1:43 am

its been a month since i passed out as a sergeant! can't believe i haven blogged since 26 days before i passed out. I used to think i would have much to talk abt about i finally graduate from the gruelling 6 mths course, but guess im just too tired to let them out XD this is a glimpse of my passing-out ceremony day =P

feelings about passing out? not as much as i thought it would be, actually after all those long hours of rehearsal i dun feel the excitement as much, but nevertheless happy passing out to all my friends!! =D

after one week of rest, its back to work at the Civil Defence Academy again, this time as an instructor, and i've been trying my best to adapt to my new life since then =\

as my work place is at boon lay, every morning and evening i have lots of time on the train/bus to just stone and reflect on my life...something i love to do ironically...and i thought of hope, and how it move us to carry on with life.

so many times im being asked: do u regret becoming an instructor? having to work 5 days and travelling so far? and i have been having an internal struggle with the answer i give...and i thought about all the choices i've been thus far, how many of them truly made me happy right at the moment i made them? none.

most of the time, we do not have "happiness" as a choice or option in life, its just not available. From choosing our primary school, secondary school, JC and uni course, we are all choosing something most of us hate to do: study, but nevertheless we have to make the choice. I was nvr happy when i choose sajc, i even regret doing so at the start, but after i graduate, life as a student was the best time of my life so far!

so i realized, we regret our choices sometimes because we tend to focus on the opportunity cost of sacrificing our alternative choices, few of us look into the possibilities of the choices we already made. no matter which choice we make, it lead us to the same target ultimately, we just have to make happiness out of the journey ourselves. and that brings us to another important aspect of life: Hope.

hope is something that keeps us going, some great person once said: a person can live 3 weeks without food, 3 days without water, but only 3 seconds without hope. and i feel thats very true. all our life, we've been living on hope, hoping for a better future, hoping for more happiness to come. the fulfillment of one hope lead us to hoping to something else. i remember in my primary school days, we always hope to go to secondary school, and in secondary school, we hope Olevels to end so we can enjoy ourselves in JC. when we reach JC, we realize JC is not all about fun and hoped that Alevel will be over so that we could finally slack in NS, and when we reach NS, we cant wait for ORD so we can study again XD thats the repeated cycle of our life, or my life for now, the bottomline is without hope, we cannot survive. and its hope thats bringing me forward in NS life, hoping to pass out, hoping to ORD...hoping to be happy doing the things im suspose to do.

i believe happiness is a choice we have to make, whereas grieve and agony is the nature of the society. waking up at 5.30am and travelling 2 hours to work everyday made me experience the life of a working adult and a glimpse of the outside world, and im happy to be having this experience while doing what i like at work: teaching

i know i've just been dragging on and on without no focus or organization whatsoever, i shall end here, hope i will have more things to share with myself on this blog soon...until then...all the best to you =)

470 days to ORD....
