29/6/2007...regrets, resolutions, difference
10:20 pm

had one of the worst hair cut ever today, and it costed me $21.80 at JeanYip! the DM will love my short frig, should i even call it a frig anymore? kao, actually wanted to go REDS, but its $36.60 so we took the cheaper option: Jeanyip, another lesson learnt: 便宜没好货!i rmb very clearly telling the hair stylist to cut short only the back, and keep the length for the rest parts, trim abit can liao, when i put on my specs to take a look at the end product...i almost fainted, had the urge to stuff the hair dryer into the hair stylist's mouth, but what is done cannot be undone, how i wished the salon had less mirrors, so i can look at my @##$@$ haircut less...

actually planned haircut outing with royston, turned out 7 of his classmates came along to bugis to play pool, got to know the 7 of them, felt great cos they were really fun-loving ppl and easy to get along with. Royston really got some good company...haha after the haircut went to bugis street and bought a backpack, my shoulder is finally getting better treatment. royston's classmates were really pro at pool, ganna trashed upside down.

JJ new album Westside is out today! and i got it first thing i return home, as im writing now, im still listening to all the songs, up till now all the songs are nice, but dun have songs whcih touched me yet...haha

common test was like a dream, i walked into the classroom, and walked out 2hours later, leaving nth but regrets behind. its evitable for me to get UUU, i can only blame myself for slacking so much, that ii feel so helpless during the exams, as i stare and stone at the qns paper, my brain was totally blank, as i flipped through the pages of the paper, trying desperately to find a qns i can manage but to no avail, i threw my pen down on the table and looked out of the window in despair, if there's something i could do at that pt of time, it was to accept defeat, if there's someone who can save me now, its myself. but i still wanna thanks everyone who has helped me during this period, esp when im in need of exam necssacities and when my fav exam partner failed me.

i'm feeling very tired, very very...so i'll let david tao's lyrics do the rest of the talking, its exactly what i wanna say:
从小在历史课就发现人与人不一样 不同的国家不同的文化不同的宗教
造成地球几千年不停的战争 越变越陌生使得仇恨延伸 虽然我们有了高科技的发达
却还是每天人与人在吵吵打打 这真的让我感到心里有点怕怕 我真的不懂为什么人类那么阿达
如果这世界没有这么多的变化 可想见人生会无聊到不像话 就像那孙悟空的七十二变
他如果不会变就对那西游记说再见 不管你是chinese,korean,japanese,malay,乌拉圭西班牙
还是缺了一颗牙 只要你有那火热的心 什么都摆的平 去创造新的生命
不一样就是不一样(想)怎么样?我就是不一样!就是不一样我就是不一样!不一样就是不一样so what!so what!我就是不一样!就是不一样
come on我常常在街上听人家在八卦什么hot什么not 最近什么最当家最近哪个牌子红
哪个音乐ㄙㄨㄥ 哪个牌子风 谁的发型普通 我一点都不在乎谁是现在的流行先锋
因为我知道流行只是一种盲从 吃肥油吃肥油 他只会让你心灵的健康统统没有
不管你是什么样的人 什么样的文你绝对千万不能忘记这世界还有很多其他不同的人
你需要打开胸怀 绝不要立刻歧视 你可能吃的是一碗白饭一个汉堡意大利面条一个寿司
一条satay chotto matte 只要你有那火热的心 什么都摆的平 去创造新的生命
甘地迪士尼老子孔夫子蓝侬卓别林brando(白兰度)跟毕卡索爱因斯坦 freud(浮来得)达赖喇嘛
都是与众不同的伟人 就是人类的heroes 从这些一个的一个的特殊创始人的身上
我们可以看到 不一样的思路 才能真的让这尘世有个美丽前途 相应成趣就请那规律出去(get out) 所以当你在下次看到有人刺tatoo 或你有朋友觉得重金属的音乐真的才cool
不管他台湾人诸葛四郎或者他肥胖 他还是跟你一样一样 同样的爱心 彼此彼此
你要释放礼让忍让绝不希望 我只会盼望你有火热的心 什么都摆的平 去创造新的生命

11.10pm : thinking of you...


