!! OMG, i thought, it was fantastic! I really believe how powerful our imagination is, and if we think it will happen to us, very often it will happen. At night some of our parents came and ernest taught us the different type of hugs:D and told us about the sad story of his childhood, some of us cried and later we hugged our parents and it marked the end of the workshop.

I cannot talk to much about the workshop in detail because it is the IP of ERNESCO, but i really encourage the my junior to join this programme when u are in sec 4, it's really enriching! if u wanna know, feel free to ask me in school and i can tell u more, of cos can ask other sec 4 from 403 404 405 and 407!
