10:59 pm

very tired now, just came back from NJC=D, so i'll write a short one.

nothing much, settled the crosstalk piece with malong. had self study until 3, mrs song gone through our kinematics work, later during self-study, some of the 307 didis and meimeis came over for their log test. haiz, i was near, but i still couldnt bring myself to talk more, still so far apart...its my fault for not taking the initiative, probably i should give up, i dun have much time left b4 my prelims and olvls...haiz

not very happening, just an average day, praticed crosstalk after school for half an hour and went straight home after that and chiong NBA Live 06=P

was told that i was down for english oral practice at 3.30pm when i am dismissed at 1.30!!!!! wth, my whole day, especially morning, was spoiled by this news. so that afternoon had to play tt to kill my time, at 2.30 i left for volleyball, those irresponsible teachers are not around again!! that means i have to pump the balls the next day, what a waste of time! when i went up again after oral, the sec1s were already done and i just went home after this "fantastic" day.
hell day for me.

went to practice our crosstalk again, until 4 plus then took the pump to pump the ball, just to realize that none of the power points in the sports hall is working! hell, so i had to bring all the balls down to the hall and pump=(

morning we performed our crosstalk piece during the morning assembly. later during in class i was surprised to be told that i topped the class for culmulative and loci tests, quite tyco but i will take that as an encouragement to do better. in the afternoon quickly chiong finish physics practical and took cab to NJC with ms sun and malong. my first visit to my dream school NJC! its fantastic, i love their pe shirt, its red=D and i found out that PM Lee was also from this school! the campus was very big and beautiful but abit old, and the main gate is at a very wulu place...then during the crosstalk competition i got to hear many fantastic pieces and i laugh until i stomach pain>D we were the 20th team out of 27 teams and when it our turn, i was already tired already. in the end only 8 teams got into the finals and we were not among them. but its the experience gained that is important, next yr xinmin is sure to win! later mrs fong drove us to hwa chong's restaurant for dinner and took her car back to school.

frankly speaking, i dun feel very bad not winning the competition, but i felt that i could have done better...but nonetheless i must say that we have not failed, we just have not succeed, and it will depend on the juniors now to fulfill our dreams. its my last competition representing xinmin, its hard to say that i am not sad.


11:12 pm

first week of term two was so packed with things! bcos it's xinmin's first arts festival:kaleidoscope. all of us was so busy preparing for it, the teachers were also put to their limit. but i am just glad the 3-day concert turned out well.

first day of school, saw our classroom with a new colour, purple and orange. frankly speaking i dun really like the colour combination but doesnt hate it too, hope the others will like it cos the class really put in lots of effort to paint.we had to move to the temporary classroom bcos our class is not completely finished. amaths lesson i was chased out of the class by mrs song for not doing her hmk:( afternoon went to see mrs ho and ms sun to rehearse our mc script, did terribly bad and was told to go back and memorise my script:(

its the first day of kaleidoscope, we had lessons until 3pm and mrs song gave us lotsa hmk, after that we planned to meet in J8 at 5pm. so roy and i set off for home while ben was still in class. dunno if its i too excited abt kaleidoscope, i reached J8 at 4.30! and i thought i spent a long time at home. so no choice hav to wander around J8 and finally sat down for a drink at mac. everyone was late! roy's bus broke down on the way to MRT(suei arh) so he was late for abt 15min? after that i accompanied him to purchase something special=P at the shop i suddenly realized something disasterous--i forgot to bring my ticket! LOL fancy going for a concert without ticket...so i had to call my mum and she had to make her way down all the way to J8 to deliver the ticket, great thanks to her, i could watch the performance without much problem. pin hui and ma long did very well as MCs for that night, great start for the 3-day. the performance was well done but i didnt watch much cos my eyes was focused on that person on stage. after the perfomance ben and i went to amk coffee shop to eat his favourite minced meat noodles. and that marks the end of this exciting day=)