a new office which is old...
12:27 am

i'm not the only person who's gng into a new phase of life, back in china my uncle is also busy changing his business direction. my uncle and i share the same goal, to earn first million at 30 years old and retire at 35. He has done the formal, and at 34 years now, he's planning to migrate to canada at the end of the year and enjoy his retirement. the company was called Dixin Interior Design, but not any more, today its called IDC, or interior design connoisseur. an era of the his career my uncle described as "playing time", lol meaning? i think you can interpret yourself haha! i sneaked out from the hotel during my shanghai and visited his new office, its situation at shanghai EXPO, somewhere near city central, with lots of angmos walking around. At night, this place is surrounded by western bars and pubs, even more angmos! sianzzz...the whole expo is revamped from a very old steel factory, but its damn big! and ran-down too...got a very retro feeling. all the companies here mainly deals with art and design, by situating the office here we get to enjoy External Economies of Scale.
the whole office consist of 3 blocks of flat, housing the "showroom"block , admin block and designers block. this is the entrance to the designers' block, note the logo, its designed by me! hehe
view from above...the designers' at work
guest meeting room above the admin block, the stairs behind the curtains leads to the balcony
garden behind the curtain of the guest meeting room

exterior of admin block and showroom block, the building is really damn old, feel like its gng to collapse real soon!
admin's office, wonder who's that person in red?? haha
i find this office quite cool, cos its very different from the previous offices my uncle or father had, firstly its damn big, secondly its damn old, and thirdly its damn ex! sometimes i think my uncle abit crazy when expanding business nowadays lol hopefully new place will bring new opportunities, haha next time i go back shanghai can visit the pubs at night! whee! of cos when i am 18 years old la...


1:34 am

current blog song: 我让你走了 original singer: 潘玮柏
我一直坐在咖啡厅的角落 没有人发现我还在难过 其实早就已经忘了怎么说
就算再怎么舍不得你还是走了 我还不想承认这事实 怎么会变成这个样子
没有了 我真的什么都没有了 就象一个废人
回家的路上我哭了 眼泪再一次崩溃了 无能为力这样走着 再也不敢骄傲奢求了
我还能够说些什么 我还能够做些什么 我好希望你会听见 因为爱你我让你走了

well this is quite a sad song...but the lyrics is quite meaningful! I thought it was composed by wilber, but no! its by TANK!! haha he's practically everywhere! amazing! this song talks about the greatest level of love: letting go. the last line is the main point of the song, "i've let you go because i love you" amazing right? sometimes in love people get too dominant and take things for granted, love is a two-way thing, so the two people must have the frequency, in any case one of them lose their love, it will be painful to keep a relationship without two-way love. On a more general level, if u really love someone, you must learn to respect their decision, TRUST RESPECT and ACCEPTANCE is the highest level of love, in my opinion...


2:52 am

hard to believe...omg do u believe it? i am now listening to Maroon 5's Wouldnt Go Home Without You, and the moment i start typing "hard to believe" the lyrics sang "hard to believe..." amazing!! haha ok i know i sound retarded, but isnt it surprising to realize how many coincidence are there around you! ok back to what i was gng to say, hard to believe its friday liao,i was reading physics just now i suddenly looked up and said "today is friday? time to blog!" haha yea it has become a habit for me to blog at the end of the week, cos life is tough nowadays, we really need to find someway to let out our frustration and write out our thoughts.

as i said, its surprising to know how many coincidence are there around us. thursday i just realized that chu chu is borned in shaowu! same as my father! and i myself actually grew up there, it is a very small village, so very high chance that we have met each other b4 when we were very young! amazing right? the world is so small! just one regret, haha we realized it so late, we shouldve found out during orientation period...that shows that communication is very very impt! haha i have one more laoxiang yay!

today had a mini outing for og27, partly for some ppl to see jingnan for the last time b4 she returns to singapore, maybe in 2 or 3 years time. omg u will not believe this, but theres tears in my eyes right now, i suddenly feel this "sourness" in my eyes when i type "in 2 or 3 years time", i always thought i was very insensitive to emotions, but for some reason this time im super sensitive...lol its hard to imagine friends leaving u for so long, i told jingnan she can come back and see all of us guys shaven bota and praying in the shaolin temple! haha anyway today's outing is the first i planned since JAE started, almost given up b4hand, cos its like so few ppl replying me and everyone's asking redundant qns, and all my unfinished revision adds to the frustration, just wanted to cancel everything...but luckily i didnt, cos today's "mini" outing turned out quite great, haha finally managed to see many long-lost faces and have some great catching up. everyone seem to be their same own self, as happy and enthusiatic as orientation period, except me who have gone thru rounds of emtional changes since end of PAE, i tried to find who i was back then, but i failed, i couldnt go back to the yuchuan before JAE, somehow. everytime i think of some things, it will dampen me, and today while sitting around my PAE friends, i was having a hard time getting into mood, its really a difficult situation to be in, hope no one realized i was not very good today...everything is adding up to my frustration...studies, exams, the things ppl do, the face ppl show me and the things ppl say...i really cant stand it sometimes, esp now...thats why i decided to take a walk outside tonight just now...

