11:57 pm

suddenly feel like blogging now. many months has flew past us, and many big and small things have happened, it's very hard for anyone to have no feelings towards it. these few weeks very engrossed in singing"LOL"cos exam period nvr touched the mic at all. i've been how to sing from some choir friends, its abt time i start using the correct method to sing rather my throat, i suddenly realized that im such a lousy singer, high key cant go up, low key cant press, fake voice also like wanna die liddat...haiz long way to go for me, may god bless me.
mid year exam was quite a blow to me, but not that bad bcos i didnt put in even 30% effort in preparing for it. for higher chinese i took it as a joke and wrote a narrative, which when out of point:P, so HCL got C5. chinese lit dun nid to say liao, last minute then study, then its like 31/2 book to memorize, can pass is miracle liao, C6 of cos. humanities always damn weak, especially SS, WORK HARDER, i believe with my teachers help i will improve:] science was a dissapointment, my physics got B3, but my chem got C5. both must do TYS(which i nvr did) to get my A1. A and E maths was quite reasonable, C5 and B3 though not desirable, but i didnt put any effort to revise for the 4 papers, a pass is a blessing already. so to sum it all...THE BEST IS YET TO BE!!!
after the exams was so sian, nvr been so sian in my life i think, cos really nothing to do, study sian, go out also no friend wanna accompany, everyone doing their own things, this boredom is just starting to dissapear now.
suddenly realized that i was always late in life, after a comment made by mr fu that day. its true i nvr know how to be puncture in life, why is everyone walking in pairs, but i am walking alone? its my punishment for being late, but life is cruel, in school u will be forgiven after completing ur punchcard, but is there SLs issuing punchcards in life? there isnt even a clock in life!
the 2006 elections for exco members will commence in mid-july, very early compared to september last year. i think its bcos this years exco is super lousy thats why the teachers wanna get rid of us asap ba. sorry to the other 9 members of the exco, but as a secretary-general i must say we have not lived up to our standards. not mentioning the confusing selection of exco positions, the excos has not lead the board to advance. at first glance i thought that as least we didnt tarnish the reputation of the board, but after a second glance, i feel that the board isnt the student leader board anymore, as least not in the eyes of students.we are nobody but a bunch of disorganized servants, but we continue to deceive ourselves and say we are following the path of "servant leadership". the admin excos(p, 2vp,s-g and t) are not initiating any big programmes, the secretary is not keeping complete record of the proposals and minutes of meetings and the treasurer is not seen collecting any money! the comm heads dun wear tie, ankle socks, tuck out shirts...u name it. nowadays comms are ironically led by sec3s instead of respective excos. but we cant blame anyone, cos just like me, ppl are losing faith in the board, ppl are starting to see a collapsing board. but such a big problem doesnt happen overnight, right from the time we took over the problem has been brewing, but we didnt do anything, or should i say we dont have the ability to do anything cos we dun know how to. but there's still a few months b4 we step down, i believe if we start patching things up, we will give the new excos a better life.
regarding the nominees for elections in year, i am very amazed that the teachers did not asked any SLs for our opinions,and i must say that i am not very happy with the list of nominees. but i'll just sit and watch to see how things will unfold ba.
i dunno when will i blogg again, but i dun think it will be frequent at all, cos now its study time! i must not dissapoint myself. i will live up to my promise to the teachers: TO ENTER THE EXAM HALL WITHOUT ANY REGRETS!!!
