Dear God...
11:23 pm

this is what i feel every evening this week:
dear god
dear god

                              --David Tao "Dear God"

This post is delicated to the victims of the Myanmar cyclone and China earthquake, dead, injured or alive, u have my blessings.

just watched finished the 6.30 the past, when i return home, i just put my bag down, bathed and eat. but this week is quite different. the TV is always switched on whenever i get home, and the newschannel will broadcast the latest news about the china's earthquake 24/7, watching how my fellow countrymen are suffering, how hard the rescue team are trying to save the victims still buried in the soil, how my prime minister came down personally to the scene and encourage the masses... and see how many students like you and i, are buried alive when they should be happy studying in their classrooms, their school has turned into their graveyard. Tears roll in my eyes when i hear my prime minister wen jiabao speak through the loud hailer, its a mixed emotions of pity for the deceased and touched by the actions of my fellow countrymen.

sometimes i feel that we have brought it upon ourselves. just recall how many natural disasters have happened in the past few years, compared to the number of natural disasters that happened in the past century. hurricane katrina, tsunami, floods, droughts, cyclones, and now earthquakes etc. to me, these are signs and warning that mother Earth have given us. telling us that she's sick, but what did we do? we continue to damage her with carbon emission and pollution. if we continue on like this, i dun think we are far from doomsday. many of us only see the effect, and do little to identify the cause, we dwell only when the harm has been made, and very often our efforts are too little and too late.

i think the chinese government has done a good job in solving the aftermath of the earthquake, in a mature and responsible manner. even though the death toll is super high and going even higher, i believe my countrymen are trying their best, im also very very touched by all those ppl who have contributed to the operation financially, taiwan, singapore, japan etc. and ppl like yaoming, jay chou and the rich men. it shows how much love we actually have in this seemingly cold society. but when we look back, if we really love the people around us, if we really love mother earth, if we really love ourselves, why are we continuing our bad habits and damage the Earth, which is our only platform of survival? i dunno if earthquakes have a direct link with pollution, but i do believe more strange and powerful natural disasters are coming our way if we do not do anything immediately. so let's tell ourselves to bring out our love for the human race, and raise environment awareness, it starts with every individual.

its funny to think about it, we people living in the urban parts of the world are the top contributors to pollution and greenhouse gases, but when disaster strikes, who pay the price? its those poor people living in the rural area! they use little electricity, they produce less waste than us, they live in the most conventional way which does little harm to the environment, yet they are the ones affected everytime there's a flood, drought or earthquake.i really pity those pity still trapped in sichuan, bcos the area they live in is so remote that there's only one route available, which is blocked right now, i dun think they realize the problem of pollution much, bcos they are not the pollutants. its just like how inequality is unsolvable in this world, when there's one rich person, there will be 10 poor people, and when one of us pollutes the environment, tens and thousands in the developing countries and rural areas pay the price for us. so i urge everyone, the next time you want to switch on the air-con, or dump unwanted waste by the roadside or in the longkang, think about how it will affect others and our environment.

there will be doubts about the direct link between natural disasters and environmental degradation, but i do believe our mother Earth is seriously sick, and more disasters will come if the situation worsens. the good thing is more and more people are environmentally awared nowadays, so theres alot of hope. lastly i just hope more people to be rescued in China and Myanmar, and that the dead will rest in peace, and those alive will learn to cherish our life and live to the fullest.