after dinner 8pm went to waisum to collect ur gift for jingnan, b4 i left home i thought i wanna stay out longer, so i brought along 2 tins of tea and rA's Uweekly. After seeing waisum strolled for about 500m across the road to mdm lee's house, its been 3 months since i last visited her, she was chionging material for saturday's tuition at that time, but was kind enough to put down her work and entertain me for half hour or so, gave her the tea and chit chatted with her about xinmin students this year and Olvl maths vs Alvl maths...haha i felt so good after talking to her again, somehow everytime i chit chat with ppl like that i find it somehow relaxing and stress releasing. how i wish i can talk to the person on my mind, my friends, my teachers like this more often, just find a place peaceful and chit chat, its the best time to know each other better, to get closer and to clear your doubts, but its impossible to do so if only i wanna talk haha, must get the other person to be willing to talk as well. Pace of life, too fast! no one can afford to sit and chat...except me of cos lol and hopefully more ppl will join me! at 9 took bus 24 to rA's house. promised to bring her the Uweekly this afternoon, but i forgot! *bang my head on the wall* so i felt i should at least correct my mistake and try to make up for not keeping a promise. After handing her magazine, felt so light and free! as if a heavy stone is lifted off me, maybe cos my chilling did work, next time u see me wandering out for nth...u know whats gng on in my mind...haha!

i concluded i dun like roller coaster rides, its just driving me crazy! one moment it seem to be moving steadily uphill, then alll of a sudden i'm being thrown down from 50ft...its not like im some rubber ball, throw down still can bounce up, i will just "biak" on the floor and die. really dunno why i am made to sit this type of roller coaster rides all the time, or maybe i'm just imagining the ride, i really dunno whats going on, ok la not really dunoo, but not sure whats gng on, then also no chance to ask, then also cannot anyhow guess...wakao my head dunno wanna spin left or right now, its all tangled up! haha too much elastic potential energy...but nvm i'll wait and see.

i feel like slapping myself, haha from 12 to 2 study physics, then spend another 1.5 hour using comp again! what a slacker i am...now physics currently 2 chapters left to study, and i really have no idea whats the two chapter abt! lucky i bought a good book a few days back, helped me shorten my revision time by leaps and bounds, SA notes practically sucks, like i said "even i can make it better to suit myself" looks like Alvl must really kao zi ji, SAJC academic-wise is kao bu zhu one. maths havent started yet, really GG, after physics will be maths qns spotting time! spot all the common qns and know them well, hopefully i can improvise and pass...but i expect myself to fail...judging my the amt of effort i put in. econs i total screwed up, but like physics, i think i also managed to buy a good book about essay writing, but its of little help when i no nth abt econs and exams is just a few days more to go, go sayonara common test! SAJC fire me with all ur Us ba! haha i'll be the free frag for common test, it seems inevitable that im gng to triple U this time, and i cant change it fast enough liao, so just go with the flow...stay happy! im not gng to let academics affect my life and emotion, its too insignificant to me right now. but still good luck everyone for CT, its gng to be over in 8 days, hooray!

again its so early right now, i'll turn in now and chiong finish the finaly chapters of physics and embark on maths...wish me luck! grant me strength! and give me the perseverence! haha yea and may everything end well and unravel the same way as one hopes!


2:16 am

I'm officially a SEVENTEEN!
(major edits below! scroll down for new contents updated on 19/6!! haha)
haha had a GREAT day today! had an enjoyable lunch, followed by an afternoon of chilling at TCC with mandy, ryanna, eeyen and my two brothers mr fu and mr shou. Since its my seventeen bday, i cannot forget to introduce this song by david tao to all of you, this song is called 十七岁

my love
my love
our love
this is a romantic song with a mixed feeling between sadness and happiness, talking about teenage love, how beautiful and memorable is can be. It has been around for 15 years already! Included in david tao first album 1993, however i hope this song will not be relevant to my life, haha cos its quite sad ending i think?
feeling super hyper now, haha cos today i received the best birthday present in 17 years, not expensive, but priceless to me, 让我有许多的感动. Its really the thoughts that count, i appreciate anything my friends gives me, even if its just a piece of tissue paper, or simply being there, spending the afternoon with me, can money get u all this? so dun ask me what i want, cos i like anything from you! say that to ur friends on ur bday in the future!

