the long overdue post
12:49 am

i havent been blogging for a while, so sorry to my blog for neglecting XD i'll be back in singapore very soon and thought i should at least write something to briefing sum up the past year and talk about the year ahead, for memory sake X)

about A' Levels 2008
people say its the toughest exam in your life, and it ended in a flash. probably the most painstaking period was 2 weeks before the exam, where i know the need to study, but mentally sian-ed of studying totally. but im glad that i outlasted till the end after many help from friends and tutors. i dare not think about the results, but i did the best i could within the short duration, so like what mr tan ping hock said to me in sec 2, i did my part, and i will accept whatever results that is given to me. nevertheless i desire for something that reflects my effort, not that its very much XD maybe i will have more credibility to talk abt exams after i receive my results, becos all these are empty talks now. nevertheless i wanna thank a few people that made my academic year of 2008 a memorable experience. mr chua for being more lenient with my hair so that i can concentrate on my studies and not hairchecks XD mr lim who constantly tells us facts and figures and give his "predictions" to motivate us; mr koo for all the long hours of maths consultations that enlightened me deeply, esp b4 the As; mr randy for being the most encouraging and reassuring teacher i know in sajc, i know i havent been the most enthusiatic GP student, but thanks for being a good friend and mentor to me too=) not forgetting mr phang for making me see the "light" in physics and mr tay for giving me the courage to survive Alvl economic, i hope i do not dissapoint all of you=) and especially important, thanks to all my classmates who fought and lasted with me till the end. studying in JC is very different from secondary, classmates in JC provided me with a totally different kind of support and help. i might not miss sajc, but i will definitely miss the people here.

Post A' Levels

very tiring period, actually i self-declared end of exams after my econs paper 2 XD on 12 nov, 6 days before my last paper. have been going out every single day, meeting up with long lost friends. it was physically draining but mentally fulfilling to finally go out and happy since i imprison myself 6mths ago. but as the saying goes: 天下无不散之筵席, end of alevels also means many leaving going on, and changi airport suddenly became one of my frequently visited places. i think this happens to all scholar classes, esp after alvls, when we have to part ways to pursue brighter future ahead, all i can give my friends are my well wishes and encouragements, go all out to strive for ur dreams and dun leave any blanks in ur life! true friendship can outlast all obstacles, including distance and time, so im sure we will still look out for each other in future. i look forward to the next time our class reunites.

China Trip 2008/2009
this will be my last trip back home in the next 2 years, since im not allowed to leave in the SCDF. and this trip back to china has been the most memorable experience, firstly becos i got to travel with a friend, brother look aka hao ge. my last trip with a friend was 8 years ago, so this trip has been a very special experience for me. traveling with a friend in a city i've stayed in for 18 years made me feel like a total stranger, its like im embarking on a new journey, i got to experience many parts of my own city which i couldnt embark alone, like gng to the rural areas, climbing mountains and having fun with people of my age.

we also went to shenzhen to meet brother look's friend; brother liao aka long ge. it was again a new sensation for me, who was visiting shenzhen for the first time. but wat i learn most from this shenzhen trip is not abt the city itself, but rather the life of youths in this city, long ge brought us around his frequent hangouts and let us into his way of life, which was an eye opener for me, and i began to understand many things my parents used to tell me and learnt many valuable life lessons.

lastly hao ge and i went to hongkong, the first time i went to hongkong was last yr, i went alone, and this time i went with a friend, and the feeling was totally different. it was the same places, same timing, same weather, but theres so much more thrill and excitement. i think this hongkong trip has been more exciting for hao ge, who got to experience thrill beyond his imagination XD

i wanna thanks hao ge and long ge for making this possible, and fulfilling my dream of travelling with friends in an unfamilar, its not about the place, its about the thrill XD i hope theres more chances to travel with friends and more in the future =)

after hao ge went back to singapore, life returned back to normal, its me and my familar home. but theres something about the city of Xiamen that keeps me coming back every year, its beyond the relatives here, beyond the liberty i have here, beyond the amount of entertainment accessible here. even when i spend the entire day stoning at home, i still look forward to everyday. maybe its because i find peace here, a sense of peace that is absent in singapore. theres much less things to worry about back at home. even though i spent 7 days in Shanghai, i still love Xiamen more, it doesnt have the laid-back attitude of the rural areas, and it doesnt have the stress of the big cities, and has everything else u wanna find =) Xiamen has been advancing very fast, and though i cant bear to leave it for 2 years, im sure when im back in 2011, this will be even a better place to work, live and play.

about year 2008

at the start of the year, i dubbed this yr as "The Takeover", and i hoped to take over my life and get a grip again, i didnt dissapoint myself. i wanna thank the person up there for everything that happened this year, im very grateful for everything and everyone that has came into my life this year. i learnt that happiness comes with a healthy mindset and being true to outselves. in 2007, i thought i was being myself, but now i learnt that i lost myself then, and im very grateful to have found myself again in 2008, with the help of many. year 2008 i was blessed with many chances and opportunities to find myself and understand more about the society i live. academics aside, i got back my confidence on stage and fulfilled my dream of learning music and composing my own songs, this by itself made year 2008 a year to remember, what a fantastic ending one segment of my education life! =D

looking at year 2009

i dub this year as "The Interchange". this year, i will enter the NS, like changing line on the MRT, im moving from one identity to another, from one aspect of life to another, there will be alot of people at the interchange, and all i hope is a smooth transition and journey ahead. im glad to have this 2 years of rest from academics before my uni, for me to organize my thoughts and reconsider about my future paths. i will also make use of this year to do things i never had the time or courage to do, like composing better songs, learning the piano and going deep into guitar. i also want to spend more time with my loved ones with the abundent free time (hopefully) and enrich myself about my future career. all in all, i hope 2009 to be a peaceful year, with no big turbulences, i want to use this time to empower myself and strengthen relationships. and of cos, i hope things will peaceful for the people around me too. in a time of economic crisis, all we need is some calm to see the solutions.

so happy new year to u and as always, thank you for bearing with me until here. im abit rusty about writing since i havent blogged for a while. hope u will start off this year beautifully and remain happy for the the rest of the year ^^
