26 days...
3:05 am

i cant believe im typing on my long neglected blog again...haha probably roy was right about us wanting to blog but always procrastinated...so here i am at last =D

finally i can see the finish line, but like any long distance race, the final lap is always the toughest, where u are physically and mentally drained to the extend that u dun feel that moving on. And u see the finishing line, but no matter how hard u push urself, that line nvr seem to move closer to you...u can say thats the kind of feeling im getting now. on the brighter side, the sense of accomplishment after actually finishing the race is tremendous, if u ever did complete the race. so i hope i will press on, the next 3 weeks is not gng to be child's play...

actually as the day passes me by, i have alot of thoughts that i wanted to write into my blog, but at the end of the day when i actually sits down infront of the computer, all those thoughts kind of flew away. STM it might be =X but i guess im just too sian and tired of the things gng on around me, and i cant be bothered to say anything anymore. i guess its part of growing up that u learn how to shut up, despite how badly u wanna voice out. learning how to take whatever that is thrown to u, good or bad, and eat it all up, at the end of the day, whatever goes in must come out right? its just a matter of time, i just hope goodness and integrity will prevails at the end of it all.

just watched 2 very classical films recently, Forrest Gump and The Shawshank Redemption, both are timeless masterpieces and i have learnt alot about life thru watching them. Forrest Gump is a light hearted comedy reminding us that innocence and integrity is what we modern ppl terribly lacks. Shawshank Redemption painted a vivid picture of life behind the bars, through the stories of the inmates, we got to see life at a different light. i was almost moved to tears at several occasions during the film. one quote from the movie Shawshank i clearly remember: IN LIFE, WE EITHER GET BUSY LIVING, OR GET BUSY DYING. which one best depicts ur life? we have the choice to decide which option we want to take. for those who watched the films, my interpretation might not be comprehensive or just, but for those who havent watched, go check it out =D

after a wait of 3 years, david tao has finally answered my prayers and delivered his 6th studio album 69乐章! frankly, my first impression of the album was bad, i was =| for the whole time thru the 14 songs. but after 2 weeks of listening, i'm totallly loving it! its not ur conventional chinese commercial music we are bombarded with everyday, but instead a fusion of emotions, detailed arrangements and the love for music. i always felt that music of the west beats the east hands down, because they are more detailed in their arrangements and instruments, making every song in a studio album a masterpiece. whilst chinese music are filled with junk song written for the sake of writing. but david tao's Opus69 was surprising detailed and masterful, it boasts the kind of instrumental and arrangement expertise rare in chinese music industry. i understand that not everyone will be able to appreciate and agree with my thoughts about the album, but nvrtheless its one of the best album i've heard so far and i can safely say on behalf of all DT fans, that our 3 yr wait was worthwhile =)

DT's album has motivated to restart writing songs again, i have so many melodies flowing in my head all these while but no motivation to pen them down, but DT's songs has got me started again. hopefully after 26 days i will be able to revamp my studio and start writing my songs again. i miss my old life before NS, hasnt been able to go back to where i was, but im sure i will find them back asap =D

we can live life one way or another, get busy living or get busy dying, that basically summarise everything, and we obvious know which option to take. thanks for the enlightenment.
