56 days to go...
10:15 pm

David Tao just released a single from his coming studio album 69乐章!! Finally something to brighten up the day xD check out taozhe.blogspot.com for the link to the song, simply said...I love it =) it's a very cheeky song about inspiring people to be their best, the song is Zero to Hero, I keep humming it during trng today xD

Good news aside...56 days more to go and I can pass out, but now my back pain is coming to haunt me =( it's always pain ESP when I slp, and affect my performance during trng. I want to get it check up but it's been a persistent problem so I am afraid of bad news=\ I hope I can endure this pain till I pass out...come on!

Still feeling sian, my mind is filled with problem and yet I hav to handle life in camp, really getting to my nerve...I hope this is the kind of mental trng I'm suspose to go thru in ns...cos I feel as each day passes, I'm getting more sian, tired and 无奈 =|

Tmr is yet another test to take, physical endurance kind of test...so need lots of rest, I dun mind trng hard, but sometimes somethings just want to spoil my mood...

I shan't rant on and on, I dun wan to sound naggy, hope u are doing fine in ur own way=) good night friends!


Week 16
11:38 pm

It's been a long time since I last wrote anything, 3 months to be exact...just because I could not find the energy and motivate to blog, dunno why also, but...

60 more days and I will pass out!! I can't wait, after 3 months of training I hav grew to become impatient xD

this week's program totally made me feel sian...I dunno I feel this sianess inside me since term 1 ended...hopes it will disappear soon ba

to my friends, long time to see, dun worry I'm fine because i have my loved ones around me to go thru these tough times =) I will try to blog more often in camp now just to get back to my habit of blogging, I think it's good for us to pen down ours thoughts, just for memory and keep our minds thinking

It's getting late, good night everyone! All the best=)

p.s mark down this date: 15 aug 2009 because David Tao is releasing his new album 69乐章!! I have waited 3 years for this day xD