i could go and watch the performance for free in preparation for my turn as MC the next day. we dismissed quite early that day and i stayed back till 3 plus to finish off all the amaths work. after that i realized that ben was sleeping at the back all the time while i was doing my work, and he had dunno how many times more hmk left than me, so i took out his hmk, lay out the foolscape and took out his pen, woke him up and persuaded him to start work, he was still at the back of the class when i left, hope he did his work. met with roy and yck mrt and when to vch together, the performance was as good as the first day, pity that the choir musical was so short, and i loved the school alumni band's performance.saw her during intermission, walking out with her friends, actually wanted to say hi, but i dunno why the moment i look at her all my guts were gone, haiz. then after the whole thing, saw her leaving with a guy walking behind her, i sense danger but what can i do? lol stay positive always...that night went brandell mac with roy to eat and when home after this tiring day.

its the day for me, and i havent memorize my script at all, die liao die liao...left the school at 12 and started to rehearse as soon as we reached vch, very tiring process bcos both sherina and me could not memorize our script and the teachers were very pissed, i spent the whole afternoon memorising like a mad man, at 6pm i was dead already, lost all my energy and felt so tired, and i regretted not resting, cos later i did a terrible job as a MC...last minute i couldnt anything into my head sherina also had a hard time with her script. almost everytime i went out i made mistakes=(, in contrast i think sherina did much better than me, what a shame i brought onto myself. what touched me most was after the whole thing many ppl still told me that i did well, thanks for making me feel better but i still couldnt forgive myself for the lousy performance. took the bus with one of the asthetic groups, saw her on the bus in front doing funny faces at me(?)after helping the asthetic to move their stuff back to school, i went to have dinner with my mum and went back home to sleep.

came to school at 8.15, had a terrible sore throat. mrs peh was damn pissed off with us today, dunno why also bcos i missed almost the entire class. after that during amaths i was very proud to present a set of completed hmk to mrs song=Dfirst time since a long time ago. during chem mrs raj introduced us to organic chemistry first, after that we had our open book test, spent a messy 30min looking through my unread notes.during chinese ms tee told us abt students leaving the school during chinese lesson bcos the teachers is at vch, this is really an atrocious behavior, the teacher has to be responsible to whatever happened to u during that 1 hour and there's ppl doing these disgraceful things to teachers...during ss we had a structured essay test and i didnt know anything abt that topic, so i happily spent one hour writing crap.chinese lit was slacking time, i spent the whole one hour finding a good position to sleep, and when i finally found one, the bell rang LOL physic practical mrs peh was still angry at us, we did the experiment to find angle of refraction and we plotted a graph of sin i against sin r to find the gradient, which is also the refractive index. after that i went home and sang, which is something i didnt do for a while.

i must still say that i shamed myself on the third day and things like that will not happen anymore, whoever up there, please give me the luck to get my gold in xiangsheng competition and dun let histories during the third night repeat itself...amen...


10:29 pm

its the march holidays and its really very uneventful. i've spent my time slacking and rotting at home...haiz

cant rmb what i actually did...sat morning was late for mdm gwee's lesson, after that stayed back for Art Fest rehearsal, and i was the only MC down there! i had to stand there all by my own and read my unfamilarized script, so malu...went home to slack after a dissapointing day.
sunday we didnt have maths tuition, and early in the morning i went to school to play tt with ang hong, very strange because at the start i win him 3-0 wif no problem, after that i trained some forehand wif him and suddenly i lost to him >10-0!!!!! what a shame!!!!and i went home pondering why i lost so badly.

went to vch for rehearsal, SUPER WASTE OF TIME for us MCs, they didnt do a complete run through of the programme and we were there lost of words. i want to quote from biing yih's msn nick," kaleidoscope: a concert which requires more rehearsal in movement rather than musical performance" i think that hit the jackpot and is very very true, this three day concert is really very poorly planned and the timing is the worst of the worst. hope the group planning it next year will chose better days for the concert, also host it at a better place. i pity the chinese dance gals having to dance on the rough floors of vch, its really a torture...

