10:52 pm

it was like a dream...yesterday was a day i've been anticipating for one whole year, all my daydreaming...all my nightdreaming...i was hoping for the day i get back my olvl results, but ironically, i was not as excited as i thought i'll be. i met up with my classmates of 405 at hg mall at 11am, and as usual the organizer mr benedict is late...and as we were having our lunch, our teacher sms-ed us "this year sec 4E 100% qualify for JC!!!" and then all of us jumped with joy...this is the first time in xinmin history that we have everyone eligible for jc!! and later even better news came " 100% pass english 99% distinction for science, 98% for amaths and emaths, and all 90%+ for most of the rest!!! our msg is 1.93!!" so we were already full of joy b4 we entered the school!! after listening to all our achievements from mdm liew...they annouced the top students... and yay!! almost all of my china scholar frenz are top students!! and mohan is the top student in singapore 10A1 !!!! and 90% of 401 went up on stage OMG!!! xinmin really did very well this yr...we've outshined our seniors =D and then mr pah started to give out our results...dylis was the first to get it, and she was like jumping for joy...and i know the reason...she got A1 for chinese lit and 9pts...and i was like wth A1 for chinese lit?? thats so....haiz...that just shows im useless=P then i squeezed myself to the front of mr pah, he was reading out the number of distinctions we scored, honghui got 6 distinctions, and i was like " 6! 6! 6!" then mr pah said" wow yuchuan, good good u got 4 dist...no 6 dist.... er wait arh... o no 5? 6? yea 5 distinctions!!" and my heart was like going up and down and up and down again...i was quite dissapointed with 5 distinctions...at that moment i thought my dream of going to nj has vanished, so i shaked mr pah strength-lessly and walked away...then i lifted my results slip up high and counted, the paper wrote B A A A A A B, and THREE TWO ONE ONE ONE TWO THREE, my eyes followed my finger as i counted the L1R5.............I GOT 9 POINTS!!!! but i just stood there and turn to royston, pat his back and said:" i can go nj..." i also didnt know why i was not as excited as i thought i'll be, but the fact is i made it, i achieved my ultimate goal of scoring a single digit. i still could rmb clearly that during my olvls preparations, i will plan out what grade i will score for each subj, and although i didnt got 6pts... i achieved my basic goal of getting a single digit...even though i know that a 9 pts isnt a big deal...i am just happy abt myself, it is the first time in my life that i achieved what i planned in the academic field.
of cos there is also alot of regrets in my results...esp for HCL...i got an A2!!! actually similar things have been happening to me since PSLE, chinese is the subj that im most comfortable with...but PSLE i only got a A for chinese and a PASS for HCL, and now olvls i got a A2 when im suppose to get A1. this taught me that the most comfortable subject is also the most dangerous subject, so as we drill on our more problematic subjects, we must not forget to revised our better subjects.
and now here i am trapped in a dilema...i will be registering for JAE in a few moments, and im still unable to convince myself that im 100% eager to go NJ...its bcos of my friends in SA, its bcos of the culture that ive adapted to. but my mother said to me b4....do you know how many changes does one have to make in his or her life? very true, the world is ever changing and we are adapting to changes everyday...change in time...change in neighbourhood etc.... without changes we will nvr advance, and to succeed one has to change, in a relationship we have to keep changing for the better to suit others...so changing means improving...if we fear changes...if u object to changes, we will bcome ignorant and isolated by the society... i know that im not a mugger but a slacker...and i also know that im someone will little or zero self-discipline...and im easily influenced by others to slack...im very fortunate that i was in xinmin...where out teachers were willing to make the painstaking effort to spoonfeed us and force us to study...so i think i should be in a mugger school, where everyone mugs and hopefully i will be influence to study as well?? so i've decided to put nj as my first choice...if i dun make it there...then it means that the person up there is telling me that SA is the place for me after all.
to mr shou...dun worry if u have a shadow...it means that there's a light somewhere...i hope u understand what i mean...
to mr fu...i always said that u are the miracle worker...and i've always believe that u will prove everyone wrong and prove ur worth...and u did all that yesterday...u've not only shocked me...but the teachers as well. but i hope that u will not continue to use ur intelligence to get through every obstacle...u reallly have to put in more effort to secure ur success, i hope u will chose ur future wisely...if u do go on to a poly...i daresay u have 100% potential to be top 10% so i hope to hear success stories abt u in the papers in the years to come, and dun forget us..."fu lu shou " and our beloved xinmin...i know that many things happened last yr which made us further and made xinmin further...but i believe the brotherhood will nvr end, i will always be around for u two!!
to all those frenz of mine who did well, this is a beginning not a ending...i hope that you will continue to fight on, and always bear the formula X=Q with u all.
to all those who did not do as well as they expected...failure is the mother of success...if u nvr failed, u will nvr understand what is success...so do not be disapointed...do not be discouraged...there is a place for everyone in this world, and all the obstacles we encounter...all the lessons of life we learn, we did it all to find the suitable place for us...to find this other eden that belongs to us only.
so here i wish all xinminians all the best in ur future endeavours and hope that u will forget this place that raised u to who u r today...this place called xinmin secondary school...and i hope everyone will be able to find their eden...be it the modern cities or in the peaceful countryside...we live for ourselves so let your heart lead you and always appreciate the things that happen in life, be it bad or good...its is all parts that forms our own life story...
