12:23 pm

This week was very fulfilling, basically bcos of the SUPER-TEEN workshop, and that's why i am blogging so late this week.

Roy started to compose lyrics for JJ Lin's Hai Pa, and i gave him some advice, for far the lyrics we compose are all Jay's songs, so it's great to compose JJ's for a change. One of the best lyrics we've composed is "Biao Bai"(Jay's An Jing) you can hear it at my music web http://18733.ok.21cn.com :)
Had investiture rehearsal in the afternoon, quite messy actually, many of the things was no in place, but we still successfully finished the rehearsal, thursday one will definitely be better.

Nothing much really, very sian day, first time since i became a SL, i went back home as soon as the dismissal bell rang and slept at 10.30pm

Morning nothing much. But was very busy in the afternoons, i had volleyball training with the sec 1 girls and also rehearsal for Kaleidoscope:Xinmin Arts Festival. I had to split myself in this two place. Heard the Choir and Band's combined performance, listened to ms ho and ms sun regarding MC stuffs, then went up to train the girls until around 5, then went back home and get ready for SUPER-TEEN, which will be on thursday and friday and saturday, 36 hours+. Recorded roy's Biao Bai and uploaded it onto the net. I'll be the MC for the last day of Kaleidoscope, so do come down and support all the performing groups!

Day 1
Got to know Ernest Wong and his co-speaker Ken. One of the first things they said was, "These three days DON'T study! I want you to DREAM!" this is very true, we have to have dreams so that we can set goals for ourselves. Later they asked how many of us want to have 8A1s, how many want to become millionaires, and i realized many of my friends actually have the same dream and goal i have. After that they talk to us about self-esteem, to success we must have high self-esteem, which means we feel lovable and capable. But i had to leave the workshop for a while bcos of investiture rehearsal, which started one hour late, by the time i came back, Ernest was already half-way teaching us studying techniques, and we sat through the thing until 9+pm which i went home.

Day 2
Ernest taught us how to use our aura power and i realized how powerful is our imagination and realized our inner energy. We were taught how to use spidergrams to study and make notes, and use memory cues to memorize lots of infomation, which i found very useful, now i could memorise about 10 different things in less than 1min! The evening was the climax of the whole programme, Ernest suddenly started to scold us and told us how much our parents loved us and how we toke that for granted, he told us about how we are borned and we badly we are treating out parents and many more stuffs that touched our emotions, that evening i cried as if i nvr did, it was the first time i cried so full of sorrow since primary school.

Day 3
Morning was all memory techniques, afternoon ken proved to us that 95% of the ppl dun wanna succeed in life, and unfortunately i belong to the 95%, but soon i will belong to the 5%! In the evening i had the shock of my life, Ken demostrated to us how he changed Hongyou in a powerful steel rod, and all of a sudden hy's body became straight and still!!!!!! then ken levitated hy into the air and he stayed there!!!!!!his body still straight, then he ask one girl to stand on hy and ken himself sat on hy, but hongyou still remained straight and still!!!!! OMG, i thought, it was fantastic! I really believe how powerful our imagination is, and if we think it will happen to us, very often it will happen. At night some of our parents came and ernest taught us the different type of hugs:D and told us about the sad story of his childhood, some of us cried and later we hugged our parents and it marked the end of the workshop.

I cannot talk to much about the workshop in detail because it is the IP of ERNESCO, but i really encourage the my junior to join this programme when u are in sec 4, it's really enriching! if u wanna know, feel free to ask me in school and i can tell u more, of cos can ask other sec 4 from 403 404 405 and 407!


10:45 pm

For some reason, this week passed very quicky, i hasn't even realize that its already the end of the week! this week was filled with tests right from day one, even though i didnt study, but the pressure was still there...

Planned to have Chinese Lit test, my greatest fear, but Mrs Low spent 1/2 hour during morning to talk about how well we have done for O lvls, so my test was postponed to wednesday. Horray!During assembly we had this Total Defence Day skit which was so entertaining, we laughed out hearts out. But nightmare came after that, with the absence of the teachers, the hall became a place of chaos, this moment a group of 5Ns were throwing shoes at each other, and the SLs had to quarrel with them, the next moment two joker were playing music using a loudspeaker, and Mr Singh had to be called in to help us keep order. Students were throwing things at SLs performing duty, somehow i suddenly thought: we SLs are so weak....

Today we had SS and History test, source-based and structured respectively, and i think i will do badly for both because i didnt study my stuff well at all.(must start to study...) Mrs Song finally stopped A Maths for awhile and start E MAths. Life is wonderful without A Maths hmk! I love E Maths Loci!

Morning we had a CCA Leader Dialogue Session in the AVA room, and the CCA Leaders just kept quiet for the whole thing. We chose Evelyn to be Head of HC and no one gave us any constructive ideas of improving HC-SL cooperation, and some of the CCA Leader were just KPing for the whole session and giving us that KP face, as if he was so great...actually i find some of the CCA Leaders that are really commited very lovable, and i think they are great, but there will always be impurities, unfortunately. In the afternoons i went for VB training with the sec1 gals, delighted to see them improve quite alot, well done!

As usual, we had our weekly A Maths test and today its on Differentiation of Maxima and Minima Word Problems, and it was another 30min of staring for me, ARGH, just cant do well in maths!(how to go JC like this? wth!)Later in the afternoons went for DB meeting and saw a totally stressed-out wenqin, talked with him about JC life and how to prepare for O Lvls and went home at around 6, one of the earliest DB meetings yet.

