into a new life...
12:55 am

its almost THREE months since i last updated, quite sure i've lost the last reader of my neglected blog. since my last post, my life have been a roller coaster ride, from really busy days to extremely laid-back "rest-days", but i haven't got the mood to blog about anything. i think my brain is seriously not working properly these days, has been hibernating for too long XD

ok first thing first, have been teaching in xinmin since feb, and it has been a tiring but fulfilling experience. i guess im really lucky, to be able to work in a familar environment, interacting with people of my age and youngsters. overall it has been much fun, especially the first 3 weeks when i took over a teacher, i really enjoyed the process of planning lessons and teaching. even though its very tiring, it gives me a sense of satisfaction when my students understood what i was teaching. of cos there was dissapointments, when i saw how weak some students are, esp in their chinese. its not due to their knowledge, but their passion and motivation to study and push themselves to the limits. it was also painful to see how many great teachers i knew had left xinmin, and now those sitting on top are no longer familar faces, they are definitely as capable or maybe even more capable, but to me, i no longer feel as warm in xinmin as i used to be. my teaching career ended with homecoming day, where xinmin students got to enjoy themselves, i also felt good to leave the school in a festive note. but im quite sure i will be back after my NS, so wait for me=) thanks to everyone in school for making my short career meaningful, esp teachers of the chinese dept, science dept and ITO.

aside from teaching, most of my after-school hours were spent outside, enjoying company of friends and relatives, which also meant i never really rested, so my health these days are also deteoriating rapidly, but i guess it will be better soon, after i adapt to the routine life of NS.

enlisted on 7 april 2009 into Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF), alr spent 3 days at the basic rescue training centre. moving to civil defence academy for my emergency response specialist (ERS) next week. basically i feel blessed to have 3 other saints with me in my platoon and dorm, and the orientation week is finally over. next week i will move on to spec course, which is very physically challenging. i know im not very physically inclined, but i thought i want to gain something from my NS days and not waste my time away, so i decided to challenge myself. ultimately, i hope to push myself to my limits and improve my fitness level.

new life, new environment, new people, but i wanna have the same attitude i always had, not giving up easily and always believe in myself. i will never know where my true limit lies until i reach my limit. but of cos, its important to take care of myself and make sure i survive thru the trainings XD so the person up there, please bless me and keep me safe XD

all of my class guys would be in the army by next tuesday, i hope we will all take care of ourselves and make good use of these 2 yrs to fulfill something in our life. hereby i also hope the person up there to keep everyone safe and sound, and bless us with an eventful yet peaceful 2 years ahead.

botak alr, people say hair are like worries, without hair, means no worries XD i cant believe im alr in NS, and the future 2 yrs still look bleak, but i will press on and survive thru it, i will jump over this obstacle and go for what i truly want in life =D if other ppl can, why can't i?

lol trying to be positive, pardon me xP
