this is just my random thoughts after a movie, proceed on reading with cautions of confusing languages:
1:46 am

just watched the movie Sicko by michael moore moments ago, and my brains cant stop spinning and filling with questions about the society i've been exposed to for 18 years.

this films started by talking about the healthcare insurance policy in America, these insurance companies are solely profit-driven, thus meaning if less people claim money from the insurance, the company will have more surplus, thus doctors in the US have a top priority of denying payment of treatment to insurance holders, doctors will even get promoted for denying an insurance, and the insurance companies actually hire ppl just to find reasons to deny ppl their payment. and what happens at the end of the day? countless ppl who are seriously needing healthcare are denied from it bcos they cannot pay for it, not without their insurance...which was denied due to many outrageous reasons.

US healthcare policy was based on "leave no man behind", but what these private policy-running healthcare companies are doing is trying to maximising their profits, and at the end of the day many ppl DIED bcos they did not receive immediate medical attention, just bcos THEY CANT PAY!

and what is happening in other parts of the western world? in canada, in france, in britain, even in CUBA...yes CUBA, the susposely "demonic communist country" in our minds, ppl there believed in free healthcare for everyone, and they do not mind getting their income drained by taxes, they believe the abled ppl should help the less abled, and it will come a time in their life, where they needed medical attention too. even if u are not a citizen in canada, or britain, or cuba, or even if u are not working and NVR paid tax, you will not be denied medical treatment in these countries, as shown in the movie, it will left me speechless.

and whats more shocking is that while medical service can nvr be free to any american citizen, theres one group of ppl in USA that are getting free healthcare, the terrorist from Al-Qaeda who are detained in USA! What is going on?

i rmb back in my sec sch days, SS used to teach me abt the bad effects of British Welfare System, countless negative effects, it left me an impression that the British policy was dumb, and the high amt of taxes must have lowered the standard of living in britain, but NO. The movie shown us the average household in britain, owning a condo, 2 cars, and having vacations. whats more amazing, in france, doctors come to ur house when u call, nannies come and help u do housework when u are a first-time mother, teens get to go college.....all these things...for FREE! no charge at ALL! why are we not told of all these "miracles" that are happening in the other side of this world?

many of u guys wanna by doctors, what kind of doctor u wanna be? in the US, doctors get promoted for denying payments, doctors dun treat patients who cant pay, and even leave patients by the roadside. in France, doctors are paid by the government, his salary increases with the number of patients he successfully treated well, and he owns an Audi, a bungalow and a decent life up to ur imagination.

the life expectancy in USA is even lower than Cuba, not to say france, canada and britain. when ppl build the best cars, we drive it. they brew the best wine, we drink it. why cant we adopt their healthcare policy when it has proven to be beneficial to humanity?

yes it is true the kind of high-end lifestyle is almost unexistence in france or britain, but they are happy with their lifes, they live a life without worries, they dun have to pay for their healthcare, they are being looked aftered by the government, they can take leave with salary at least one mth per yr etc....even though their economy on the whole is not doing as well as US, their average lifestyle is much more carefree and that gives them more time to enjoy life and family time.

i really wonder, if im sick right now, and i needed medical help, but i cant pay, will singapore doctors treat me? or ask me to pay first? i rmb when i was very young, my father was hospitalized, and even b4 he was sent on his bed, the nurse passed him a form to pay the bill thru singapore, we are left on our own, our pursuit for economic success has caused a chain effect that led to the highly competitive environment we live in, just like in the US, u have to be the top 1% to enjoy good life, while the rest of the 99% suffer to some extent, thats why everyone is fighting to be number one, bcos we dun have free healthcare, bcos we dun get free education, we dun get free nannies, the government basically runs entirely meritocraticly.

im not critising our government, but im questioning about the environment which i grew up. what if i was born in france or britain? now i understand why jingnan wanted to immigrate to canada, bcos life is so less complex there! we dun have to strive to be the best bcos even if we remain average, we can still lead a comfortable life. i dun have to fear failing exams, being judged by my results, studying for the sake of the unknown future like a zombie, spending all the time doing maybe useless stuff, i could be enjoying time with my family, gng around the world and understand new cultures, and if i had did that, i'll probably not be awed by the britain healthcare system only today, bcos the SS textbook said it was a bad policy. I HAVE TO SAY IT IS, IF NOT I WILL NOT GET A1...but..why?

why cant singapore have free healthcare? its just like sending soldiers on the battlefield to kill, we feed them, we provide for them, its just like our NS man, the government pay them, give them place to live, food, everything etc. why cant we hire a group of ppl to provide the service everyone will need in their life? not every country will have war, BUT EVERY COUNTRY HAVE SICK PEOPLE!! WHERE??? WHERE?? WHERE HAVE WE PLACED OUR VALUES ON?? MONEY?? WAR??

im really sick and tired of forcifully tell myself every single day, that money is the utmost important aspect in my life, no matter how u argue, it still comes down to money. and i must tell myself everyday that i must study, not that i like it, but this society requires me to. and i must tell them to be the best, if not i will end up the worst. for 18 years, i thought this was the Truth in our world, but i realized in some parts of this world, this theory might not be true. and u and me are living in a singapore/US-driven society led by this interesting theory called Economies.

thought this movie might not be entirely true, it really opened up my eyes, and i will visit canada, britain and france in the near future, and testify this issue, and feel their way of life. i dunno if what i wrote made any sense to u, if it dun, plz forgive me, i just want to pen down my immediate thoughts after watching this fantastic movie from the ever-fantastic michael moore.

please do watch Sicko for urself, u will be able to feel wat im trying to say even more, its definitely an eye opener for me...


the future is NOW
1:01 am

there were times...when i felt that the road ahead was too long for me to last through
there were times...when i felt there was too much to do and too little time to do it
there were times...when i felt that i do not have the capacity
there were times...when i felt everyone in this world was in doubt with me
there were times...when i felt bad about where i am and who i was
there were times...when i felt like giving it up
there were times...when i felt i couldn't

those were the times, but now is not the time to feel the way i felt...

now is the time, to believe in myself once again
now is the time, to brave the obstacles and stay strong
now is the time, to truly put in effort and do myself a favor
now is the time, to ignore those who doubt me and work hard to shut their mouths
now is the time, to do somethings i haven't done for a long long time
now is the time, to see the whole picture

now, i see hope
now, i solidified my vision
now, i anticipate the future
the future starts now

its the TIME TO BE

i know i havent been doing enough, and i know the roads ahead of me will not be easy, but i need to get over these few huge humps in these few weeks, only after that, i will be able to get back on track.
i dun wanna repeat what i said back in sec 4 days, i am gng to do the same things with the same objectives, just
wish me luck

whoever that is up there
bless every single soul who is on the same boat as me