Early in the morning, alan came and find me told me to go pump the balls that afternoon, and i was like wth...friday not my day i still must do this type of shit work, this encounter with him spoils my entire day...Later we went to Chem lab for practical, it was SO FUN! my chem teacher rox too:D we did a test for CO2 and then the exciting test with Devorade's alloy to get the pungent smell of SO4 i think, there was vigorous bubbling and some table had the hot solution spurting every and eveything was a chaos, but i am proud to say our table managed it very well!:D Later Chinese Lit class, mdm wasnt here and Mdm Chua took over(the old and respected one) her class was so fun, the best lit class i attended! and later chinese test she also invigilated my class, the way she treat the students were very entertaining, it was really a joy to have her around. At 1.30 i went for the interview with the external validators, the atmosphere was very cold and quiet, but we manged to tell him what we really think about the school and it was generally enjoyable. Later i went to pumped the balls and did the remaining of my chi test. After all that, i went wif roy to kovan and bought Jung Chang's Wild Swans.

This week was not very eventful and it passed like a breeze, swift but hardly noticeable, hopefully next week will be better...amen.


11:17 pm

This week was nearly fantastic. Today was the release of the O Level Results! And our seniors did EXTREMELY well compared to last year's batch! i was so excited and happy for them, even though they say X=Q or whatever, it may be true, but what more true is that our seniors are all so brilliant and smart! Wenqin was one of the student with significant progress, he got a 6 after the bonus is calculated, i must say that i am shocked by him. And Ang Hong even better, he got a 3 after bonus! And my debate senior Chloe was the top student! Everyone around me did so well, and i must admit that i am really jealous, how i wished i could do equally well if not better than them this year... But the sad thing is, our % A1 for chinese dropped, last year only one b3 and two A2, but this year we have 4 B3 and 4A2. I think it was bcos of the difficulty of our paper, i must agree that it is very tough and getting a b3 or A2 doesnt mean a lack in chinese standard, i must say that i feel very sad for my friends that just wasnt lucky enough, but what can we do, everything has became facts and life just has to go on, so GOOD LUCK to sec 4 pals for our olvls, and to sec1-3, your EOY exams.

Some statistics...xinmin 4e/s got 100% 6 or less o lvl passes, 99.6% of the students qualified for JC, for subjects like english, we got 60% distinction passes, compared to around 20% last year. We are also value adding in most of the other subjects. So WELL DONE Xinmin, i am so proud of you, and hopefully u will be proud of me too in the near future...

Attended SL meeting early in the morning and found out from yuting the new member of the white shirt system, and was surprised to find many repeat offenders and asked myself, why is it so hard for students of xinmin to tuck in their shirts properly? Its not like asking u to tuck all the way like a nerd, but at least do not let it hang out loosely as if you were just out of bed. It actually makes a person look neater and smarter, why do students nowadays want to look like beggers? But what makes me feel better is the general school population is now better attired, hopefully one day everyone will change their attitude( but i think its impossible...) Mr Singh announced the newly planned late-coming system which i think is very cool: latercomers will take a latecoming slip and return to class, after school they will be detained until 6pm. This is the type if system i like:harsh. xinmin now needs harsh discipline measures to re-inforce discipline, school will become more and more dangerous if more hooligans is around and we cannot allow our students to be influenced by bad companies.

Tuesday morning was quite eventful. i was waiting for junxiang at the keypress, where those white shirt people must report to every morning, and until 7.15am, only a handful came and junxiang was nowhere to be seen, i was so shocked and was wondering what has happened to those white shirt people. As expected, later during the morning assembly, all of them was called out to the front and had an attire check. Mr Ho was on fire that day and made one of them tuck in alllll the way! It may be funny but it is a warning to those students who refuse to be neatly attired: you will be harshly dealt with. Later in class mrs song flushed us with a stream of homework, now my everyday life was filled with A maths and E maths, everyday go home also do maths, I AM GOING TO DIE!

Passed quite fast because i was dismissed at 12.30, then i stayed in class to rush my a maths work, after which i went for exco meeting which ended at 3pm, and relentlessly went for my volleyball training with the sec1 girls, there i realized that i could still set and spike balls! yahoo! but of cos my skill still sucks, but at least i still havent forgotten everything. Out of the coaches order, i made the sec 1s did 100 sit-ups and 50 push-ups, really hard on them to do so many, really feel very evil to have made do it...after all is done i went home expectantly.

After PE was A maths test on Differentiation of Rate of Change, and i spent 40 pathetic minutes staring at my test paper, mrs song's qns was very tough and really dunno how to start, looks like i'm going to fail my amaths again...
That afternoon's DB meeting was the most boring one i have ever attended, and i sat through it while studying for my physics test the next day. Was in no mood to study bcos friday was the release of results and i had a strong feeling that i would get a B3 for chinese.

Mrs Peh was on fire this morning, for god knows what reason, and we spent one period doing her test. Later i spent another one period of mrs song's lesson slacking and day-dreaming. Third period we went to the chem lab for the first time in 2 years and royston and i were busying testing for oxygen by adding Mg to HCL, proving the effects of catalyst by adding MnO2 to Hydrogen Peroxide, and recording effects of temperation by heating whatever and adding whatever(cant rmb that much...) it was fun and i think everyone enjoyed it. After that i totally sat through all my other lessons(lit, SS, HCL) staring into blank, everyone from HCL was every tense bcos of out results.

thats all folks!