It has been a long time since fu lu shou sat down around the same table, without any other people around. Really hard to image just 2 years ago, we were always sitting together, talking playing sleeping in class together, enjoying every bit of school life as 3 brothers. Today we are all seperated into different area of the society, but one thing remains unchanged, thats the bond we have, we might not seem to be the closest of friends or even brothers all the time, but at time of crisis, in times of need, im very sure we will try our very best to help each other, thats what brothers are for! Royston is still hardworking, softspoken and enthusiatic in his way. Benedict is still the communicator, able to talk and engage people in conversations, enthusiatic in making new friends and making more money...haha. im still me, but maybe slightly more pessimistic and emo, but also more crazy, daring and outrageous at times lol, and definitely more lazy! I've always been holding on to my principles, making order out of things and staying true to my beliefs, its has been like this for 17 years.
17 years just past me by in a flash, as much as i can remember, its has been quite short for me. maybe its bcos i sloth too much, didnt make full use of my time ba. in this 17 years of my life...what did i do? and what did i accomplish? is it even worth mentioning?

well i was born in xiamen, the cleanest city of my beloved homeland, at around 5pm. My cries could be heard all over the hospital, the nurse even joked to me, "ok dun make anymore noise, everyone knows u arrived already!" haha seems that i was a born attention seeker? as the oldest child in my family, i received much care and love from everyone in my family, even though times were bad and life was difficult for a poor family like us, we led a fullfilling life with lots of family love, that time 7 of us was squeezing ourselves in a one room flat, thinking back, i will be complaining like mad if i was made to live in that condition now, but back then i felt so contented and happy, life was full of joy and no sorrow, but can i return to those days anymore?
as an traditional southern music artist, my mother was one of the few accomplished jack of her trade, she was invited all over china and overseas to perform and teach, thats how we found our way to singapore actually, some rich boss who enjoys my mother's art invited my father to work in singapore. so thinking again, my mother would be more famous if she continued to pursue her career, but she sacrificed herself to become a housewife, taking care of me and my bro, its really not easy for her, but did i even bothered to learn an instrument or two from her? or learn her singing techniques? now it seems her talent is being put to waste.

