realizing a dream, affirming a passion...
11:48 pm

if u had been wondering where i've been since my last post a mth ago...

and my last lesson regretfully ended on monday, but it has really mean a great experience, and a dream come true for me. i learnt how to pen down the melodies that were flowing in my mind, play the keyboard, and share the love of music with other classmates(not all of them were available for the photo-shoot that day) i also got to know many musically talented individuals and learn a trick or two from them, especially our teacher Banniang Laoshi. LWSSOM is really made me feel very homely, like an eden for music lovers to make and enjoy music, we can even sing KTV for free for as long as we like in their singing room=D not to mention the professionalism and effort put in by our teacher and the staffs. if you are looking for a place where u can learn music and enjoy the process, LWSSOM is definitely one of the best choice.

did i mention about 大风吹? if u watch the upcoming SUPERBAND, they are one of the top16, and 3 out of 5 band members are instructors and staff from LWSSOM, Chenliang, Hideaki and Estella. i personally know chenliang and hideaki and they have helped me alot during my stay at LWSSOM, and trust me, they are GREAT. so do look out for them and 大风吹 in SUPERBAND!

right down i've composed 2 songs in preparation for july's SAJC songwriting comp, but the rules said that the songs i submit cannot be released to the public, so i cant share it with u right now=) today i stepped into the recording studio for the first time in my life, to record my first ever self-composed song, it was really a dream come true when i heard my own voice come out of the studio, im so excited to hear the end product. im very grateful that both banniang laoshi and chenliang came into the studio and guide me through the singing. but there was a major setback, i cant sing properly due to flu, so recording was incomplete today and had to be done when i recover my voice. despite my shitty voice today, the studio assistant yanxi was very patient with me, chenliang also gave me alot of valuable comments, not forgetting banniang laoshi's encouragements. even though i couldnt finish my song as planned, i will make sure the next recording is much improved, so please make my voice come back asap!

so even though my lessons with LWSSOM has ended, i will still very much be back for recording and consultations with newly composed songs in the future. its was in LWSSOM that i took one more giant step into music, being able to pen down my thoughts through songs is definitely a skill which i will constantly be using. i am also affirmed that music is definitely one of the places my passion lies.

talking about music, these past 2 weeks has been full of excitement and surprises for me, after a serious "drought" in the music industry this year, 3 new albums released last 2 weeks brought along the long-awaiting rain, and i have to recommend them to you.
1: 卢广仲《100种生活》

yes i know i know...whats wrong with this guy's hair and outfit? but dun let his appearance fool you, this guy is no push-over. i rank his album the best this year up till now, simply becos i love his genre of music, r&b and jazz. he has a very unique style and ability to make simple songs marvelous, just listen and u will understand, i believe all guitar players will greatly appreciate this newcomer into the music industry, the future is bright for him!


now this guy look more normal XD but like 卢广仲, 萧闳仁 is also a new singer/composer with a very unique taste in music. many of his songs are mixed genre and mixed language, like his first song which combine 4 but he is really 够吊! even jay chou want to direct MTV for him, what more do i have to say? check him out!


this is one of the most anticipated 新人 this year, and his album is also one of the most awaited, and he has not failed his fans. however, this is not a pop album, i think the genre will not be widely accepted, but to us yoga fans, he has succeeded in bringing forth his ideas. the music industry is plagued with monotonous music and we need people like yoga to bring in more variety. his unique voice is still unbeatable, even though u might not know him, but im sure u've heard his songs unknowingly while out in town.

of cos there's many fantastic albums recently, but i cant introduce all of them, but these 3 albums are the more unique albums which appeals to my ears so i am sharing them with u=)

more than half of the holidays are over and i'm still constantly occupied with other commitments, its time to put down other stuff and concentrate on revision. this weekend is FAMINE CAMP 2008! which means one weekend is over for me, after the camp is full gear revision...haiz im back doing last minute studying again, but it has always been my style!! haha i know its bad, but bo wish me luck! and wish you luck too (you should be revising for some major exam or test too right??^^)