it's ben's b'day! morning i went to school to play tt with roy, felt very good, after that i went for the briefing on the book handover session, which i will be attending wif mrs low the next day, wif ms tee. at around 3, we went home a got changed b4 we met up at SUPERBOWL, i was sooooo happi with my improvement in bowling, from a 10+ pointer to a 90+ pointer:D i will continue to do better cos i'm getting more and more interested in bowling! after the enjoyable 3 games, i went to the new mac and hougang mall for dinner with my mum and brother, in the midst of eating i met kham pang(i hope its spelled that way) with dylis and gang(lol) we talked about NJC and VJC and how do tackle the Os, i was enlightened much by him and i can say i have more confidence in getting to my beloved NJC now:)

was almost late for my handover session, woke up at 8 and i had to rush to school by 8.20, luckly mrs low was busy that day and we delayed by 5 min, we took mrs low lexus to temasek poly, together wif me were 3 students, steph wangye and wangwei, and i was sabohed by them to sit in the front seat... but the ride was quite relaxing and fun:P at TP we sat and listened to the SUPER boring speeches by the all the ppl speaking, and the best thing was the food, it was super delicious=D and the reporter only interviewed wangye from our school and left out the other SAP school that also came(hehe...)got back to school at around 12 to be told that i didnt have to stay back for rehearsal cos its not 3rd day, so i went through my script wif mrs ho and went home.

whole morning was spent on Learning Journey, a treasure hunt at Kampong Glam, it was quite fun and the best part is the Fu Lu Shou wore the same outfit!lol and at the tomb of the malaya prince, roy escaped death by a bit, a very huge and think tree trunk fell from the sky and hit his legs, if he had taken one step backwards, we will be visiting him in the hospital now, but thanks to the power of the Shou, he was already, really a close shave. in the afternoons i stayed back to paint the class and got my spectacles and clothes all purple:( got back at around 6 and sat infront of the comp, only to receive a message from ang hong that the school hall will be opening from 8 onwards and i was asked to play tt with him, being a tt enthu, i accepted the invitation without any hesitance, as a result, i overstressed myself that night and couldnt move...lol but i enjoyed the tt session even though i lost to ang hong 10-0 again, bcos after that i found back my feel for looping!

woke up very late and rushed to school for rehearsal, only to find out that none of the cca groups needed 3rd day MC...:( we waited till 2+ b4 we met mrs ho and we got together and edited the scripts, went back at 6+ had no energy to do much things already.

woke up at 8 and played nba live 06, roy came at 11 and we finished our english hmk together. after that we headed to school to play tt, only to find the school closed...man i nvr seen the sch close so early b4, after that i felt very very bad and went back home with roy and slack around till 3+ when roy went back. after that i watched naruto will dinner, after dinner i tried to record a few songs but none was passed my myself, so i concluded that its not my day that day and gave up.

holidays ending already, haiz,, what will be installed for me in term 2? how will i do for mid yr? its just around, wish me luck, whoever up there....amen...


9:44 pm

this friday i forgot to blog again! very very sorry, cos i have chinese lit remedial every saturday and i am susposed to memorise one chapter each session, i think i memorize until i forgot everything else:P

i started to use ernest way to sleep, its very simple, every night when u sleep, say this to urself,"body, when i wake up at x am tmr morning, i will have exactly 8 hours of sleep." and miraculous, i didnt dozed off in class for the whole day! it may sound stupid but believe or what, it really worked for me, and i strongly encourage u to try. during assembly i took my english common test, quite hard i think, but i dun think will fail, hopefully? after that during amaths self-study we sorted out our e and a maths file, and i have WSs missing out of the blue, and i turned my room upside down that night still cannot find...looks like the p is going to see me very soon:(

early in the morning ms kuck came and ask me to find her 8 ppl to do ushering duty on wednesday...so last minute! but despite of the late timing, i managed to grab 7 ppl by the end of the day...hehez played table tennis outside my classroom after class, first time i played for so long outside class since sec 2 time(haiz...the good old days...)after that i went for volleyball servicing, to make up for wednesday cos i going for the ushering duty.