haha *major addition* i knew my mum was preparing to celebrate my bday for me 1 week back, she planned to treat me shark's fin for lunch actually! haha but i turned her off cos i wanted to go out with my friends, that did upset her abit i guess? thats why i made a point to invite royston back home for dinner, with my family. and she bought a cake from prima deli too, even though i ate so much cheesecake at TCC, i must say that the chocolate was really nice! So we had a mini party at night in my ran-down kitchen haha
many people might think that im very rude to my mother, or not very caring towards my family, but both perseption is WRONG! i believe care, concern and respect doesnt need to be put into words all the time, especially for family members, whom u see 365 days a year. even my father scold me all the time, for the way i talk to them, but i've been like this for years already and my family has long gotten used to this way of communication...lol, it might seem outrageous for outsiders, but i do care and respect everyone in my family, i just dun feel a need to show it. im never going say "i love you mum!" vocally, but i know that i love my mother in down in my heart, since we're a family, i believe we love each other so its redundant to say it out already. i really appreciate how much my mother has done for me and my brother, and how much she sacrificed for the family, i'll nvr be able to do what my mother have done, that by itself is enough to make her a respectable mother. I believe every family is different and house different types of difficulties. Parents also express their love and concern in many ways, sometimes we might not be able to feel the love from our parents, thats solely because our parents did not show it in a easily interpreted way. Sometimes we find things our parents do extensive, outrageous and unreasonable, that is very common for everyone, but thats because different people do have different way of thinking, thats why some people can be friends while others become enemies, but we can chose friends, can we chose our family? being together 365 days a year, we already should know our family members better than anyone else, even our own personality is affected by how our parents brought us up, so somethings our parents do, we might not understand today, but im sure we will realize our parents' reasons someday in the future, so nobody is perfect, parents do make mistakes and make us teenagers pissed, but at the end of the day they are also the ones that brought us happiness when we were young, they shaped our personalities, so we should learn to understand and accept them, and try to keep the family in harmony, no matter how tough things get. You can have many friends, you can have many wives or husbands, but u can only have one father and one mother. So forget about all the hatred, im sure every parent in the world love their children, so lets love our parents too! learn to love them when we still have the chance, when they are still around and healthy, thats our way to paying back to them, for bringing us up and helping us become who we are today! So thank you mum, and thank you my brother song yihang! haha for celebrating my bday with me!
as a hardworking student, my father was the top student in the village of shaowu, and one of the 25 students from the whole fujian province to be accepted my tsinghwa university, back then he was the talk of the town, and even today his name is engraved on the walls of shaowu first high school, many teachers and villagers still rmb his name. he scored full marks for physics chem and maths, but me? i dun even take chem anymore, and im U-ing evrything else, how do i dare to compare myself with my father in terms of academic? people say 长江后浪推前浪, but i feel that im doing so much worse.
so i can say that in 17 years, two major things i should've done but did not do, first is inquire the skills of my mother, so that her art doesnt end at her generation. second is being a hardworking student like my father. I think i owned most of my failures to this two unaccomplished task, so bday resolution! look back at my life and find the broken pieces, fixed it and move on into the future.
in 17 years i got alot of things, but failed to learn how to appreciate them. Well i managed to step on singapore, which millions of chinese could not, found a school that accepted me and learnt english. made many friends, got into my ideal secondary school, being given a chance to lead and serve, and finally ending up in SA today, with all my closest friends and brothers around. compared to many other people in china, and even in singapore, im considered very fortunate. so tonight i learnt how to appreciate what i have in life, understanding there's limitations in life and being competitive is not always the best mentality.
of cos in 17 years i also faced many crazy things which i shouldnt face as a teenagers, and thats even worse for my brother, facing the same problems but at 7 years younger, if u hear about all the outrageous things thats happening around me, u should think i have many scars in life, many bad memories, but somehow i myself doesnt feel so bad, maybe im too insensitive to emotions, but even though i know the wound is there, i dun feel the pain. Maybe im just too carefree and hecking many things in life. Someone asked me this question: do you think im happy? it was a question for me, but i caused me to ask myself, cos i dun even know whether im happy or sad, pathetic right? i already tired of living after 17 years, hard to imagine how my grandpa survived for so long. but if im happy, what am i happy about? all the friends i made? all the hopes and new possibility in life? then what will i be sad about? unaccomplished goals? sad facts of life? i really dunno, im so insensitive a person haha, but most of the time i look at the limitations of life, accept the sad fact, and find a new possibity and motivate myself to move on...thats basically what i've been doing. hope being one yr older, i will be more sensitive and see things in a brand new way, and finding more happiness in life.
haha i said alot, but actually its just one yr older, there's bday every year, so today isnt really significant, but so much things and changes happened this year, and it really affected me alot and changed my perseption i have for life, so i do hope i will look at everything with a more matured opinion and tackle every obstacle with a positive mind set and clear goal set.
rest of the yr, i will buck up on my long-forgotten studies and enriching myself with table tennis and guitar, in the mean time finding out more about myself and the people around me, i think things are going to get better soon and i will find my happiness somewhere out there. HOPE! yea thats the word, its so useful haha
its so early in the morning now, i wrote so much crap this morning...haha shall go and sleep now and i will have a very nice and sweet dream, esp when theres sweet things laying on my table right now lol


1:43 am

havent gotten much photos from the shanghai trip, shall post some of the few photos i have

group photo of SATT before our departure!

at nanjing street, shanghai, we were so amused by the giant coke haha

forgot where this was...i think somewhere in hangzhou, old garden...

on the boat on West Lake, HangZhou

yeap, thats all the group photos i have now, cant wait to get the 1GB of photo from our camera man...until then!


9:06 pm

im down with flu man...and lost my voice this morning too...now feeling giddy and uncomfortable everywhere, hate this feeling but cant help it...

well just thought i wanna share this quote i learnt during SL selection camp a few days back, just came into my mind and i realized i forget to talk about it...quite meaning quote by abraham lincoln.

" I want to see a man proud of where he live,
I want to see a man whose place he lived is proud of him"

yeap...i think the quote goes something like that. big thanks to my dear Vice President Hong You! for sharing it with me, cos i thought it really touched me and made me relate to my own life.

as much as i could remember, when i first entered xinmin...i did not like the school at all, i think i talked about this before. i didnt know why i wanted to get into xinmin, but i hated the school because i appealed into the school through volleyball, a sport which i had no passion at all. at that time i was too young to think maturely ba...only knew that i am suspose to enter xinmin, reason? not very sure, i didnt know why i left nan chiau in the first place. ok back to the main point, i was not a student proud of my school, i had no feeling for the school at all, just enter the campus to study, then play volleyball, after that go home, i had no life, no passion, no meaning.

