10:45 pm

For some reason, this week passed very quicky, i hasn't even realize that its already the end of the week! this week was filled with tests right from day one, even though i didnt study, but the pressure was still there...

Planned to have Chinese Lit test, my greatest fear, but Mrs Low spent 1/2 hour during morning to talk about how well we have done for O lvls, so my test was postponed to wednesday. Horray!During assembly we had this Total Defence Day skit which was so entertaining, we laughed out hearts out. But nightmare came after that, with the absence of the teachers, the hall became a place of chaos, this moment a group of 5Ns were throwing shoes at each other, and the SLs had to quarrel with them, the next moment two joker were playing music using a loudspeaker, and Mr Singh had to be called in to help us keep order. Students were throwing things at SLs performing duty, somehow i suddenly thought: we SLs are so weak....

Today we had SS and History test, source-based and structured respectively, and i think i will do badly for both because i didnt study my stuff well at all.(must start to study...) Mrs Song finally stopped A Maths for awhile and start E MAths. Life is wonderful without A Maths hmk! I love E Maths Loci!

Morning we had a CCA Leader Dialogue Session in the AVA room, and the CCA Leaders just kept quiet for the whole thing. We chose Evelyn to be Head of HC and no one gave us any constructive ideas of improving HC-SL cooperation, and some of the CCA Leader were just KPing for the whole session and giving us that KP face, as if he was so great...actually i find some of the CCA Leaders that are really commited very lovable, and i think they are great, but there will always be impurities, unfortunately. In the afternoons i went for VB training with the sec1 gals, delighted to see them improve quite alot, well done!

As usual, we had our weekly A Maths test and today its on Differentiation of Maxima and Minima Word Problems, and it was another 30min of staring for me, ARGH, just cant do well in maths!(how to go JC like this? wth!)Later in the afternoons went for DB meeting and saw a totally stressed-out wenqin, talked with him about JC life and how to prepare for O Lvls and went home at around 6, one of the earliest DB meetings yet.

Early in the morning, alan came and find me told me to go pump the balls that afternoon, and i was like wth...friday not my day i still must do this type of shit work, this encounter with him spoils my entire day...Later we went to Chem lab for practical, it was SO FUN! my chem teacher rox too:D we did a test for CO2 and then the exciting test with Devorade's alloy to get the pungent smell of SO4 i think, there was vigorous bubbling and some table had the hot solution spurting every and eveything was a chaos, but i am proud to say our table managed it very well!:D Later Chinese Lit class, mdm wasnt here and Mdm Chua took over(the old and respected one) her class was so fun, the best lit class i attended! and later chinese test she also invigilated my class, the way she treat the students were very entertaining, it was really a joy to have her around. At 1.30 i went for the interview with the external validators, the atmosphere was very cold and quiet, but we manged to tell him what we really think about the school and it was generally enjoyable. Later i went to pumped the balls and did the remaining of my chi test. After all that, i went wif roy to kovan and bought Jung Chang's Wild Swans.

This week was not very eventful and it passed like a breeze, swift but hardly noticeable, hopefully next week will be better...amen.
