1:26 am

its really been a long long long long time since i blogged, i know i promised to blog often and improve my english but my engine just hasn't started running. Anyway i didn't fail my 2005 EOY English in the end!(which i thought i would fail and had to retain)Thanks to my ORAL!!! it helped to pull my marks up and i passed merely by a few points. Now i've gone through one month as a sec 4 student sitting for the O Levels, without quite realizing how urgent the matter is.I've just wasted one month slacking and playing, which otherwise could be used for intensive revision...i dun think i am very confident about my sec 3 work, which will also be tested during the o'lvls. Hopefully my heart will hear my what my mind whats me to do and start the engine running, or else its all over for my o'lvls and my dream...
today is the 2nd day of the CNY, the past one week was the most terrible week i had as long as i could recall, i simply had so much to do and so little time to do it! my Amaths work, tons and tons of them all falling onto me, yet everyday i could not finish it. Monday was the visit of the Beijing students, so i had to leave class and entertain them, later in the night one of them came over to my house and sleep over, thus the whole of monday was occupied because of the visit of the Beijing students. Tuesday morning, i sent my friend from beijing back to school, he woke up at 6am, which was very early for me, and i had no choice but to wake up too. Lack of rest resulted in a sleepy day and my productivity became very low. Wednesday i had to report for my CCA...volleyball, that day i did not need to pump balls because i was asked to train the sec1 girls that had newly joined, but i took the pump up nevertheless. After that training session i was surprised to find out that i still could play volleyball! after not touching it for abt 1 yr? but obviously, my arms became red after that. I also learned that carelessness could lead to disaster when i left the pump up in the sports hall and happily went home.... Thursday was the best day of the week, even though the lessons were the worst (4 period of Amaths!! plus Amaths Differentiation Test!!) because in the afternoons we had a DB meeting and wenqin came back to join us, after the agendas we play "big fish small fish" until 7 plus. and the pump was still up in the sports hall, unattended... Friday was CNY Celebration and i was the MC, i was given the task very late and my group member could not find a time to meet up and write the script, minutes before the celebration starts, we were still thinking about what to say.... that morning i was so pissed off and stress, firstly6 because of the unprepared MC script, and also because i have not done any of my Amaths work. As i walk out of the AVA room after my morning meetings, my volleyball teacher(blue hse master) walked towards me with the pump and reprimanded me about my carelessness. then i realized that i was really down with my luck that day, to make the day worst, my hse(green) lost to yellow hse by one pathetic point in notice board design... but luckly we still did well as MCs for the day.
After school, i did not go back to my primary school when almost everyone else did, i stayed back for a while to chat with my graduated seniors who came back...man they all look so different, more shuai and chio then b4, i was really shocked by the change in some of them, wonder how will my juniors react when i come back next year...
After all that i meet up wif roy, my classmates planned to watch I Not Stupid 2 later in the afternoons and roy and i are going to join them after out TT session. so i went with him to his hse and i played TT with roy and his sis, first time i played with his sis and oh my god, she's really a pro...or i should say that my skills really poor?
Then we realized that we were PSed by our classmates and our movie session was cancelled, thus i went home in despair and got ready for my late night KTV session.
That night i(my father actually) treated ben, xuyuan, karen and janet to KTV and i sang until i nearly lost my voice...lol we left at 12am and was lucky that the mrt operate till 1am that day.
all all about the past one week, sorry if its very messy, cos i am not very able to write such long personal recounts, will strive to do better! hopefully next week will be a happy week for me...amen!