i do not think i was a very good student back then, in sec 1 i was a frequent late-comer, always late in handing up assignments and was becoming an "icon" in the staff room, cos i was often made to do my work on the floor in the staff room. thats almost everything i can rmb abt sec 1 life, boring and monotonous, i sucked at volleyball even though i was expected to excel in it, i did nothing at home except play games and study.

enough said abt sec 1, i really cannot rmb much, then i promoted to sec 2 with quite remarkable results, based on psle score i was the bottom in school, but at the end of sec 1 was ranked 80 something amongst the 220 something students...not bad la hor...but sec 2 i dunno what happened to me, my maths started to fail and my science was GC. I couldnt recalll much of the sec 2 happenings cos like sec 1, it was meaningless. but maybe my form teacher see the "light" in me?? my life was totally changed on the day i was nominated for SL interview. this was the most significant thing that happened in sec 2, it changed my life as a xinmin student forever.

haha i can never forget my SL interview, there was more than 7 ppl in the room, 2 teachers plus some sec 2 and 3 SLs and EXCOs. i guess i got lucky, i said something which made me pass the interview quite easily, " frankly...i have broken the school rules many many times...but because of that i believe i know the school rules better than anyone else in school, i can remember all the categories of offenses and different actions to be taken..." and yea bingo! lol i got thru the interview! of cos they did ask many other questions but i thought this response was the crucial one.

fast forward the pace! haha and so i went thru SL trainee camp, became a SLT, made many mistakes...ganna alot of scolding and shits and finally passed! i forgot how happy i was the day i got my tie already haha...too long ago...but it really changed my life as a xinmin student. i became to be proud of my school, by upholding the school's discipline as a member of DB, planning various events and running various school activities, doing all the lame but fun cheers and dances...i began to love xinmin, proud of the school, shouting out loud anywhere, " I LOVE XINMIN AND I JUST CANT DENY IT! SHAKE IT! SHAKE IT! SHAKE IT! SHAKE IT ALL THE WAY!" the biproduct of my passion was the chance to run for election, and at the end of the day...i passed the election by coming in 3rd for number of votes and was given the position of general secretary, i think is was the final gift from SLB to me ba...even so i knew that this was just a bonus for me, even without anything i will also continue to love xinmin, my second home.

if sec 3 made my love xinmin and SLB, sec 4 life made me love my teachers and friends. i didnt know what was friends about until sec 4, and i didnt know how fantastic our teachers were until sec 4 too. xinmin helped a slacker like me to start studying and applying my energy on the right things, working hand in hand with my teachers and friends, we did xinmin proud! and we are even prouder of xinmin!! our batch's results say everything...100% promoted to JC, 18% with 5 A1s or above, Amaths 90% A1, emaths 98% A1, science 99% A1..etc...

well im quite sure most of us are very proud of xinmin today, cos we will not achieve what we achieved without the help of xinmin and the teachers. whats more important is im sure xinmin is proud of us, class of 2006, too. amongst us emerged scholars, leaders, entreprenuers, sportsmen, officers...etc but ultimately everyone are xinminians, students whom the school can be proud of.

ok thats how the quote touched me about xinmin and my past, now this quote also touched me at the present. im faced with the same situation, now i dun feel proud of SAJC, and im very sure i have nothing which SAJC can be proud of too, i used to feel disheartened, used to feel injust, by wearing a SA uniform and studying in SAJC when my heart lies in NJC. but now i realized how stupid i was, how shallow my thinking was and how unrealistic i am. NJC was my dream, my passion, the force that pushed me when i was feeling weak, this was its purpose, today it has accomplished its purpose, to push me higher, but rejected me out. i realized that without NJC, i might not be able to score my ideal grade for Olvls, so i should thanks NJC, and as a saint now, i should learn to appreciate my place here, all the friends i met, and all the gifts from heaven i received. i shall be proud of being a saint, no one's here by chance! so there must be a purpose for me in SAJC, something special, someone special, which i have to unfold, which i have to seek and cherish, if i can do that, i will be proud of SAJC. and on my part i have fight on, i came in to SAJC as a representative of xinmin, so i must live up to the standard of a xinminian, X=Q, i must produce quality in whatever i do, excel in my studies, play well in table tennis, and use my ability to serve and contribute to the school, hopefully at the end of my 2 years, SAJC will remember my name, and she will be proud that someone called yuchuan once studied in this place.