went to ngee ann poly at around 12.45pm, saw her walked out of the school with her friends. the group of us told jokes to each other on the bus and b4 we knew it we were at NP, her lecture theatre block was very cool, especially the transparent lift, and the ppl kept selling NP to us lol:D the ushering part was very sian cos very few ppl came and they came in bits and pieces, jasper and i spent the time talking the life after we guaduate and playing stupid games. it was a very tiring day for me thanks for the long hour of standing at the lobby of NP....

the group of SL went to malacca and they all wore home clothes to school that day, and zuyao had branded items from head to toe! (**admiring**) that day was very busy cos i had to rush my EL file, after that roy and i went to cut hair at j and jas, the auntie cut roy's hair and jeffrey did mine, finally cut back the similar hairstyle i had in china, feeling very delighted, i accompanied roy to ang mo to purchase hair wax, saw her at the prata shop. when i got home, my mum kept telling me that my hair looked like hers when she was younger lolxD

its the last day of term 1! HAPPY! but actually the march holidays are not a rest time for me, cos got hmk, programmes and arts festival to juggle. After school roy and i went to hougang mall to buy benedict's b'day present, which lies on tuesday of next week. after looking through every possible thing to buy, we decided to buy a basketball pants for benedict cos he told me b4 that he wants a basketball pants. now we just hav wait to see his reaction on tuesday:)

to whoever up there...its the start of the march holiday, may u bless me with lots of energy to do my work, diligence for me to study and catch up wif my work and luck for every i do and want to be done...amen...


10:24 pm

This week was so fun that i forgot to blog on friday! LOL Mrs Song stopped loading us with with so much hmk,fantastic and we had had lots of free time to play the comp :P

got back my chinese lit test paper, was quite happy with the mark, i finally got a B3 after getting all C6 last yr , mdm gwee finally stopped suaning me for a while. That afternoon assembly was our SL investiture! i got out of class from recess and quickly got changed and went for the final trail run, in the midst of the trail, we realized that SLs from other schools arrived at the hall! and the nine exocs ran down to the conference room to mingle with them. the actual thing started at around 1pm and the ppl forgot to off the stage lights, as a result my candle kept blewing off by itself and i had to relight it 6 times before the fan was off. After that we moved to the library where we introduced the SLB to school representatives and brought them for a school tour. It's my last investiture as a SL and i must say i am very happy that it went smoothly, despite feeling much sorrow. thinking i will be leaving this school and this slb...

roy and i rushed to my house as soon as school ended bcos we were planning to do recording that day. And roy got his voice recorded at my house for the first time, we sang guangliang's dou shi ni together and he sang the "biao bai" he wrote for her. But he arh...dun dare to let her hear his song, to his her, if u happen to drop by and see this article, do visit my music blog and hear the song "biao bai" :)

Had chemistry extra lesson in the afternoon and i used ernest's spidergram to do up a mind-map for Acids, Bases and Salts! Found it very useful. After which i got changed and went for my volleyball training, for some reason all the vb teachers absent themselves that afternoon and i couldn't find them to get the pump, but i went to train the sec 1s anyway

Was very tired today and went home straight away, dunno why la, maybe preparing for the recording session on friday.

today the cca leaders got their newly made badges, it looked so cool sia...envying...but i think we will spend a hard time getting all of them to wear them to wear the badges, luckly my friends and brother did not dissapoint me :) Afternoon had physics practical, after which roy and i went to my hse to sing again, he sang his "hou hui", "ju li" and "qing ren jie", had alot of fun. but he havent execute the plan A :) roy arh roy arh, plz take action b4 its too late man!

I did alot of singing this week and that's the fun part of it, so do visit my music blog for new music :)