haha ok that ends off my thoughts about the quote...very long and crappy, also dunno why i suddenly throwing out all my love for xinmin and SLB again. well of cos there's ups and downs in my xinmin life and SLB life, but now i only want to remember the beautiful memories i spent in xinmin. maybe cos i went back to xinmin to play table tennis after such a long time today, so got back the feeling i had for xinmin...its really a very special place, and will always be, for me.

well after reading my long and crappy post, i hope you will think through this quote on your own, im just using my own life as an example. are you proud of where you've lived? is the place you lived proud of you? if yes, great continue doing that wherever u are. if no, its ok! cos its nvr too late to start, trust me, be proud of where you are, and u will enjoy ur life there, and naturally that place u lived will be proud of you! but i believe most of u will be very proud of where u've lived and is living, and im very sure everyone is proud of u!

my giddiness is overwhelming, whole body feel like collapsing, looks like cannot tahan anymore, have to go and rest, hopefully will feel better tmr ba...


9:47 pm

thats it...tonight is the last night im going to spend alone, tmr my mother and brother will be back in singapore. of cos there's both good and bad side of it, the good thing is finally there's someone to clean up the house and spare me of all the housework =D the bad thing is i will not as free as i am now, even though i think i can still do whatever i wanna do la =P

didnt expect the last day of my freedom ended like this, on a super low note -_- never been so sian this whole week except today... the stupid famine camp dry-run, and i emphasize STUPID, spoiled my schedule for the whole of today. It was suspose to occupy me from 1pm to 9.30pm, so i didnt plan anything else for today. this morning i went all the way to woodlands and spend 30min on the bus 911 to reach RP, to be told that the dry-run was cancelled x_x whats better is that i was the only person to be punctual, all the rest arrived 30min or later. Well at least i got to see how nice RP's campus is and ate a bowl of fish ball noodles as my breakfast cum lunch. After some complaining and grumbling with my other 3 teammates ( very little? YES!! only 4 of us came down, others were slothing at home) we headed back home. and that ends the event for me x_x got home and slacked around, played the guitar and read some physic notes..had dinner all alone...and somehow everyone didnt replied my sms =( sianz until exploded now o_o

havent received any photos from shanghai yet, cos the size is so big, everyone dun wanna send me thru msn, so must wait for them to pass me the CD, then i can start to write about the 'amazing' shanghai trip.

next week also seem to be sianz, very hard to jio ppl out, but if nth goes wrong, 13th should be my long awaited 405 class outing at...sentosa? lol yea its that place again, they ask me to swim o_o u know how long i havent swim already? and i dun have swimming apparels too! haha i'll feel so awkward jumping into the water la...

david tao is having world tour again =D first stop is shanghai, hopefully he doesnt come singapore so soon, best he come after my promos and Alvls, meaning november period, then i can watch the show without thinking about studies =) but the sad thing is it's going to be his final concert b4 he venture into the movie world, which means he will not perform in public for the next 2 years or so x_x and that implied an even sadder possibility...that his next album will only debut after 2 years!!! how am i going to tahan this wait? i cannot survive without good taoist music sia x_x looks like i just have to depend on what i have right now liao...i dun like to wait

nth much to write today...basically had a very fruitful week alone, did alot of things i wanted to do and had a fun time inviting friends over to happy and study =) hope the future days will also be filled with happiness and joy =D

missing you


1:54 pm

FINALLY got my computer to work...had a nightmarise 2 days without a working computer, dunno what happened to it in my 6 days of absence, it just wouldnt start when i press POWER x_x spent 2 sleepless nights trying to fix it, now my fingers are completely swollen, but at least i got the computer running again...

away for 6 days, i shant talk about my shanghai trip right now, i will write a detailed 6 day coverage when i receive all the pictures from my tt teammate, my mother took away my camera so i have zero pictures of my trip right down.

now im at home all by myself, free and lonely =( managing everything by myself and having no one to jio me out to happy...super super sian!! got nothing to do except using the comp and studying(which i didnt) spend every morning washing clothes and boiling water, not forgetting cleaning the stupid toilet and fixing the lousy computer...and did i mention my clothes havent dry after i wash for 2 days?? i really wanna curse and swear sia...6 am on friday i washed my shanghai clothes and the clothes my mum and bro left behind for me to wash x_x, then it rained in the evening, when i was out...so the clothes were dripping water when i got back... saturday i learnt my lesson and left the clothes indoors...but it still stinked, so today i hang it out again...and guess what, some stupid neighbour upstairs poured a bucket of water down!!!! and there goes my going-to-dry clothes...so now u will still see all the wet clothes flying outside my window...hope it will dry soon cos im running short of clothes to wear XD

i think im all refreshed now, after spending 6 "fantastic" days in shanghai, good thing is i managed to bond more to my team. whats more unbelievable is i saw so many familar faces in shanghai! from present saints to old saints, then somemore i saw Xinminians!! lol and ms phan =D mdm tian ^_^ took pics with them and had a short chat...shall go visit xinmin very very soon!

of cos not everything that happened when i came back is good. it was nightmare again on saturday, which was yesterday...when i heard this shocking news, something i wouldnt have imagined happened. may God bless my brother. please bless my brother. i know i will never be able to fully understand how u feel right now, cos i dun have similar experiences b4, but i think i know how hard it is to experience it at such a young age. but i know u have always been independant and mature, and u can take the blow without breaking down. all these u have experienced in the short 18 years of ur life...it cannot be undone, cannot be changed, but on the bright side, it made u become who u are today, a mentally strong, mature and independant person who people can find support in. you will be a great man in the future, so dun let this major setback stop ur advance...we will fight on, side by side, fu lu shou will always be together!

and royston...what i said on saturday night...i was wrong, i was totally wrong, i did feel the sorrow, but not at the moment u told me about it. after i alighted at hg pt, walking across the park back home, i felt tears rolling in my eyes, the sorrow had gotten into me, like how it gotten into you, so u are not the only person feeling this. probably i was slower in showing it, but when i think back about what i saw and heard under the HDB...i felt it...and i really understood how hard it is for our brother...but yea we must move on happily =)

生命太脆弱,奇迹太渺茫. someone told me that b4, and i read about it b4, yesterday i experienced it. yes. life is full of unexpected things, life is so weak and frail, and miracles are nowhere to be seen. i wonder what will i do if it happened to my family...i dun dare to think. but becos now that i experienced the weakness of life, i am more convinced that we shall not waste our time doing things we dun like to do, hesitating about things we want to do and giving up on things we should have done. we only have this few decades to live on this world...so we must really go for the things we want in life, and treat every opportunity as if its the final and last one. make our lifes fruitful and memorable, so we can leave this world without any regrets.

had a short but meaningful chat with benedict yesterday night, and feeling very grateful towards him now, cos everytime i talk to him, i will understand something new about life. the word "empowering" keep appearing in my mind right now, he said to me "relationships should be empowering, making ur life better. if u feel that it is affect ur life in the wrong way, u shouldnt continue holding on to it." i totally agree. no one has ever told me things like that b4, and it set me thinking about myself. ok i have not go into a relationship yet, but yea i want to, not for the sake of going into one, but to love someone that is really important to me. i thought to myself...will it really empower me? or do the exact opposite? i really dun dare to think, becos i feel that i am making it affect myself, more on the negative side right now. its all to do with the mental...my thoughts...all my ignorance for the past few weeks, my isolation from the place i wanna be, this unnatural feelings seem to be filling my heart, im think im not being myself sometimes, not doing the things i wanna do. and this is making the matter worse for me, cos i find it hard to concentrate on what im doing, my studies is in a total mess, and i'm losing my enthusiasm during table tennis. its all due to my thoughts, still unsettled, i really wanna find a chance to sit down and talk face-to-face again, to settle my thoughts down and make things empowering.

ok enough about all the sorrow and questions in my mind! basically my state of mind now is still mostly filled with happiness, happiness bcos i have total freedom now, happiness becos i saw my friends all enjoying themselves, happiness becos fu lu shou will always be brothers for life =D even though im SUPER SIAN at home right now =( holiday is so eventless, im so free yet no one is booking me XD only got a few things to attend: 9th june famine camp dry-run ; 15 june famine camp pre-setup ; 16-17 famine camp ; 21 econs make up ; and 22 morning send jn off. other then these i have totally available!!! someone...anyone! pls jio me out XD but but wait...PW grp members....dun contact me...im not available for PW!!! LOL

haha but i still enjoy life without parents and brother, not meaning that i dun love them...i just feel that it will be much better if my mother was to return to china to enjoy life, and my brother can stay in raffles or hwachong hostel...then i will manage myself at home, haha that'll be the ideal plan for the future. for now...its enjoying freedom while trying to study for common test...got a feeling that time isnt gng to be enough...im a very difficult engine to start XD

may GOD bless mr fu
may the person up there bless everyone around me
may whoever up there bless myself and my loved ones
may everything turn out successful
may everything that went the wrong way to guided back to the right path
